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Working out the first week?

Stacey Damon

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Yesterday was our first day of the challenge (been eating paleo for 3 weeks to ease ourselves into the challenge) and we went to the gym and worked out for 40 mins or so. Afterward I wanted to fall asleep immediatly-my eyes were not going to stay open. I cat napped when I got home for 10mins and felt great-went and played volleyball that night with lots of energy.

What is the rule for excercise during that first week? Is that feeling of tiredness typical? My son also fell asleep in the car on the way home...???

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I was off the first couple of weeks.... I was up and alert but my legs felt like lead.... Back off a notch and make sure you are eating enough ( more than you think ) by following the templates and get your fats.... You'll be right as rain in no time....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day 5 and felt quite fatigued at the gym today. I was also just kind of out of it, in general - forgetting what people told me the second they stopped talking, forgetting to put collars on my barbell, etc. That said, in my little group WOD, I still beat everybody. :) It just felt tougher than usual and I felt that I had to stop and take breaks a lot. I took a day off from the gym yesterday, but when I worked out on Tuesday (Day 3), the workout felt fine.

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I've been doing light exercise, either using my elliptical at home or going for long walks - maybe with some pushups or other body-weight exercises thrown in if I'm feeling good. I wouldn't think this'd be the best time to start a super-strenuous program, but it all depends on how you feel.

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I'm glad to have found this post I was asking this question myself. I am on day one and was hoping to do 30 day shred. What are go pre wo meals and how do you know of if you should have a.pre wo meal. All nee and kinda confusing lol

If you've got It Starts With Food it's in the Special Populations section, p. 223 (ebook version). It depends on lots of factors, including the intensity and duration of the activity and how healthy you are already.

For myself, I don't count the 30 day shred as needing any special meals, as you're only exercising for about 20 minutes.

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