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EVERYONE should read this!

Kenneth Sarnoski II

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I am not sure of the appropriate place to post this.. If it can be moved somewhere else where more people can read it, please move.. Thx!

Please take the time to read this article, as it also explains what our food industry is doing to us humans. It is a long read so take some time to read it after work.


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This is a long and apparently well-reseached article. For those who have done a lot of food research none of it will come as a surprise but I found it a good reminder of the horror of the choices we are making as a culture.

Here's a quote that struck me:

"There's no moral issue for me," he said. I did the best science I could. I was struggling to survive and didn't have the luxury of being a moral creature. As a researcher, I was ahead of my time."

--Howard Moskowitz, scientist who worked on the bliss point in the creation of processed foods.

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Absolutely fascinating artice. The BBC did a series of programs called "The Men Who Made Us Fat" which covered some of this but also looked into 'supersizing' and why fat was demonised instead of sugar. Last time I looked they were still available on Youtube. Well worth watching.

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This quote stuck out to me, " To counteract the “fear of letting oneself go,†he suggested repacking the chips into smaller bags..."- Ernest Dichter

Just shows that they are not trying to help American's with their gluttony, but deceive them!

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