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Do my workouts even count as workouts yet?


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I've been wanting to ask this, and I've seen other people kind of allude to the question in daily log posts, so I thought I'd stick my neck out.

I'm not an "elite" athlete. I'm a middle-aged lady with fairly good aerobic conditioning (spent the last few years doing a lot of Zumba) but not much strength-training experience. My workouts consist of baby-level bodyweight exercises, walking, and the now more-occasional Zumba class which kind of functions as a HIIT cardio workout.

A "tough" morning workout might look like today's:

2.5 mile walk around the neighborhood at a fast but not race-walking pace

4 x 30 bodyweight jackknife squats

4 x 40 standing calf raises

3 minutes in supported wall headstand

3 minutes in shoulderstand

Now, regarding what Melissa posted yesterday -- don't worry, I'm not down on myself and I am totally seeing progression in my ability to do these exercises, move on to more challenging ones, etc.

I just want to know if I'm to the point where I need to worry about fueling at all or if I can forget about that until I've progressed to, oh, actual freestanding squats or something.

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Yes. That is a real, honest-to-goodness workout. You might benefit from pre- and post-workout snacks and it is a good habit to develop anyway.

As to your workout, let me offer some perspective... A few months ago, I decided to start the workouts in the book Convict Conditioning that offers 10 progressions for every exercise. Number 10 in squats is a one-legged squat (also known as a pistol). I can't do even one. The starting point in the progressions (number 1) is shoulderstand squats, so that is where I started. A shoulderstand squat involves lying on your back and putting your legs into the air and going through the squat motions upside down. This means the only weight involved in shoulderstand squats is the weight of your legs. I have gotten cramps doing 2 sets of 25. They are hard. But here's the thing, more than 1 year ago, I got strong enough to complete a set of five back squats with 205 pounds on the barbell (I weighed about 190 at the time). I'm as strong or stronger today as I was then, but shoulderstand squats give me a real workout. I'm pretty sure that 4 sets of 30 jackknife squats like you are doing would push me too.

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Thanks Tom. I will make paying attention to pre/post workout eating one of my goals for my next go-round on the Whole 30 -- I'm planning to travel in early July and then start another one when I get back.

I'm using Convict Conditioning too -- it's the first time I've ever found a strength training plan that seemed accessible to me, although I'm sure it will be years before I'm human flagging off my carport supports like the guys in Vol. 2. I had to skip over the shoulderstand squats (I found them harder than the jackknife squats) but I'm building up the shoulderstand so I can go back and do them after I hit progression on the jackknifes.

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Befabdaily - you're ahead of me; I just started my Whole30 and my body is so wonked out I can barely walk up the stairs, LOL! I managed to do one aerobic weight training workout this week and it totally kicked my butt. I'm hoping to start some good conditioning like you guys are talking about, and return to my "Couch to 5K" running program.

PS: What is a jacknife squat?

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