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Emma's second W30


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I can't believe this woman said that about your son! (BTW I think that saying 'he's not American enough' is kind of a complement for staying true to who he is).

And I see your son will be back home soon :)

I hope you are less stressed and remember to take care of yourself!

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I am the worrying kind, and tonight I woke up a lot, worrying about my son, my job, my non-existent love life, and lots of other things. Not even W30 can beat my worrying.


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: salmon, kimchi, salad

D: organic sausages, grilled vegetables, olives

S: raw bar, orange




90 min walking & Yoga.




8 hrs? 11.30-7.30. Worrying and waking up several times.

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I have more difficulties sleeping now than before. Today I woke up at 5 o'clock. I could not go back to sleep since I had lots of energy. Luckily, I had time for a nap in the afternoon, so I still felt OK, which was good, since I had to moderate a panel at a museum at night.

The panel went well, but unfortunately there was nothing I could eat for dinner afterwards. I still felt I had to stay, so I had a glass of water, when everybody else was having wine, bread, and soup. I was very happy I had a raw bar right before the panel!

I did not get home until 9.30, which felt very late for dinner. Not an optimal day, but at least I have a lot of energy, despite all the shortcomings!


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: salad with salmon and egg

D: roasted lamb, grilled vegetables

S: raw bar




90 min walking.


5 hrs + 30 min. 00-5.00 + 3-3.30. Not enough, but felt OK.

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Woke up a bit early this morning, too. It seems like my body clock has changed.

Had a busy day at work, and did not finish until 9.30 pm. Could not even fit in any workout – for the second day in a row!!! That is very unlike me. But at least I have been walking to and from my office, which is 90 minutes a day. So I have not developed a completely sedantary life-style.


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: fresh tuna, salad, egg & espresso

D: organic gourmet sausage, eggs & tomatoes

S: cashews, berries




90 min walking


7,5 hrs. 00-7.30. High-quality.

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I was skimming logs as I'm contemplating one for my second W30 and wanted to compliment you on your formatting! :D It must be my nerdy, Excel-loving heart, but I really like when things are neat and clean and in a row. Throw in some bold text and titles... :wub: I have a feeling there will be some template "borrowing" going on by me... ;) Good luck with the rest of your 30!

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I seem to have changed my sleep pattern. I wake up every night and I have sometimes a hard time going back to sleep. Tonight I woke up at 3 and stayed wide awake until 5.

But when I started looking at sleep research I found some saying that this is the most natural way to sleep: in two segments, with one or two hours in between.

Some also say that sleeping through the night is a very modern idea. And that people naturally sleep in two segments if they can sleep whenever they want. Babies tend to do it. And it might even be good for you.

Perhaps this was the way cave(wo)men slept?


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: salmon, scrambled eggs, tomatoes

D: beef, broccoli & chili

S: cashews, orange, raw bar




60 min walking & Pilates


7,5 hrs. 11-3 + 5-8.30. Like a cave(wo)man?

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I'm with mrsjessica 😜 I'm so stealing your format!! â¤â¤ it. I'm a HUGE excel nerd, so that must be it 😉.

I love your posts!! Hang in there! Seems like w30 is helping you keep your wits about you as the crap of the world falls around you 😳

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Today, everything is just fine! I slept well and had the nicest, sweetest dreams. I worked out really, really hard. Then my coach, and close friend, and perhaps future colleague, who lives in LA, came over for a couple of hours, and we discussed everything from love to a new business idea. Afterwards I planned and scheduled a course for the fall. And right now I am considering whether I should, or should not, go to an opera happening tonight.


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: lamb roast, grilled vegetables & olives

D: organic sausages, grilled vegetables & olives

S: raw bar, orange


Really good.


Tough, hard strength class – I will be so sore on Sunday…


Yes! Meditation. And three hours with my coach. What else can you ask for?


8 hrs. 11.30-7.30. Had really great dreams!

And today it is exactly FIVE weeks until I see my son in Kansas again!!! I will go to his graduation and then we are off for a two week long road trip from Kansas to California. And after that he will come home with me!

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Today, I am not only cleansing my body, but also my home. I have spent all day sorting and giving away old dvd:s – and I just love it! I feel almost as happy as I do after a tough workout! I love getting rid of things; bad habits as well as old films.

And I also started the day with one hour spinning. A really good, tough class with three blocks of climbing, sprinting and intervals – and no recovery in between.


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: organic sausage, tomatoes, fried eggs

D: beef, broccoli, chili, cashews & pear

S: omelette with banana & berries (PW)






No, if decluttering does not count?


7,5 hrs. 11.30 – 7.00. OK.

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Today will be another day of decluttering, hopefully finishing the films and starting with the books. We have a lot of books. A LOT. I am an university prof and a hoarder of books. My son seems to be the same (well, not a prof, yet, but a hoarder of books).

Good thing: we have two charities right down the street, so it is really easy to give things away! I will drag two big sacs of films, games and books there today.

Last night I read a Feng Shui-book and it talks a lot about the link between bad food habits and clutter in your home. I am starting to believe it is true and promised myself to make 2013/14 the year of decluttering! Now, when I have lost my overweight, it feels like it is time for it!

Decluttering and dating, that should be my intentions for 2013/14! (Good thing about being a prof is that you have two New Year's, setting intentions for the calender year as well as the school year.)

Apart from the decluttering, I will also do a class of yoga today. I am in great need of some hip and hamstrings openers (and I guess some heart openers as well, to prepare for the dating.. :)).

I will also go and visit my parents and have dinner with them tonight. That is always a challenge, but good news is that my mother called and checked what I could eat and not eat. Of course, she continued to blame me for being difficult and crazy, but at least it seems like she will cook a Whole30-compliant meal.

We only had a little bit disagreement about dessert. It is my father's birthday, so she wanted to serve cake. I said it was a great idea, as long as they did not expect me to eat it. Then she changed to sorbet, and I said once again that it was fine, but that I would not eat sorbet either. Of course, she had to make the remark that I was a difficult daughter, who could not even celebrate my own father, etc. And finally we made a compromise that I would have some fresh fruit salad. I know you should not eat desserts, but it will go for today. I cannot fight with her any more.

I wonder where I got my emotional eating habits from... :) And perhaps the cluttering?

PS Just to remind you, I am almost 50...

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Ha, ha... it is so funny. Since I live in Europe, I do not receive the e-mails from Whole30 Daily until late in the morning. A lot of times, I think and write about a theme - and then it turns out that the mail deals with exactly the same issue!

Today the mail covers how to pitch W30, especially when family members think it is "crazy"... just like my mother!

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DAY 23


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: tuna salad with egg & capers

D: chicken with steamed vegetables, fruit salad

S: omelet with banana & berries


OK. Slightly stressed.


90 min walking


8,5 hrs. 11.30 – 8. OK.

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Life is a roller coaster. Today was a bad day. My son came home late from church in Kansas, so we couldn't start skyping until midnight (Swedish time). And he was so sad, so I had to stay up and talk to him until 1:30.

He keeps having problems with his host family. They are really not nice to him. For example, he was invited to dinner at school with the â€Honors Academy†– but the host family had thrown the invitation in the garbage and not even mentioned it to him!

I think it might be because their own son, who is the same senior class, has bad grades, while my son is a straight A-student. That creates a lot of tension.

(Now, one has to remember that high school in the US is much easier than in Sweden, so getting straight A's has been really easy for him.)

Anyhow, I stayed up late and could not go to sleep afterwards. I worry about him and wonder how this year will affect him in the long run.

The day therefore became difficult. Sleep is so crucial! Without it, I become hungry and cranky. On top of that the rain was pouring down, it was Monday, and at night the bomb went off in Boston. It is of course terrible, in all respects, and I grew up in Boston, myself, so perhaps it hurts even more.

What a bad day!


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: chicken & grilled vegetables

D: salad with seafood

S: cashews, raw bar (hungry!)




90 min walking




5,5 hrs. 1.30-7.00. Bad quality.

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I might be catching a cold. I have been tired, sneezing, and freezing all day – and decided to skip both my walk and my workout.


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: salmon & spinach

D: grilled vegetables & chicken

S: raw bar, apple with almond butter




7 hrs. 00.00-7.00.

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I am still not feeling the magic. I am waking up too early and not sleeping enough and I have difficulties doing hard cardio. And I feel no magic. Just as usual.

The first time I did a W30 was really magical; I felt better than ever before! But then I came from different eating habits. Before my first W30, I used a lot of dairy, for example.

This second time is completely different. I already ate 80 % Paleo. I used no dairy at all and I had legumes, wine, and dark chocolate only occasionally. I used no grains, except for my one piece superhealthy, unsweetened, organic, non-wheat, whole grain bread in the morning. The change to W30 has really been no big deal. It feels like eating as usual.

And I have had no other problems than the above. I have had no cravings, no downs, no nothing, except the difficulties sleeping and doing hard cardio. But also no positive effects; no extra energy, no happiness, no feeling different in my body, etc.

So I have some negative side-effects, but no positive ones of this W30. It is a disappointment.


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: organic prosciutto, tomatoes

D: salmon with lemon, steak and spinach, berries

S: omelet with banana & berries (PW)




150 min walking & Weights.


Meditated by the sea in the afternoon.


7 hrs. 00.00 – 7.00. Wish I could sleep longer, but it seems impossible.

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Today I am having lunch with the Crown Princess of Sweden, Victoria, our becoming queen, and the ex-hockey pro and my former idol, Mats Sundin, at the Canadian Embassy in Sweden to celebrate the collaboration between Sweden and Canada.

I am not much of a royalist, but I am really proud to be invited. I lived in Canada in the late 1980's and early 1990's - and I have always considered it my second home; the country I love the most.

And who cares if the Princess thinks I am crazy when I cannot eat potatoes. She married her personal trainer and I believe she is doing crossfit, so she might even know about Whole30. If not, I will tell her... :)

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The lunch with the Princess and the others turned out to be a challenge. W30-wise.

We were ten people around the table and it was very difficult to not eat what was served. I had the US Ambassador of Sweden next to me, the Canadian Ambassador across the table, the Princess next to the US Ambassador, and the former hockey player (and my idol) Mats Sundin on the other side. All big shots, and then me (and don't ask me how I got invited...)

It turned out to be a really fun gathering. The US Ambassador is a great guy, who used to work for Clinton in the White House and then for Obama – and I just LOVE hearing his stories! We got along really well and I hope to see him at my university soon. (And yes, I made sure to invite him and tell him all about how we collaborate with American universities - and he even mentioned it in his speech afterwards, so hopefully I managed to get the message across...)

And the Canadian Ambassador is just the sweetest! I really hope I can work my way back to the Canadian guest list, since I am the biggest fan of Canada (which I made sure to mention a hundred times...). I used to be on their guest list, but somehow I have fell off over the years, so now I am working my way back. I love to promote Canada in any way I can.

The Princess was as always very professional. I am not a royalist, but she is impressive. So sweet, so personal, so professional, so fit. Unfortunately I did not get the chance to talk about W30, though. We talked mostly about children (she has a one year old daughter) and social media.

And Mats Sundin turned out to be exactly what you would want out of every hockey pro (he used to be the captain of Toronto Maple Leafs and the national Swedish hockey team, for those of you who do not know…). He is spending some of the money he made in NHL, to finance mutual research about child development between Sweden and Canada. A great initiative!

W30-wise it was a bit difficult, though. I tried to get the cheese of the aspargus, I did not eat what looked liked mashed potatoes, I only pretended to drink the wine, and I had only a small spoon of the sorbet (but messed it around, so it would look like I had eaten…).

I could nevertheless feel that I got some dairy in my stomach (probably butter), but I am not starting over, since I am off to Switzerland next week and then to the US. To be honest, I don't really care. I am looking forward to go back to my ordinary Paleo-eating on Monday. Paleo suits me best!

(I also had a reception at the Film Institute of Sweden the same night, but there I only had water… One failure is enough! )


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: aspargus, duck, vegetables & sorbet

D: steak & salad

S: raw bar




Pilates & 90 min walking.


6 hrs. 00-06.00. Why can't I sleep?

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Today I had two meetings cancelled in the morning, and therefore decided to stay home. But I did not get much done.

I read some, I answered some e-mails, but otherwise I ended up mainly watching the manhunt in Boston and picking up things for my son's room. I have decided to repaint it before he gets home from his exchange year.

This weekend I hope to finish decluttering, so I can repaint it next weekend. The color is called â€moleâ€, after the little animal, and it is just lovely. A warm grey-brown-purple color. Like a mole. Which suits the high ceiling, the old window above the door, and the six walls in his really cool 19th-century room. I think it will be fabulous!

He has the best room in the whole apartment, but the color on the walls is just awful. It is some kind of dark, dirty, cold purple, which he loves and I hate. However, the new color is in one way similar to the old, and I am not even sure he will notice the difference after a year away. But since it is warm, it gives a completely different feeling. I can barely wait to paint!


B: ½ avocado, ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs & espresso

L: grilled vegetables & lamb sausage

D: steak, broccoli, chili & cashews


Happy after finding the mole.






8 hrs. 11-07. Finally!

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