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Final Days Food Log


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I am down to the final days of my first Whole 30 - only 7 days to go! I have been a bit frustrated about my results (no "magic" feeling, clothes fit the same, not awesome sleep) so in an effort to make these final days my best days yet, I want to do a food log. Please give me some feedback if there is anything I should tweak! Thanks.

Day 22

Meal 1 - baked coconut crusted chicken breast with 2 TBS paleo mayo

Meal 2 - baked coconut crusted chicken breast with sweet potato and 2 TBS paleo mayo

Snack (4 hours later) - banana with 2 TBS almond butter

Meal 3 - baked coconut crusted chicken breast with sweet potato and 2 TBS paleo mayo

As you can see, I ate chicken, chicken and MORE CHICKEN this day... most of my days aren't like this, but it was all I had in my fridge and this was a very busy day! Tomorrow you will see much more variety featured in my food log.

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What Tom said. Plus I gave up coconut (not the oil, but the flesh, butter, and milk) because it seemed to digest slowly and make me feel heavy. And I had read some threads of other people feeling the same way, and with plenty of other flavors/textures available to me I don't even miss it and feel like my digestion is more efficient, which for me, is the key to more energy and/or weight loss.

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Thanks for the feedback! Here was yesterday (more veggies included!)

Day 23

Meal 1 - 2 eggs served over a sweet potato with 1 tsp coconut oil

Snack 1 (3 hours after meal 1 due to low blood sugar) - cashew cookie larabar, 1 cup diced pineapple

Meal 2 - 1/2 lb ground pork cooked with 1 cup cooked spinach, 1 cup tomatoes and 1 cup artichoke hearts

Snack 2 (3 hours after meal 2) - 20 almonds

Meal 3 - 1/2 lb hamburger over a bed of lettuce

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If meal 1 had more veggies and more fat you maybe could have skipped the larabar and pineapple. And supposing you still needed that snack (and the afternoon snack of almonds) a mini meal of protein+veg+fat would be ideal. Example: cold chicken+carrots+olives. Fruit and nuts are best as part of a meal that already fits that template, say chopped pecans and dried cranberries added to a chicken salad served over vegetables, but eaten on their own between meals are probably what is standing in the way of feeling "the magic".

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Thanks for the tips, Moluv! Sometimes the snacking can be out of my hands if my blood sugar dips, but I'll try to incorporate your suggestions in my final days. Here is how I did over the weekend:

Day 25

Meal 1 - 3 scrambled eggs with 2 cups spinach cooked in 1TBS olive oil and a banana

Meal 2 - 2 chicken and apple sausages over a bed of lettuce sprinkled with 1 TBS olive oil with an apple

Meal 3 - Asian-Style ground turkey lettuce wraps with pineapple sauce and avocado

Snack - 1/2 cup raisins

Day 26

Meal 1 - 2 scrambled eggs over a bed of spinach with a chicken apple sausage, 1 TBS olive oil

No Meal 2, but did have a snack of a Larabar and an apple

Meal 3 - 1/4 lb hamburger with broiled pineapple and onion on a bed of spinach with 1 TBS olive oil

4 more days!!!

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Day 27

Meal 1 - 3 scrambled eggs with 2 cups spinach and 1 TBS olive oil and 1 Cup Strawberries

Snack (4 hours later) - banana

Meal 2 - 1/4 lb hamburger on a bed of lettuce with 1 TBS mayo, 2 TBS guacamole

Snack (3 hours later) - 20 almonds

Meal 3 - turkey burger cooked with green chilis and onion, 1 cup sauteed chayote, mango, 2 TBS guacamole

Feeling great!!!!

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Day 28

Meal 1 - chicken and apple sausage over a bed of spinach with 1TBS olive oil

Meal 2 - turkey burger with green chilis and onion over a bed of spinach, 1 TBS olive oil

snack (3 hours later) - banana bread larabar

dinner - almond-crusted chicken breast cooked in 2 TBS coconut oil over a bed of spinach with olive oil and lemon

Felt EXHAUSTED by the end of the day and slept horribly (I think it's hormones...) and had an insane dream about being off-plan and going to a baby shower, eating a "not special" store-bought cookie and feeling extremely guilty. Even felt guilty when I woke up. But then, I realized it wasn't true... I'm not off plan yet, and never have to eat anything that doesn't feel special!!!

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Day 29

Meal 1 - 3 scrambled eggs with 1 TBS Olive Oil, 2 Cups spinach, 2 TBS guacamole, 5 strawberries

Meal 2 - chicken apple sausage over a bed of spinach with 1 TBS olive oil and a small apple

Snack - (3 hours later) 20 almonds and 3 dates

Meal 3 - 1/2 lb hamburger stuffed with artichokes, shallots, sun dried tomatoes (YUM!!!!) served over baby spinach

ONE DAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then, a delicious glass of wine or a beer (haven't decided which yet!)

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Meal 1 - 2 scrambled eggs with spinach, artichoke, shallots and sun-dried tomatoes

Meal 2 - beef short ribs over a bed of spinach with chopped apple

Snack - 20 almonds and 1 date

Meal 3 - grass-fed beef burger over a bed of lettuce with mixed veggies and pineapple, 1 tbs olive oil

Celebration "Dessert" - 2 dates

AND WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 pounds lighter (and a much better body composition), drastically less insulin (I'm a type 1 diabetic), and clearer skin = one happy, converted-paleo-forever woman. :P

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