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Meat crust quiche


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I have never been totally crazy about quiche, but I saw this recipe and decided to give it a try and it was delicious! http://paleomg.com/meat-crust-quiche/

I used ground beef instead of sausage (I have yet to find compliant sausage....*sigh*) and I seasoned the ground beef with salt as well.

We have been getting kind of sick of egg stuff, but for me, this puts enough of a spin on it and is extremely good. Opens a realm of possibilities! (Still can't totally wrap my head around leftovers for bfast...I'm sure I will get there by 30 days though haha :) )

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That looks really tasty and like it would be very satisfying.

There are recipes "out there" for seasoning ground pork to make sausage. From what I've seen, it looks like a pound of ground pork takes a tablespoon (total) of spices.

Penzey's has various sausage seasoning mixes. They contain noncompliant ingredients but since they very helpfully list everything in the mix, you could just make up your own mix of the spices (omitting the dextrose, sugar, etc.). It doesn't tell you quantities but I feel like "how bad could it be" to start with sort of equal amounts and then adjust next time.


Just a thought! :)

Thanks for the meat-crust quiche recipe!


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