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No sugar added Chocolate chips


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Hi all, 

I understand “chocolate” is not allowed and I get the Whole30 rules. But over the long term after being strict for my 30 days going forward I’d like to still limit my sugar intake and follow the “lifestyle”.I found these semi-chocolate chips from Hu. The ingredients are as follows:

Organic fair-trade cacao

Organic dates

Organic fair-trade cocoa butter

Organic fair-trade vanilla bean

No dairy, no stevia, no added sugar, no sugar alcohols

Would this be Whole30 “approved” since cacao is now 100% approved on Whole30?






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While the ingredients individually are compatible with the Whole30, there is no food item/creation that would be compatible with the Whole30 that uses chocolate chips of any sort. If you're using these in your food freedom, great. If someone is doing a Whole30, these would be a no. 

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