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Carbs before a workout

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Now that the days are longer, and warmer, and I work from home most days, I've been trying to get in 3-4 60-90 minute road bike rides in. I know from doing the Atkins Diet that a low level of carbohydrates leads to significant pain in my quads about ten minutes into my ride. I'm trying again to do my first Whole30. My wife recruited me to do the first one with her. This time, not so much. I know it is not Whole30-compliant at all, but I usually avoid the pain problem by hainv a bowl of Grape Nuts with almond milk before a ride. I'm not a position to do a long cooking activity for these rides. I need something I can make and eat quickly. I could cook red potatoes in the microwave, which was a part of my success with the first Whole30 but I don't want to be without enough blood sugar. I am overweight somewhat and, though I don't understand it, a Type II diabetic, though well-controlled. I need so meting that is compliant that will provide adequate carbohydrates. I have not found protein alone sufficient. I already didn't have to eliminate a whole lot of this, since I began Pritikin many years ago. I don't drink soda. I don't eat sugary treats/snacks as a rule. Chips are more of a temptation but I avoid those too most of the time. What can I have for a quick breakfast? Also, what is a Whole30 post-ride replacement for the glycogen in my muscles? I didn't have to worry about this when I was doing 150 miles per week but that was long ago. Thanks for any suggestion.

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I love me some soup for breakfast! And, especially before long hikes or runs or rides, I like to have sweet potato soup to give me some carbs. I make a double batch, store them in mason jars, and freeze them. I pull a few out at a time and simply warm them up for breakfast with some scrambled eggs and maybe some bacon. 

Here's the recipe I love: http://meljoulwan.com/2013/01/02/paleo-sweet-potato-soup/

I also do carbs during my longer hikes, trail runs, and mountain bike rides. I like baby food pouches. If you pick the right ones, you can get between 16 and 20 grams of carbs in a single pouch. I like Serenity Kids and Happy Baby brands. 

For reference, her's an article that may provide additional information: https://whole30.com/whole30-pre-workout-post-workout/. I hope this helps! Best wishes to you! 


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