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Day 14 slip-up...do I start over?

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Hi All! I started the Whole30 program two weeks ago and have been doing great. That is...until yesterday. I knew the holiday weekend could present some challenges - namely eating out. I do really well if I purchase and prepare all my food. And I rarely eat out so it hasn't been an issue. I planned ahead and prepared a salad to bring. I was able to eat some meat and some of the veggies provided. But then at dessert I made an impulsive decision and grabbed a piece of cheesecake. It almost didn't feel like a decision (but I know it was!) because all of a sudden I was simply eating it. No thoughts were going through my head except "yum, this is good". Afterwards my stomach felt fine and I don't notice any apparent affects. I know it was a mistake but I'm not beating myself up because I've been 100% otherwise. My question is do I add on another 30 days now? I know the cheese and sugar probably did some damage even if I can't feel it. I also know I can take this as a lesson learned. But should I allow myself to finish in two weeks?

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So you already know the answer, right? ;) If you "finish" in 2 weeks, what you have done is a Whole14 + a Whole16. If you want the full benefit of the program you need to go a full 30 days without slip-ups. Some might tell you to add 30 days now, so you'd call it a Whole44. Either way, a restart/add-on are in order. The cheesecake had sugar, dairy, and probably gluten in the crust too. It's great that you don't want to beat yourself up though...that doesn't help at all. 14 days is a really good start. Good luck with the next 30!

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The program is ultimately for you..... If as you stated you just mindlessly were all of a sudden eating cheesecake, that's very telling, and you need work on your relationship with food.... The real goal here is to be able to consistently make the healthiest food choices for yourself.... And then only venturing off road post w30/45/60..... When it's really really worth it " grandmas secret family recipe cake that she only makes once a year"..... 30 days is just a number, important number, but if you binge after only 15 successful days..... What happens when your done??? We all owe it to ourselves to be the healthiest person we can be....

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Thank you both for your quick and honest responses. It goes without saying that I knew the answer but guess I needed to hear it directly. I'll consider this incident the opportunity I needed to really examine my relationship with food. I work hard at making healthy meals and exercising but I know all that effort doesn't negate the fact that I've always struggled with an emotional attachment to any food - good or bad. Thanks for the support!

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