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First WHOLE30+, I'm going for a new lifestyle, new look on food, new me!


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I started the Whole30+ (I say "+" because I do not want this to be a quick 30 day fix, I want a new life style and relationship with my food!, Right now I live to eat, but I want my mind set to switch and stay as eat to live) on February 6, but feel as though I have been not eating enough at breakfast and lunch, causing me to binge/snack a lot at night time. Starting tomorrow I'm going to start fresh, cut down on my nut and nut butter consumption as I feel these are easy for me to overeat, as well as add more protein and fat to my breakfast and lunch in hopes of putting a halt on evening snacking! I am very critical on myself and the food I eat, which leads me to under eat and then binge.. But no more! Tomorrow (or more so right now) marks a fresh new start, where I will not feel bad for eating lots of nourishing, fat and protein healthy food when I feel my body needs it!

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Woke up around 830 this morning, packed everything up and went straight to the gym for 20 minutes sprints/jogging intervals then some incline walking for a total of 30 minutes, followed right after at around 10 with breakfast --> 3 egg scramble with spinach, mushrooms, onion, and half an avocado! Lunch before my lab class at 1230 --> bowl of chill with half an avocado, and a small salad topped with one mashed boiled egg and mustard.. got full before I finished since I ate breakfast at 10 which caused me to become hungry at 430 so instead of snacking (which I am terrible for) I instead made a "smaller portions" meal which was the rest of the salad with a few pieces of sweet potato and half a can of salmon. I will likely be having supper around 7 or 8 tonight.. my meals were a little messed up today due to my slow start to the day, was I right to add in a smaller portioned meal at 430 rather then snacking?!

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Success! Although I ended up having four meals yesterday, I did not feel the urge to snack or binge at all last night and woke up feeling great this morning! I even had to bake and decorate dozens (yes, a TON) of valentine's day cupcakes and was able to abstain from even having a little nibble without much effort.. Feeling awesome! Anybody know if I should just increase my protein/fat at each of the three meals a day or have four meals instead since that worked so well yesterday!?

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