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limejuicy's W30: 6/19 to 7/18


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Harley - ha, I don't know if it's cooler, I just tend to babble a bit. :)

Day 4

AWESOME day. Don't ask me why, I just feel awesome.

pre-WO: handful of almonds

WO: 21-15-9 of: power cleans, pull ups, waiter lunges (each leg). plus, after each set, 80 DUs or 240 singles (I had to do singles). 23 min and change. Cash out: 40 35# kettle bell swings and then "bird pickers" x20 each leg

post-WO: grilled chicken strip and carrots

Meal #1: I finally did breakfast RIGHT. I was full until 2pm. Hash of garlic ground beef, spaghetti squash and leftover grilled veggies + two eggs - all fried in coconut oil. Plus some of those killer nuts I mentioned yesterday.

Meal #2: 2 hard boiled eggs.

Meal #3: I made this jicama salad, except that I forgot to pick up an orange and of course I had extra lime juice on mine. It was amazing! I hope it's stil that good tomorrow. I sauteed up some shrimp in coconut oil w/garlic and seasoned with chili powder, cumin, cayenne, salt and pepper. Super yum dinner.

I'm pretty sure I'll be having some peaches with coconut butter later. ETA: did NOT have anything after dinner after all. I was actually full.

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Day 5

great food day! though, I have to admit, I paused a little too long and stared longingly at the leftover containers <-- yes containerS of Ben & Jerry's in our freezer.

Meal #1: leftover spaghetti squash w/sausage tomato sauce and probably too much coffee

Meal #2: left over shrimp on greens w/salsa and EVOO, strawberries w/ coconut butter

Meal #3: carne asada using this marinade, garlicky but good! with jicama salad (oranges added - they are great!), grilled jalapenos and a big pile of guacamole (avocado, cilantro, diced jalapeno, pinch of garlic salt, lime and salt to taste). Yes, we are jalapeno fans.

Dessert is planned - strawberries and coconut whipped cream. This will be my first attempt at that.

totally missing wine right now....

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Totally over ate yesterday! The food was so good, and I was in the holiday spirit, so I just ate. and ate. and ate. I was still uncomfortably full when I went to bed. Couldn't even think about going to the gym this morning either. Gotta work on that whole psychological food thing a bit more.

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still hangin' in there ! but I don't remember what I ate yesterday...though I do remember I binged on way too many nuts. :( oh, I made PaleOMG's amazing smokey bacon chili, which is one of my favorite things to eat. YUM.

Today has been better, I'm dying for a glass of wine though. Heading to my in laws tomorrow for a cookout, and I'm 50% sure I won't cave and have a drink. Ha! Whatever I choose though, I'm not starting over again because of wine. It has never been my focus of this - which is all about sugar.

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Day 7 (yesterday)

Meal #1: two eggs w/garlic ground beef

Meal #2: PaleOMG smokey bacon chili w/an avocado

Snack: small fruit smoothie and a Nick's Stick

Meal #3: Two Applegate Farms organic grass fed hot dogs wrapped in lettuce leaves with grilled peppers and guacamole. Some greens too.

Later - I drank some coconut water and had a couple of spoonfuls of coconut milk.

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Day 8 (yesterday)

Meal #1: 2 eggs w/left over carne asada and grilled peppers. Cinnamon coconut whipped cream w/banana. black coffee.

Meal #2: smoked salmon on greens w/lemon juice/EVOO. more coffee.

Snack: in preparation for dinner party where there will be no W30 approved appetizers - applegate farms hot dog wrapped in lettuce

Meal #3: grilled lamb, portobello mushrooms, bell peppers, onions and salad (MIL made a W30 approved dinner! WIN!) Even the marinades/sauces/dressings were all made by her w/no sugar. 2 glasses of wine. Decaf coffee and fresh cherries.

stomach feels a little weird this morning, we will see how it goes. I had entirely too much coffee yesterday, but anytime I am cranky and I can't eat chocolate, I turn to coffee to make myself feel better. I don't know if that is good or bad....

interesting observation, I woke up to a plantar fasciitis flare in one foot. coincidence, or wine related??

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Has to be wine related! J/K

Interesting point you bring up with coffee. I see it is wildly debated here on the forums, as well over on the crossfit forums. When you talk about psychological effects coffee must have an effect for those of us that have been drinking it since we were young. But much like your wine comment earlier, comes down to your own personal goals. At the end of the day I believe we are all masters of our own culinary fate.

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I have been a coffee addict since the age of 16. I actually consider it a win that I have weaned myself off of 4 shot mochas 2x a day and am down to just black coffee or iced black coffee 1 or 2x a day. I love the taste, I love the experience and all of the memories associated with coffee, so it's definitely one of those things that I will always have in my life, and it's why I ignore all the coffee debates. ;)

BTW, I totally know the wine is at fault for how I feel today. What a bummer. I was so sure that it wouldn't do anything to me. That's two of my fave things now that mess me up - sugar and wine. Boo.

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Day 9

a little heavy on the fat today...

Meal #1: 2 eggs and 3 strips of bacon, cocoa coconut milk w/1 banana

Meal #2: leftover chili

Snack: handful of cajun almonds

Meal #3: applegate farms wrapped in lettuce w/avocado and DELICIOUS sweet potato chips fried in coconut oil. why didn't I make more than 1/2 a potato??! Later, strawberries w/cinnamon coconut milk

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Day 10

Meal #1: crazy skillet thing of: applegate farms hot dog, 2 eggs, shredded sweet potato, peppers and onions

Workout: My foot is killing me today, so no CrossFit. But I did workout at home with sets of handstand holds, plank holds, push ups and sit ups.

postWO: couple pieces of prosciutto and some baby carrots

snack: Nick's stick

Meal #2: grilled chicken and some snap peas dipped in guacamole

Meal #3: Made this KILLER adobo chicken that someone posted on the recipe board here. Subbed coconut aminos for the soy sauce and had it with a big salad of greens, roasted golden beets, carrots, avocado, jicama and lemon juice/EVOO.

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interesting observation, I woke up to a plantar fasciitis flare in one foot. coincidence, or wine related??

That is interesting! Besides just doing this for overall health, I'm really hoping that lowering systemic inflammation will help with the PF. Mine started after a summer of triathlon training back in 1995 or so and I've never really been able to get rid of it. I've tolerated it for years, but finally dedicated myself to resolving it. All my MD has recommended is anti-inflammatories and obsessive stretching. But I don't think that's enough, so the change in nutrition is my personal plan of attack.

So - don't mean to hijack your thread - just caught that comment and hope that it has cleared up for you. Love your log as well! Great ideas for meals and love the commentary. :)

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Nina - I loved it so much, I'm trying to think how I can get it to translate to other meats!

ciscospice - I hope you see some relief. Are you doing a Whole30 right now? My foot is feeling better, but not 100%. So far, both times I've cheated (once with soup containing sugar) and the wine, I had some immediate physical side effects, which I find both interesting and disappointing. Ha!

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Day 11

Alright, really need to buckle down and address the snacking....pretty sure I've said this before. At least I'm snacking on approved items, right?

preWO: hand full of raw almonds

WO: Grace (30 C&J) - 45#, 2 min rest, then: 3 rounds of 12 ring dips, 12 knees to elbows, 12 medicine ball abmats (15#)

post WO: grilled chicken and carrots

Meal #1: Applegate farms hotdog wrapped in lettuce, two hard boiled eggs (in the car meal)

Meal #2: Left over drumstick and jicama salad w/limejuice and avocado

snack: banana and cinnamon coconut milk and some nuts

Meal #3: Rotisserie cornish hens (holy sh#t, these were amazing. My husband is the BBQ master!), green salad. To be honest, I wasn't very hungry due to the snacking, but once I tasted that meat, I had to have some!

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Are you doing a Whole30 right now? My foot is feeling better, but not 100%. So far, both times I've cheated (once with soup containing sugar) and the wine, I had some immediate physical side effects, which I find both interesting and disappointing. Ha!

I just started yesterday - so only two days in. I've been "off" my foot since the second week of June, but have not been as off as I probably should have been. I'm hoping to resume running by the end of this month (very, very careful running), so I'm hoping that the time off, clean eating and the stretching will deter future injury. Let's hope so!!!

and you reminded me that I've run across at least two recipes for amazing rubs on chicken drumsticks that I have to make to stash in the fridge as emergency proteins. Adding that to my "to do" list.

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Day 12

still fighting the "I'm bored" snack demons...and my coffee addiction.

preWO: handful of raw almonds

WO: 5x5 back squat increasing weight each set. Ended at 95#. Then: 12 min AMRAP of 15 pull ups, 40 Russian twists (10# med ball), 15 calf raises. 5 rounds completed.

postWO: grilled chicken and carrots

Meal #1: big pile of stuff in a skillet again - onions, peppers, sweet potato, Applegate farms hot dog, 1 egg. couple spoonfuls of coconut cream w/handful of blackberries. Iced black coffee x2.

Snack: Larabaaaaar

Meal #2: smoked salmon salad w/lemon juice & EVOO

Meal #3: My first time making/eating curry. Used the recipe in ISWF basically. Chopped up a TON of veggies: broccoli, red & green bell peppers, carrots, onions, zucchini, snap peas. Sauteed those in coconut oil and garlic. Reserved. Simmered coconut milk w/2 tbsp of Thai Kitchen red curry sauce, then added raw shrimp. Once cooked, served over veggies. Next time, I'll be adding a couple of serranos. I need some SPICE in my life.

I reeaally hope I can stay strong tonight and not have fruit!

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Day 13

Meal #1: 2.5 hardboiled eggs (in the car) and handful of blackberries. Iced americano.

Meal #2: leftover cornish hen w/leftover veggies from last night's curry dipped in coconut aminos. 1/2 c of coconut milk. larabar (dammit).

Snack: Nick's Stick, herbal tea

Meal #3: grilled pork chop w/greens, peppers, jicama w/lime juice & EVOO. A few sweet potato chips fried in coconut oil. 1/2 cup whipped coconut cream w/cinnamon and cocoa powder and a banana

I'm still eating dessert - this is a major problem for me. I know it's a choice, but jeeez, I just want that thick coconut milk on EVERYTHING.

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Day 14

preWO: handful of raw almonds

WO: 4 rounds of - 20 weighted lunges (25#), 15 T2B, 50 DUs or 150 singles. I still can't get T2B, so knees to elbows and singles. 14:40

post WO: one bite of chicken. wasn't feelin' it.

Meal #1: 3 eggs scrambled w/onions and peppers topped w/avocado and cilantro. jicama and golden beet salad w/lime juice, salt and cayenne. Iced americano. banana w/cinnamon coconut cream sprinkled w/cocoa powder

Meal #2: left over shrimp curry and veggies....and a larabar. eep.

Meal #3: burger w/salad and baked sweet potato fries

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Day 15 (woohoo!)

I accomplished my goal - no Larabar and no fruit after dinner. :D

Meal #1: 1 hard boiled egg, 3 strips of bacon, banana and blackberries w/cinnamon coconut cream, iced americano

Meal #2: baked salmon w/greens

snack: a few raw cashews

Meal #3: carne asada (marinaded in roasted jalapenos/garlic/lime/salt), guacamole, BBQ veggies, spiced sweet potato fries and jicama orange salad

Anyone else notice that their hair is better, and nails? My hair isn't shedding as much as usual....just a few hairs when I wash it versus a lot before. My nails are actually GROWING, I've never seen them this long...and they aren't brittle. Very cool.

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Day 16

Ugh, yesterday was a bad day. Struggling with the fact that my 34 year old self has cataracts and needs eye surgery. I have a consultation with a surgeon on Friday. I re-read my appointment paperwork and found that I have to leave my contacts out for a week prior. My glasses are 6 years old, and I can't do anything with them except see the computer (can't see what's on the TV) and wander around the house - hey, at least I can cook! I can't drive, which means I can't go to work. I feel totally trapped and crippled in a way...not being able to see is scary. Anyway, that led to some emotional grazing/eating. But, I did keep it technically compliant. No sugars...I was about to dive into the jalapeno stuffed olives (sulfites be damned!), but my husband reminded me that I have been working hard at W30, and I shouldn't throw it away just because of this. :) Rant over.

Meal #1: one fried egg, left over carne asada and BBQ veggies. banana and cinnamon coconut cream. iced coffee

Meal #2: sweet potato fries, carrots, snap peas. made some tuna with lemon juice/EVOO/dill/salt, took a bite - then looked at the label and saw that it contains SOY?!! Since when does tuna have SOY? GROSS. Hoping to find some non-soy tuna at the store today.

Snack: larabar. :(

Meal #3: spaghetti squash sauteed in EVOO with onions, garlic and red bell pepper and some extra carne asada thrown in. Very yummy.

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Day 17

hmm, trying to remember what I ate yesterday....

Meal #1: 2 eggs w/carne asada and spaghetti squash

Meal #2: carne asada w/greens and guacamole (seriously, are we out of leftover carne asada yet??!)

snack: handful of raw cashews

Meal #3: meatballs & marinara over spaghetti squash

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Day 18

Meal #1: 3 strips bacon, 1 egg, sauteed spaghetti squash, a few frozen blueberries

Meal #2: left over meatballs in marinara on spaghetti squash. 3 frozen strawberries w/coconut cream

Snack: a few olives (I found compliant olives! woo!)

Meal #3: Adobo chicken, salad and cauliflower "rice". Luckily, I never crave rice or bread at dinner, so I don't consider it paleofying a non-compliant food. The rice was my paleo experiment for the week, and it was fab! Even the non-paleo husband liked it. I made mine w/onions, garlic and diced jalapeno. Another great way to eat extra veggies. :)

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