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When I started my Whole30 on 2/4, I had INSANE sugar cravings. In fact, a few days before I started, I awoke with the strongest craving for glazed donuts! I went out, bought 12, and immediately ate 4.

Yeah. I was out of control.

Since starting the Whole30, I must say I am amazed at how my sugar cravings have all but disappeared. Like, overnight! I don't know if it's all in my mind, or what, but I feel great!

Here's the thing, though. My CHEESE cravings are ridiculous.

I love cheese. I want to put it on everything. I want that cheesy, creamy consistency, and I miss it!

What is up with that? Do those ever go away?


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From one cheese lover to another. Yep, they do go away. But give it a bit of time. and if you like eggplant - heck even if you don't - I don't normally like eggplants either. Try Well Fed's Eggplant Strata. It has the concept of cheesey meaty goodness, and in fact you would swear there was cheese in it. It is really very good.

I had to unfortunately kiss my dairy good bye after my whole 30. I didn't miss milk. Was never a milk drinker. But I missed my ice cream and cheese. Ice cream I have found a substitute for it. And I have found that olives and eggs have taken place of my cheese. Olives are those salty tasty nuggets that cheese is. Even has that slight creamy texture. So while I still miss cheese - I don't miss it that much anymore. Especially since it does all kind of nasty things to me. :(

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I'm with you, Carlaccini! I miss Ice Cream, too. What substitute did you find for that?

I'm hoping dairy doesn't end up doing a number on me, but we'll see. And then I'll have to weigh the costs.

Already, I've discovered that after one slip up with wheat, my lymph nodes swelled up! That scared the heck out of me so much, I am afraid to try wheat again!

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I have few kinds of cravings, but the ones I have don't go away. I did two Whole30s so far and I'm 50-something days into a Whole100. I love the food, but what I crave, I crave every day. It's a psychological craving now, and I've rebuilt my life so that I don't have any way to include it, but it hasn't gone away. The only thing that keeps me from caving is restructuring my life and knowing that I will feel horrible if I feed the craving. (I mean literally, physically horrible.)

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wow. Thanks, Amy. I guess it just depends on the person.

I think that's true - also, it may depend on how addictive the, err, substance was in the first place. I say substance because my particular craving-that-stays is junk pure and simple. Lots of sugar and preservatives. It's not like I craved the chance to, say, grow my own wheat and make my own flour and create my own fresh pasta or something. Heh.

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