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Starting over... Again! And Tiny houses!

Breanna Smith

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Happy Valentine's Day, all! Or for those who don't celebrate... celebrate with me, as it's my 26th birthday, too!

My birthday present to myself: Starting a whole30 today. I had a grain-free delicious birthday cake yesterday, recipe courtesy of Deliciously Organic, but I'm ready to give this another shot. I recently got a fitbit and I've been a walkin' foo since then (averaging 12,000 steps a day), and I'm ready to incorporate healthy eating in my life again. I've almost made it before, but I always stall out around the 2 week mark. Most recently it was during the January whole30, but then my boyfriend got a job in Sonoma, CA at Tumbleweed Tiny House Company (his dream job) and in the midst of moving from Oklahoma to California, my whole30 went to hell.

BTW, if you visit www.tumbleweedhouses.com today, you can read about my boyfriend's and my tiny house love story! Tumbleweed houses brought us together. It'll be posted on the blog in an hour or two. Also, check out the houses if you're there. Tiny living!

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Thank you, everyone! We're very excited about our future tiny house, as well. We're planning on building a modified Fencl, if anyone wants to check out the buildings on the site. Tumbleweed has workshops across the country, too. We loved tiny houses, and specifically Tumbleweed, for years before this (as you can tell if you read the blog post), so it's a dream come true to be working at the company ourselves. It's wonderful to be doing something you believe in, rather than just for the paycheck.

My precious boyfriend is doing the Whole30 with me, but he forgot for a minute and grabbed some office Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. He only ate the one, though, after I puppy-eyed him. He gave the rest of the sleeve away. That's real love.

Tiny House Listings is another awesome site for checking out tiny places for sale. I love them so much!

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Good morning, all. It's my second day. I did pretty well yesterday, but I will say I accidentally put sriracha on my breakfast before I later remembered it was non-compliant. I'm not going to start over though, because while I do have an addiction to sriracha, it has nothing to do with the sugar content. I would have been just as pleased with a jalapeno!

This morning, I'm having left over ground lamb with cilantro "rice" over spinach, with garlic olive oil, flame raisins, and pepitas. Also lemon la croix, and a crio bru mocha (crio bru with ground coffee in a french press) with coconut milk and cinnamon. NOM NOM.

I've noticed I've been super hungry the past couple days. It's not TOM, it could be the lots of walking I'm doing. Even after a filling dinner of acorn squash stuffed with ground lamb, 3 hours later (9:30), I was noticeably hungry. Then I woke up at like 5 am with hunger pangs too. I eat a metric ton of food everyday, so I'm not sure what the issue is. I'll just keep soldiering on.

I hope everyone had a great V day!

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Good afternoon, whole30ers. It is 2:02 PST, and I just finished my delicious lunch. I made Wild Planet salmon salad with lemonaise, dill, raw homemade sauerkraut (which was more sweet than "sauer"), and kalamata olives over parsnip mash. It was a little too similar texture-wise, I think a salmon filet or salmon cakes would have been better, but flavor-wise, it was great.

I've walked 12455 steps so far today! I love hiking! I got some gently used Barefoot Minimus shoes off ebay and they arrived today. My feet feel great... normally I wear vibram fivefingers, and I've been getting some swelling on the bottom of my foot under the second toe. I'm not sure what it is, maybe just over use, but it could be bursitis or tendonitis or something. It goes away after a day or two with varied use of shoes and the like.

So my goals for this whole30: Uh, to finish, first. After that, I'd love to see my skin clear up. I've been having rashy eczema symptoms on my chin and face recently. I have starting reading the "Skintervention Guide" and have started implementing some of the tips (obviously the diet!) in terms of body cleansing and the like. I would also obviously love to lose weight, but considering I've been at a "set point" for a while, I'm going to try not to freak out if I don't lose any.

My boyfriend has been having severe flaky scalp for a few months, so I'm really hoping the whole30 helps him with that. He doesn't have a weight issue at all. I hope we can pinpoint a trigger food for his symptoms after whole30 during reintroduction. Anyway, so far so good!

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Day Three. WHAT UP!

Today's going to be a little stressful. BF and I are beginning our 2nd of 3 planned moves. We just moved from Oklahoma a month ago, have been staying in the upstairs bedrooms over a home office for the company, and now are moving into a 5 bedroom house the company is putting us up in until the completion of our TINYYY HOUUUUSE! We're planning to begin construction in April, with completion in May, so it'll be a few months of living with other people the company chooses house with us. I'm an introvert, so this is basically the worst living situation ever for me. I am stressed to the max. I hate moving anyway, but moving THRICE in 4 months? Toooo much. Plus we'll be living with people I don't know, sharing bathrooms, etc... an introvert's nightmare. Oh well. If all goes as planned (it rarely does...), we'll have our own spot in just a couple months. My tiny kitchen and my tiny bay window and my tiny bathroom! :)

Despite all that and moving boxes constantly since 8 am this morning, I forced myself to eat a mashup of tuna, compliant mayo, and japanese sweet potato. My body will thank me later, I'm sure. So will my boyfriend! Ha! Good luck to you all today!

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