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Day 11 for a former sugar addict

Spinnin Jenny

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So this is actually my 11th day but I've never posted and thought I'd chime in. Oddly enough, yesterday, Day 10, was my toughest so far. I had a really busy workday yesterday and was trying to take a certification exam AND be on this Whole30. Got through the entire crazy day without any slips so I feel like I can do anything now.

I'm actually pescetarian, a fish-eating vegetarian and honestly do not know how a vegetarian could do Whole30. However, I'm not pescetarian for ethical reasons, I became pescetarian trying to get my diet to a place where I would feel good, energetic, healthy again. I have PCOS and my diet changes over the past few years have helped to lessen some of my symptoms..... hot flashes, constant weight gain, tired all the time, etc. etc. But I haven't slept well for years and feel tired all the time, and I haven't lost weight, just not gaining anymore. I want to have the energy and vibrance I had about 7-8 years ago.

I had a hysterectomy in 2003, leaving an ovary. I started getting back in shape after that and by 2004 had lost weight, started exercising and felt great again. I gradually picked up the exercise, especially cycling, and even raced in 2006 & 2007. But, I got really sick in 2008 and was chronically ill for over a year. I gained over 20 lbs and started having many of the same PCOS symptoms I had before. So, I tried picking up the exercise routine again but wasn't losing weight no matter what I did. I trained for and competed in a Half Ironman and I mean serious training, and I barely lost 5 lbs. Still 20 lbs overweight. Exercise also left me stiff and achey in my joints almost immediately, sometimes before I even finished a workout. In the past year, the stiffness and joint pain has gotten worse, but only when I exercise. If I don't exercise, no pain.

Anyway, that's why I'm here. So far, my sleep has improved immensely. Last Saturday, I woke up in the morning and my first thought was "WOW, it's actually morning!" That's because I slept all night long, something I rarely do, and I woke up feeling rested, not tired and stiff. In fact, I really haven't been feeling the soreness and stiffness that has plagued me for so long. By Day 3 my digestion was normal again too. I'm not sure I've really lost any weight, too much coconut butter (but I haven't weighed!). But, other than a headache the first day, I have been feeling pretty good. Also haven't craved any sugars or pastries.

I could just about keep this diet up after the 30 days if I keep feeling this good. Energy levels aren't at 100%, and I really need to start exercising again but hate the thought of feeling all stiff and achey so I've been afraid to do it, afraid I'll go back to feeling lousy. However, yesterday I needed a break from work and I ran in place, danced around, did jumping jacks, and that would normally have left me feeling really stiff and it didn't. So, I really need to get out there and move.....maybe a walk/run bleachers tomorrow to see how my body reacts.

By the way, has anyone else noticed sweet potatoes are really sweet? As I sat eating a baked sweet potato with dinner tonight, I was thinking it was so sweet it was sinful! I've been addicted to Splenda and other artificial sweeteners for years so I really believed giving them up cold turkey was going to be like taking heroin from an addict. But I haven't missed them. Things that I never knew had a hint of sweetness to them taste really sweet to me now, like nuts. Almonds are incredibly sweet. I never even knew it!!

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Day 11 Log:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with green onions, peppers, garlic, basil, tbsp of sunflower seeds & a heap of salsa on the side

Lunch - 3 salmon patties, baked sweet potato, green pepper slices, 1/2 cup coconut milk with cocoa powder (unsweetened)

Dinner - 3 salmon patties, baked sweet potato, steamed asparagus & a spoon of coconut butter

The salmon patties are basically canned salmon, diced peppers & onions, eggs for binder and a small amount of almond flour to hold them together. I baked them in the oven, cooled them and have kept them in the fridge to heat up whenever I need a quick meal. I made a batch of these last week and they saved me so I made an even bigger batch Monday night to keep me going this week.

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Day 12 Log:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with green onions, green peppers, garlic, basil, 1/2 tbsp sunflower seeds & a heap of salsa on the side


Lunch - 4salmon patties, baked sweet potato, green pepper slices, 1/2 tbsp coconut butter, 1 pear


Dinner - Cauliflower & Shrimp Curry Stew - this is a recipe I modified after doing a recipe search on the forum .... about 15 smallish shrimp, 1/2 head cauliflower, 1/2 diced onions, 1/2 sweet potato, 1/4 cup coconut milk, 1 cup vegetable broth & curry, cumin, red pepper flakes, garlic, salt & pepper to taste. This was yummy!!


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Day 13 Log (yesterday):

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with green onions, green peppers, carrots, garlic, basil, 1/2 tbsp sunflower seeds & a heap of salsa & a side of freeze dried mixed fruit (Crunchies) and another handful of the sunflower seeds


Lunch - Leftover Cauliflower & Shrimp Curry Stew from last night with a side of fresh pineapple I sauteed in a tsp of coconut oil


Dinner - Ordered Chili's To Go - Mango-Chile Tilapia special ordered without the mango vinagrette and habanero sweet orange glaze with broccoli plain and side salad with no cheese or croutons and my own special dressing made with coconut milk & coconut butter


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Hi Andria, I really just threw it together because I don't have any "legal" dressings:

1 Tbsp Coconut Butter (I heated this enough to soften)

1/2 Tbsp Fresh Ginger pureed

Coconut Milk to get the consistency right

Ground Pepper

Pretty simple, and fairly sweet tasting but made a good substitute for a honey mustard or other sweet dressing.

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Day 14 Log:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with green onions, green peppers, carrots, garlic, basil, & a heap of salsa & a side of freeze dried pineapple (Crunchies) ...oh, and coffee, black


Lunch - Tuna Salad with dill pickles and my second batch of homemade mayonnaise eaten with carrot sticks


Dinner - Sweet Potato Fritter (I modified this from a recipe posted by Johnny M) that consisted basically of about a cup of shredded sweet potatoes (raw), 2 eggs, 1/2 Tbsp coconut butter mixed in with the eggs before I dumped the whipped eggs into the sweet potatoes and blended, then 1/2 Tbsp coconut oil to fry these in. Side of Birds Eye Steamfresh Brussels Sprouts (the entire package!)


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Hi Kaleena, I stole the food pics idea from another member, Ann who just started W30 again.

As much as I'd love to, I can't take credit for the pic idea -- I first saw Derval's pics last summer, and they were a great motivator for me, and provided me with lots of inspiration to be creative in the kitchen. But there are a bunch of folks on here who post photos.

Oh, and by the way, I LOVE the presentation of the tuna salad/carrots and the fritter/brussels sprouts (looks like a housewife with rollers in her hair)!! Sweet :)

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Day 15 Log:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with green onions, green peppers, butternut squash, garlic and coffee, black


Lunch - Leftover tuna salad from yesterday with a big side of butternut squash and pineapple sauteed together in a small amount of coconut oil then topped with melted coconut butter


Dinner - Another dollop of tuna salad with a bowl of butternut squash & apple curried soup; celery sticks on the side


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Day 16 Log:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with green onions, green peppers, carrots, garlic, salsa and coffee, black


Lunch - Another dollop of leftover tuna/dill pickle salad with another bowl of butternut squash & apple curried soup; bell peppers on the side


Dinner - I'm on a tuna roll (haha) so I made up a batch of Waldorf Salad with tuna tonight and ate the last bowl of butternut squash & applie curried soup; Crunchies on the side which are freeze dried fruit with nothing else and in this case pineapple; I also ate a spoon of coconut butter


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Day 17 Log:

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with shredded sweet potatoes in coconut oil & ginger, topped with pinapple and coffee, black


Lunch - Leftover Tuna Waldorf Salad with baked parsnip and sweet potato chips (these were good but I learned a few things trying to make them)


Dinner - More leftover Tuna Waldorf Salad with a can of V-8 Low Sodium on the side as soup; Crunchies on the side which are freeze dried fruit with nothing else and in this case fixed fruit

No picture for dinner, I was busy and forgot to take a picture.

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Day 18 Log:

Breakfast - 22 eggs scrambled with green onions, green peppers, carrots, garlic, basil, & a heap of green salsa & a side of banana & coffee, black


Lunch - Leftover Tuna Waldorf Salad with a baked sweet potato topped with some coconut butter & a cup of chai tea with some coconut milk in it


Dinner - Out with family at Outback but I ordered the seafood combo with no seasoning which consisted of grilled shrimp, scallops & mahi and a plain baked sweet potato

No picture for dinner since we were in a restaurant and it would've been distracting. I will say that my daughter really tried to talk me into taking a picture. She thinks I should keep doing W30 when the 30 days are over. She said my skin looks better and I look healthier.

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