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Q about amount of fat


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I am wondering if cooking in coconut oil counts as your fat for the meal or do I still add fat after cooking? For example, lunch today was carrot soup (sautéed in coconut oil and contained coconut milk and broth) with a few ounces of ground beef ( 85% lean sautéed in coconut oil). Do I still add 1/2 avacado on top or is this amount sufficient? Thanks

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I don't know the technical answer to that question, but I find that I kind of have to eat much more fat at each meal than I would ever imagine, in order to keep my digestive system running appropriately (and that is all I will say about that!!) and in order to stave off between-meal hunger. This may not be totally approved, but my body seems to do really well when I eat some avocado AND some mayo in the same meal. Yep.

I tell you, this way of eating is a mind-blower, compared to all the low fat messages we've all received. Shocking.

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