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First Sunday of Lent


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I was feeling so good (read self righteous) about how well my first week had gone and felt bad and somewhat smug informing my Whole 30 buddy that the gum she'd been chomping on all week dictated a Whole 30 reboot.

Who says God doesn't have a sense of humour.... when moments after communion I realized I'd just injested my first wheat in well over a week....but it was such a small amount...and it was a religious requirement but in my heart I knew I just got my self righteous smug arse kicked.

For the record that little bit of wheat resulted in bloating, intestinal cramps (HAVE YOU SEEN HOW SMALL THOSE WAFERS ARE?!) Had I not experienced it I wouldn't have believed it.

On the upside I don't have to think hard about what I'm giving up for lent this year. :)

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Hi, sorry to hear you felt rough. I guess gluten's one thing you won't be reintroducing in a hurry :). So many people nowadays are gluten imtolerent that many churches provide a gluten free wafer if you ask them. It might be worth doing that for the future. good luck

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If you are Catholic, you should ask your pastor if they have gluten-free wafers. Or you can ask to simply receive the Sacred Blood (wine). I'm not sure about whether other Christian denominations have this, but I know that more and more Catholic churches are doing this now, since not taking Communion is never a desirable thing--but neither is getting sick! :) Giving up Communion for Lent seems to be contradictory, in a spiritual sense. Good luck!

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That is so Awesome. :rolleyes: I've already let my friend know about the venial rather than mortal nature of her gum offence (yep - Catholic). I will ask about GF wafers this week because I was wowed by how profound my reaction was. Thanks everyone for your insightful suggestions. As for giving up communion for Lent I actually meant I'd be giving up the non Whole 30 foods - although I prefer to think that rather than giving up I'm trying to be a better steward of the temple.

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That is so Awesome. :rolleyes: I've already let my friend know about the venial rather than mortal nature of her gum offence (yep - Catholic). I will ask about GF wafers this week because I was wowed by how profound my reaction was. Thanks everyone for your insightful suggestions. As for giving up communion for Lent I actually meant I'd be giving up the non Whole 30 foods - although I prefer to think that rather than giving up I'm trying to be a better steward of the temple.

AWESOME mentality! I started my WHole30 on the 4th, just before Lent began, and I, too, see it as a Lenten practice, but much more spiritual. God gave us this body! We should treat it as a temple! Good luck! BTW--I've noticed that prayer REALLY helps with food temptations! (and all the rest, natch!)

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