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Whole 30 Detox.....


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Day 10

I have conjunctivitis in both eyes!~ UGH......misery.

Contacts out, glasses on. Lost depth perception :)

B: eggs with compliant bacon/melon

L: Homemade tomato soup with tons of veggies/nut and seed bar

D: compliant sausage, red,yellow,peppers,onions, carrots, green beans.

took a nap....that always changes my perspective on things. Hope these antibiotic eye drops clear this soon

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Day 11:

Slept like an infant yesterday.....Took a nap after school and slept another 8 hours last night....LOVE the peaceful feeling of the lifestyle change.

B: Eggs with veggies and compliant sausage

L: Leftover compliant sausage and tons of veggies

D: Crockpot free range whole chicken with tons of veggies in tomatoes

S: Nut and Seed bar

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Day 12:

B: Eggs, compliant bacon, veggies, melon

L: Leftover chicken in the crockpot with veggies

D: Pork, Sweet potato, salad greens

hmmmm......why do I feel like I am not making headway with my weight? Stop THAT! that's the relapse demon talking....all is well.

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Day 13

Okay, this is starting to get easier.....

Off for spring break from school so life is good

B: Eggs/melon/veggies

L: Salad greens/tuna salad/carrots

D: Shrimp salad over greens/peppers/onions/tomatoes/olives


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Day 14.....I survived the Bar Mitvah party with all the tempting goodies....

B: eggs/banana

L: Salmon/green beans/salad greens

not sure yet, write later.....

Just took off my tight panty hose and dress....ah, life is good....

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Day 16:

B: Scrambled Eggs

L: Shrimp with ghee/greens

D: paleo meatloaf, kale chips, roasted turnips, salad greens.

This was a great day craving wise and I am off for spring break so I actually took a two hour nap while waiting for the snow to stop after walking this morning, grocery shopping at Whole Foods and running errands. Sleep is essential for good health and I don't deprive my body the opportunity when it happens. It's all self care and good stuff! If you think about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we all need to pay attention to the base level.

walked one mile

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I am really not inventive with roasts, but I now have a bunch of pork and beef roasts in the freezer. I'll have to try this recipe you posted. Do you do beef roasts Donna? I have yet to figure out a great tasting beef roast recipe (or, I don't know, manage to not ruin it)!

Great job so far!!

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hey Casey:

I do beef roasts often. I usually cook them in the oven at 15 min per pound at 350. I am sure there are some great Paleo crock pot recipes out there ( I am thinking pot roast, brisket, etc). I just finished my Pulled Pork and it was delish! OMG....

Day 17 foods

B: scrambled eggs

L: sashimi (tuna/salmon/tuna)

D: carrots/guacamole/pulled pork

ski walked 3 miles

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Day 18

went to NYC today...huge accomplishment staying compliant. It was an amalgam of scents, sights and temptations. Giving myself a HUGE pat on the back for avoiding all temptations despite my hubs push to can it for the day....

B: meatloaf, banana

L: salad greens, beef, peppers, onions, avocado, sunflower seeds

D: Crabmeat, Caeser salad

walked 6 miles today

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today is Day 19:

I am quite at ease with myself. But I am also on spring break from work so that always helps :)

B: eggs/bacon/banana

L: Tons of greens/sunflower seeds, shredded carrots/chicken

D: leftover pulled pork/greens/carrots/grilled cabbage

walked 2 miles and walking another 1 mile after dinner with my pup so that is 3miles

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today is Day 20

B: Scrambled eggs/banana

L: Greens/tuna salad

D: a bed of spinach leaves covered with clams, mussels, shrimp, scallops in a tomato sauce. YUMMY

Ski walked 4 miles today for a walking total of 21 miles for the week.

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Today is Day 21!

Tiger blood is kicking in. Will go for a run instead of a walk today....My dog will be not so pleased but I will walk him one mile too.....

I feel good, though the temptations are everywhere. Today I have to go to the insanely incredible home made chocolate shop to get my father and husband Easter candy and a mini bunny for my boys (ages 22 and 25) because you are never too old for an easter bunny!

Will post food later....

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Good luck in the candy shop! I don't know if I could survive going into a chocolate shop at this point. I'm actually experimenting with making a chocolate beef roast today (since I love the chocolate chili so much) to bring for Easter dinner. That, and I have 10 lbs of carrots to figure out what to do with. :)

Happy Easter!

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Day 22:

This will be my most challenging day of the 30 days. I am heading to my sister's for Easter. I got through the chocolate store no problem. I got through my husband baking a Hershey's chocolate cake with Hershey's icing for the celebration. I have shrimp and fruit salad I am toting along for me and everyone else there. My mom brings homemade chocolate boxes from a famous chocolate maker where she grew up by NYC....this stuff is like crack. My favorite is the marshmallow caramels. She gives each family a box for home. I CANNOT touch or look at this stuff as all bets will be OFF. I am feeling so great. This morning, someone saw me in a store and said....wow, you look awesome, are you on a diet? I just replied, no I am on a detox program....They asked about it and I gave them the website....

I will add my foods later, but I can place breakfast here:

B: scrambled eggs in ghee and a small bowl of melon.

L/D: Ham/carrots/asparagus/green beans/shrimp/raw veggies/kielbasa

I DID IT~ My most difficult challenge with foods (cakes/chocolates/breads/cheeses)

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Day 23.....

B: Eggs/sausage/banana

L: Shrimp with ghee/salad greens/melon

D; Salad greens/onions/tomatoes/grilled beef

phew....I am really having a rough time today....jonesing for some sweets. Must be an Easter Hangover.... :)

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today is Day 25:

today was a great day. I had lots of energy and had no hunger pangs! My blood glucose is even steven. My skin is clear. My GI system is calm. All is well...

B: Eggs with spinach/compliant bacon

L: raw shrimp with ghee/ spinach salad with carrots, peppers, olives

D: Grilled compliant sausage, peppers and onions, grilled root vegetables, (beets, parsnips, rutabega)

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today is Day 26....

and I am skating through life :lol:

so, life is AWESOME....

tiger's blood is in my soul

here are my foods:

B: Eggs with spinach, compliant bacon/banana

L: Salad greens with compliant ham/banana

D: Crockpot GF Beef, parsnips, carrots and cabbage

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today is day 28

I just ran 3 miles and walked Riley 1 mile so that is 4 miles today

Running (schlogging) feels great with no GI issues that I get on the SAD....

Last night was sugar dragon gone wild. I went out with about 20 friends for italian. They were eating hot bread, pizzas, pastas, manicotti,

and I stuck to my salad with seafood marinara over fresh spinach leaves. Dodged that bullet, but no.....out comes the specialty whipped cream sheet cake/half chocolate and half vanilla. Didn't partake.

Had an emotional hangover for about 30 minutes but got over it!

B: leftover beef brisket/whole grapefruit

L:homemade chicken salad with toasted almonds and dried cranberry over lettuce

D: Grilled local chicken on mesquite fire, roasted brussel spouts, butternut squash, fresh asparagus

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today is day 29......foods later.

Just feeling rather fabulous. Will go for another 3 mile run later this morning. Life is great!

Okay, so I ran 3 miles this morning and walked 1 mile with the puppy...It was a struggle....

the wind, I hate running in the wind....it takes my breath away and I feel like I go slower (which

I did this morning)....but let's be honest, I just started running again after a fairly sedentary winter so

anything is better than the big zero!

B: Watermelon, scrambled eggs with tons of veggies

L: Vegetable soup/watermelon

D:GF hamburger grilled/salad/homemade slaw, veggies

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