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No breakfast on weekends


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This weekend was my first Whole30 weekend. There are many times (yesterday and today being two of them) on weekends where I don't eat breakfast. Not purposely but more just because I'm busy and by the time I realize it, it is 11:30 or 12 so I have lunch. Is this bad?

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Missing a meal every once in a while is no big deal if your body and your life are in good shape. If you are stressed, overweight, or skinny-fat, missing a meal causes trouble. Here's why: Delaying (or missing) a meal is stressful, which prompts your body to secrete cortisol. You don't want extra cortisol because extra throws your other hormones out of whack. Chronically elevated cortisol makes it difficult to lose weight and sets your body up to break down muscle (which you ordinarily want to preserve and build). Read chapter 5 of It Starts With Food to get a picture of how skipping a meal causes trouble.

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I am so glad that I read the book because I have been eating only 2 meals per day (first one at 11:30 am) for years, thinking that I was doing a good thing. (I.F.) Well, I'm obese and haven't been able to lose weight. I'm hoping that eating first thing in the morning will help jumpstart my weightloss.

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Hi Adagio,

Eating a large, high protein, low carb breakfast has really helps me get my eating under control, my moods stable and my energy up. If I eat a big breakfast like that I can now sail through from 6 or 7 am until 1pm with no desire for snacks. It makes it a lot easier to eat a good healthy lunch without the crazy cravings.

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