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snacking between meals

Patricia H. Rushford

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My husband and I started whole10 on Dec 31. We were already eating primarily paleo so eating only the accepted foods has not been a problem. My problem is feeling the need to eat between meals, especially in the evenings. I can't seem to alter my bad habit. The food is okay--usually nuts and a little fruit, but I would love to manage an evening without feeling like I have to eat something.

Does anyone else have this problem? And if so, what answers/solutions do you have?

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Maybe you should plan to eat 4 meals instead of 3. That means you can eliminate snacking, but still avoid hunger. It is better to eat protein, fat, and veggies anytime you are hungry rather than fruit or nuts. I ate 5 to 6 meals per day when I first adopted the Whole30 approach to eating.

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I think you have to look at why you're eating especially in the evening. Are you actually hungry? I mean if I offered you plain fish and broccoli would you eat it. If the answer's 'yes', then eat more at each meal. If the answer's no, is it a craving or a habit? If it's a craving, the good news is that psychologists have proved that cravings only last about 5 minutes, so distract yourself. Go tidy a drawer, clean your teeth, sort out your clothes for the next day......anything that get's you doing and focussing on something else. If it's a habit, then don't feed it, all you're doing is reinforcing it. Try to break behaviours surrounding that habit. If for instance, you want to eat something when you settle to watch TV, then either read a book instead or sit in a different chair or take up knitting, crochet or sewing. Trust me if there's yarn or material in your hands, you don't want to ruin it by eating at the same time :)

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Thanks for the advice. I eat more than enough meals. I think it is a habit. And probably stress related. I knit/crochet in the evening while we are watching tv--I get up often and drink herbal or decaf tea. So far these distractions don't work. And, having a little something doesn't satisfy, even if it's protein/fat. So it's an ingrained behavior and I am trying hard to work through it. Hopefully.... :-)

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