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JinksE's Whole30 Adventure!


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Day 18 - TGIF!

Not such a great night in the sleep department last night...woke up around 3:00 and couldn't fall back to sleep until close to 4:00. Coincidentally, it was around the time they shot Boston Marathon Bomber #1. Guess I could have turned on the TV to see it all live. I really do hope they catch #2 alive so people can have questions answered. Everything that has been happening lately is very sad. Makes me want to live each day to it's fullest and not take things ofr granted!

I am super-psyched that it is Friday and can't wait to do some cooking this weekend!


1 Hard-Boiled FR Egg

4 thin slices Applegate Naturals Roast Beed

3 thin slices Prosciutto

Celery, Carrot, Radishes, Red Pepper

TJ's Number One Guac

After reading a post about not using EVOO to cook, I was a little bummed because I have been using it to sautee veggies in and cok my chicken. I am not a fan of coconut oil and I do love the ghee but don't want everything to have that buttery taste. It's not cause for me to start over not were the times I ate something that I found out was not compliant afterwards. If the point of Whole30 is to build a better relationship with food, I am doing that by making a lot better choices than I did before. Maybe I didn't make the best choice yesterday when I ordered the grilled chicken at Wendy's because I was very limited on time and options but at least I didn't say screw it and order the fries with a spicy chicken sandwich. I ate because I knew my body needed the fuel and I refuse to "punish" myself for making that choice. Is it really punishing myself for starting Whole30 over? No. But mentally, it makes me feel like it is because I made one not-so-perfect food choice in 17 days. How am I building a better relationship with food if I can't accept that mistakes will be made and that I can't let it ruin my Whole30 experience? I am happy where I am at and how far I have come! Since I see Whole30 as part of my life in the future, I will continue to persevere and learn from my "mistakes" and be better prepared!


FR Chickeb Thigh

Stir-fried Brussel Sprouts, Snow Peas, Red Pepper

Macadamia Nuts

On the way home, I thought I ran over something and it was dragging under the car because there was a grinding noise. I pulled over and checked underneath and I couldn't see anything. I called the husband and he treated me like I was some dumb blonde (sorry blondes!) so I told him in a sterner voice than normal that none of the dashboard lights were on to indicate that there was an engine problem and he told me not to yell at him, so of course, I told him I wasn't yelling then decided I was no longer going to argue with him and told hi I would see him at home and hung up. Asshole... Boy...oh boy...did I want a drink right about then! But! I came home and started making dinner and in the process rebelled by eating half an avocado BEFORE dinner! Ha!! I showed him! I went on fat overload at dinner...lesson learned! :)


2 Roasted FR Chicken Drumsticks (yum!!)

Green Beans

Mushrooms sautéed in Ghee (double yum!)

Time to catch up on a stack of my favorite magazines and Grimm!

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Day 19 - Out with the Old...In with the New!

Still didn't sleep through the night. Woke up around 4:45 and couldn't fall back to sleep until close to 6:00. I guess it's other stress factors I need to take care of. Amazingly enough, I have had lots of energy today but maybe I was glad to be out and about! I decided I needed a new bedspread which led to new sheets, new bedskirt, new throw pillow, and a new lamp...amongst other things! Ha! Guess I needed some retail therapy! I have had lots of energy and want to do some major spring cleaning! Time to get rid of all the old Cooking Light and other cooking magazines I have kept for tons of years as well as clothes I haven't worn in over a year. If my new motto is out with the old and in with the new, I need to make room for the new clothes, right?? ;)


2 FR Egg Scramble with Spinach, Mushrooms, Cherry Tomatoes

1 Avocado

Lunch (Thai Taste):

Chicken Coconut Soup

Avocado Salad

My husband told me his liver is going into shock and he wanted to do something tonight so he could drink. Told him I am fine with staying in since I was out all day. I have no interest in drinking and think it is sad that he can't see why it's not good for him and possibly our relationship. I don't care if he wants to have a few drinks ever now and then but don't make it sound like he just can't live without drinking. Guess I am past my party years! Argh!

Can't wait for dinner! I have a grass-fed flank steak marinating in coconut amigos, garlic, parsley, and EVOO since last night. Grilling that and veggies for a no fuss clean-up! Unless I decide to make mashed cauliflower....yum!


3 Slices GF Flank Steak

Mashed Cauliflower

Grilled Asparagus, Orange and Yellow Peppers, and Red Onion

Sautéed Mushrooms

Everything was really tasty but not too long after my hands got some red, itchy spots and when I put lotion on, several places on my hand had a burning sensation. I took a Claritin and it eventually went away. I don't think it was the avocado I have been eating since it was well after lunch that it happened. The only thing I can think of is the coconut aminos I added to the marinade and the mushrooms. Guess I'll find out when I eat leftovers!

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Day 20 - Cook-Up Day Fail!

Slept really well last night but had some strange dreams, not about food though! I tried to make myself go back to sleep so I could find out the ending! ;). I was still up before 7:00 and had all these plans to do a lot this morning but the couch called my name along with Breaking Dawn Part 1.


2FR Chicken Legs

Asparagus, Peppers

1 small Avocado

Well, ate avocado and no reaction so I think I am safe stuffing my face with them! I think it is the coconut aminos. I am also thinking I may have eczema so I bought some cream to see if it helps. I may have to get to the doctor to take a look at this. :(

I can't believe I only have 10 more days left! Or really just over 9! I am amazed at how fast this has gone and that it has been so easy to stick with! I am already starting to feel a little anxious about coming to the end of the 30 days and how I am going to reintroduce things. This week, I will spend a little time making a game plan, but without over-obsessing about it. I really love being able to eat without worrying about weighing, measuring, and counting calories. Outside of the hand stuff, I feel great and I don't want it to stop! I want to start getting rid of the clutter in the house (I was on the verge of making it onto Hoarders! :D ). I would love to have a yard sale but our street is horrible for those and i hate bothering other people to have them. Maybe I will post something on FB to see if anyone is planning on having one and if they would mind if I joined them. In would really like to make money off of the crap I hardly/never use!

Lunch (Outback):

6 oz Outback Special Wood-fire cooked with no oil or butter

Plain Sweet Potato

Mixed Veggies with no Butter

I made Ghee earlier but I think I cooked it too long and it got burned. It smells kind of sweet like when baking at Christmas plus there was a lot of burnt milk solids in the bottom of the pan. I'll still. Eat it but things may not taste quite the same. Oh we....we don't learn unless we make mistakes, right? Luckily, I made enough food the last few days that I have leftovers to make it through the next few...unless the steak and mushrooms causing me more problems because they were cooked with coconut aminos. I was going to make mayo this weekend but I think I will wait until next weekend when the husband will be gone and I can cook up a storm!

So I had leftovers for dinner from last night to see if my hunch is right on the coconut aminos and I think I was right. My hands didn't get as bad as last night but I put cream on them before it could get too bad. :(. I guess no more coconut aminos for me! Good thing I used a lot of the bottle yesterday so I am ot wasting a lot! Worcestershire will be one of the first things I try out during re-introduction because I need something for my marinades! I just found a site to make this and other condiments! Can't wait to try them!


GF Flank Steak


Asparagus, Peppers, Onion

Mashed Cauliflower

Half handful of Macadamia Nuts

Cook-Up Day results: Ghee

I guess since it doesn't bother me to have to cook during the week, I didn't care if I cooked after making the ghee.

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Day 21 - Just Another Manic Monday

Okay, so not very manic but I am still feeling very nostalgic after watching the 80s flashback shows on National Geographic over the weekend. ;)

Slept awesome last night! The change? Earplugs! I found that I was waking up or couldn't fall asleep because I could hear the TV on in my husband's bedroom (yes, we sleep in separate rooms due to my snoring and his refusal to be a heavier sleeper! :D ) so I bought those foam earplugs to see if that would help block the noise. Boy did it work! I was worried about not hearing my alarm, my cell phone, but I could as long as it was on it's highest setting. I wake up before the alarm goes off some days but not all so I still set it. When I went to bed, I did not turn the TV on even though I did finish playing a game on my cell phone but then I turned out the light and I was asleep within minutes!

Working on new bedtime habits happens to coincide with today's Daily 30 on Habits. The email got me thinking about what habits I have changed since starting W30 and what I am still working on.

  • No Diet Coke! I thought this would be the worst habit to break since I always had one in the morning, not a coffee drinker (exception: see next line item!) and before W30, was at least 2-3 a day. What would i do without my Diet Coke every morning??? I changed it out for hot green tea and I am FINE! I have not had a signle craving for a Diet Coke! When I think about what I liked about it, I can only come up with carbonation and caffeine. It truly was a habit for me to grab one in the morning. Now don't get me wrong...I would still love to have that lovely carbonation feeling in my mouth and down my throat, especially when my allergies are acting up and I soothes the itchy throat. But, I can get tea with caffeine! After W30, Diet Coke will be an ocassional treat and that's it. I am fine with my hot tea and water!
  • Starbuck's! I think they put some addictive additive in their drinks and that's why we feel that spending $4-$5 on a coffee drink is normal! Now, I am not a coffee drinker normally but I loved getting a Venti No-Fat Wet Cappuccino at least every Friday. I became a gold card member in no time flat and was getting my free drink every 3rd week! Do I miss it? Yes! I can still taste it in my mouth! :D Once I see how my body handles dairy, I may re-introduce the full-fat drink once a month or when I am travelling and need that caffeine punch.
  • Sitting at the dining room table to eat meals. My husband and I had the terrible habit of eating dinner on the couch in front of the TV. He still does it but I find myself sitting at the table. On ocassion, he will join me but that's only when I cook dinner for both of us. I do need to master the art of not sitting at my desk to eat lunch but one thing at a time, right?? ;)
  • Less TV Time! I never thought the day would come where I could sit in total silence! When I sit at the table to eat my meals, a majority of the time, the TV is off. Now, this is a huge accomplishment for me because I grew up with the TV as my best friend! She kept me company when I was cleaning, eating, bored, hanging out with friends, recovering from break-ups and the disappointments in life. I knew was on just about every channel at any time even if I didn't watch them! I have been replacing my "best" friend, TV Time, with ME Time and it feels good! Given, there is still some work to be done, I am happy that she no longer is a HAVE TO HAVE.
  • Cooking more! I love to cook but I found myself making every excuse to eat a majority of my meals out. Cooking at home was reserved for special meals. It was nothing for me to have sushi at least twice a week! I didn't bat an eye at spending $30-$40 just on a meal for me whenever I ate out. My husband likes to eat out a lot but it's usually wings or something else totally not good for you so it was always easy to convince him I was too tired to cook and that we just needed to go out. Since starting W30, I have fallen in love with cooking again! I have been trying new things and eating leftovers (was horrible about throwing food out after 1 day!). This has fed into a new addiction of going to the farmer's market, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe's to buy good-for-me-food and not really thinking too much about how much I am spending...I need to get back to my couponing!! Even though I am cooking more, I am not obsessing about it which is good because I have a tendancy to go full-force into something and then losing interest. I guess this is where I am building a better relationship with food! :)

There are still some things I would like to change but Rome wasn't built in a day, right?? I think that's why people fail...they try to do so much at once that it becomes overwhelming to the point of saying, "SCREW IT!" when it doesn't all fall into place when we want it to. I'm learning to approach things differently. One can one do so much and should be happy with any progress that is made and if we fall off the horse, get back on! We make that choice to try again or to accept failure (which is sad especially when we know we will not be happy). I am so happy that I decided to take this journey as it has not just been about bettering my relationship with food but with myself. :)


1 FR Hard-Boiled Egg

4 thin slices Applegate Roast Beef


Black Olives


2 FR Chicken Drumsticks

Mashed Cauliflower

Orange and Yellow Peppers

1 small Avocado

Big news for today...I FINALLY started my period! LOL! And only 18 days late....no worried about being pregnant but I wonder why changing my diet to whole, natural foods would affect it like that. I was always right on time, give or take a day or two, for the last 5 years. Very odd. This is a perfect segway into a post I read on menstrual cups. I did not know about these other that the cap that you used then threw away. Reading the post grabbed my attention and I looked up the Diva Cup on Amazon.com. After reading all of the reviews, I am highly intrigued and have added it to my wishlist on Amazon while I think about it more. I think I may give it a try!

Came home to cook bacon and sweet potatoes since I took leftover Bolognese out of the freezer. Yum! The house still smells like bacon! I think I ate half of it before it was all cooked! Definitely has a different flavor than what I am used to but so good. I cooked a lot of the fat down as much as possible for I could get as much fat put as possible. After I strained it, it was a nice golden brown. So glad I have another cooking fat option! I didn't burn my sweet potatoes this time! Yea!! I put the Bolognese over the sweet potatoes and it was so good!! Now belly belly is full!! But it's overshadowed by the cramps...ouch!!

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Great post! A few years ago, I gave up Diet Coke for a month just to break the habit. Turns out, it made my stomach hurt when I tried it after a month off and I haven't had one since. I still miss the fizz, but I don't miss the stomach ache!

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Day 22 - 8 Days Left Already???

It's hard to believe I have gone 22 days without pasta, greek yogurt, Cheetos, Miller Lite, and Diet Coke! The devil on my shoulder tried to tell me I couldn't make it...until I started wondering if he was grass-fed and how he would taste slathered in ghee! :lol: This has been an amazing adventure and I am so glad I decided to do W30 for so many reasons! I find myself telling people about it and I haven't even finished the 30 days to really see what 30 days would result in!



Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Black Olives

After the 30 days, I would really like to work on losing weight so I think I need to monitor my portions a little better while still sticking with the template. When I look at my meals, it looks like I am eating at the higher end of the template. I have always been a volume eater and as long as it's on the plate, I will eat it. Even with this, I have still lost weight, especially around the belly section so I can't imagine what it would be like controlling the portions a little better. I still don't want to be obsessive about it but I will make a conscious effort to stay on the lower end of the template servings to see where that takes me.

I have noticed that even though I still have the cramps, I have not experienced the bloating with this period like I did previously which it so nice! I don't feel like I am going to pop out of my pants or that I look like some kind of walking, talking marshmallow (Just pictured a Korean Stay Puff Marshmallow Man! LOL!! :lol: ). But I do wish the cramping would go away!!

The DH called wanting to go to lunch so we went to a Mexican place. Let me say, this was the first day where I really wanted to get my hands in that basket of chips! Then the salad I ordere came in the crispy shell that just looked so good!! I was able to break the shell away so there were no chances of it getting mixed in with my salad but even touching it made me want to SHOVE IT IN MY FACE! :o Mexican is not a good place for me! I have a combination of cramps and bloating now so I am wondering if the oil was not compliant or if it's just my TOM causing me problems. Okay, so I didn't ask before ordering... :unsure: I did remember to ask if it came with cheese and it did so I had them leave that off as well as the sour cream. It had a little guac on it so I took my husband's too.

Lunch (El Toro):

Chicken, Steak, Shrimp



Hd a good visit with my sister-in-law that I don't get to visit with that often. I can't wait to see my little nephews play softball on Friday! They are so stinking cute! Headed to Dick's to buy my dad a birthday present and just HAPPENED to find a really cute pair of Croc saddles. :). I may not be going out to eat but I have a new way to spend money! Shoes!!! :D


TJ's Kobe Beef Burger (yum!)

Brussel Sprouts, Sow Peas, and mushrooms cooked in the fat left in the pan plus about a teaspoon of bacon fat

It was the best dinner I have made in less than 20 minutes! I found a site that said they found out the burgers are antibiotic-free. They are the best frozen burgers I have ever had and for the price, I will definitely get them again. I could definitely get by with just eating half of it.

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Day 23 - Crazy Energy!

Not sure what it is but the crazy energy has kicked in today! Okay, well, I know what it it...it's Whole30!!! :D I slept great again last night thanks to my little ear plugs! I only got about 6 hours of sleep but that is pretty normal for me even on the weekends when I can sleep in. I've found the earplugs are great for keeping out those little noises...I took them out this morning and all of the sudden I heard the birds chirping and just outside noise (we have old windows so we can hear just about everything even when they are closed!). I woke up before my alarms this morning but found myslef just laying there. I guess I could start getting up earlier so I can make breakfast at home and eat before leaving for work but the bed is just so nice and compfy!! :P

I love having this energy! I just wish I could use it to walk around outside instead of sit at my desk. When I have this kind of energy, I find myself talking more to complete strangers about anything! I think it throws people off since we are so used to living in a world where everyone keeps to themselves and just keeps looking forward. It's nice to see people smile! :)

I was getting my meals together before leaving for work and thought I'd have to do all kinds of prepping and realized and still had some leftovers ready to go that needed to be eaten today so I was all set! I still can't get over how little I need to pack these days! I love it!!


Leftover Bolognese

Roasted Sweet Potatoes


TJ's Kobe Burger Patty (didn't pack any extra fat due to the fat in the burger and added to the veggies)

Stir-fried Brussel Sprouts, Snow Peas, Mushrooms

Today's Whole 30 email got me thinking about what to tell people about Whole30 because I am so excited that it's a great program for learning to eat whole foods and build a better relationship with food and about losing weight without obsessing about it ot really thinking about it at all! I've tried explaining it to people already and I find myself describing all of the things you can't have so I would like to figure out a way to avoid this or putting it in terms that doesn't make the program seem so restrictive. I woud really like to have others try W30 and I would even be willing to do it with them! It's just hard to get people to change their minds of what they think healthy is. Product marketing has done a great job at making people believe foods with more than 3-4 ingredieants is healthy! :o

I decided to not eat all of the burger to start cutting down on servings but I found my self picking at it until only 1/4 of it was left then I packed it back up so it was out of sight! This made me remember that mindless eating is a big downfall of mine and is a reason why I like only eating 3 meals a day so I only eat what I put on the plate. I just have to get better about the serving sizes! :P I think I did eat too much because I found myself dozing at my desk but I think that's also due to being so quiet right now. At least my head didn't hit the desk and my co-workers didn't complain about snoring! LOL!

In order to stay awake, I have been looking up blog sites regarding Whole30 and have found several. Makes me wish I had started one at the beginning of this adventure. I do have to say that I am thankful for this forum though. So much easier and I am able to share my experiences with people doing the same thing. Maybe I'll start one down the road...

The husband is heading out of town tomorrow morning until Sunday so we went out to eat at Thai Taste, one of the only places I can eat. I decided to try to Red Curry with Seafood (scallop, shrimp, squid, mussels) with no rice. It was so good! I used to think I did not like coconut milk and curry but apparently, my tastes have changed...for the better!


Red Curry with Seafood and Veggies

Ad now time for Duck Dynasty....

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Day 24 - Mega Energy!!

Another day of ENERGY! I feel like I have drank 10 cappuccinos! Love it!! Just wish I was using it hiking or walking around the track instead of sitting on my ass! :lol:

I checked my email this morning for my Day 24 email and it was not there. :( I have gotten to look forward to these emails as there has been a lot of helpful information as well as entertaining. I sent an email to report it but still nothing.... :huh:

It's been steady at work so I have not had time to have any head-getting-ready-to-hit-the-desk moments from boredom. Instead, lots of fast paced walks to the bathroom! Gotta lova water!

Meals for today were put together at the last minute this morning and, thankfully, we have a bistro/cafateria with a salad bar at work so I just needed to bring a few things to add to a salad for lunch. I always look to see what other people are getting for lunch and I just want to slap most of it out of their hands and yell, "Don't you know that's bad for you?!?!?!" :lol: I don't think they'd appreciate it but I would feel better! :D


2 Hard-boiled Eggs

3 thin slices of Applegate Roast Beef

1/2 Avocado




Salad with Mixed Greens, Cucumber, Tomato, Hard-boiled Egg, Mushrooms, Red Onion, a few Greek Olives, Carrots

1/2 Avocado

3 slices Applegate Roast Beef (needed to finish the package before it went bad)

Tessamae's Cracked Pepper Dressing

Now that the husband is out of town until Sunday, I get to cook and not worry about "Eww"..."What's THAT?"..."Is that your expensive meat that I can't eat?" I'll also be able to go through old magazines to see what recipes I can tear out before taking them to the recycle bin and old clothes to take to Goodwill without him telling me I just need to take it all and not to spend so much time on it. I'll also get to snuggle with my Kai-dog! Love her!! :wub:

This morning on the way to work, I decided what would be my first re-intro food on Day 31...Starbuck's Cappuccino with full-fat milk! I can't wait!! I may try a little cheese in a salad too but that's about it for a few days to see how I feel. I decided I will re-intro wine on May 10th or 11th so I don't have to be at work the next day in case I have any icky side effects from adding it back in. I'm not sure when I will add in grains but if I do, they will be whole grains or maybe quinoa. All of this thinking about re-intro is almost getting me to the point of obsessing about food again! I guess I just need to work on my attitude about adding these things back in. It shouldn't be about what have I missed in the 30 days and just have to have ASAP. The idea should be to add these things back in to be more in tune with what my body can handle and how it reacts so I can feel a little more freedom in going out or being at someone's house where I don't have the control I do at home. It is weird how the mind has started switching gears to what can I add back in and when when I still have 5.5 days to go! :ph34r: I am still setup on following W30 at least 90% of the time though! I just can't believe how easy this road has been so far!

I had a nice surprise today...my fresh egg and asparagus order came in a day early! No green eggs this time but they still look yummy! The asparagus made for a lovely addition to dinner tonight as I was thinking bout what to have with my steak. I love having fresh food delivered right to me!! My husband left for a guys' weekend at my parents with his dad so it's just me and Kai until Sunday. That gives me some time to cook lots! I started off by finally making homemade mayo. I can't believe I haven't made this sooner! It was so easy, especially using the immersion blender we got for our wedding 5 years ago! I only had a problem with pouring in the oil from the measuring cup. It kept dripping down the side so I got a small funnel out but then whenit started getting thinker, I had a harder time pouring. I think I could have just poured all of the oil I at the same time because that little blender is a miracle worker! I can't wait to make flavored mayos. There was enough to fill two small containers. Mmmmmm....wasabi...roasted garlic...endless!!


Grass-fed Steak (forgot what cut but it was still yummy!)

Prosciutto-wrapped Asparagus

Mashed Cauliflower

Steamed Artichoke with Homemade Mayo

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Day 25 - Things are Getting Clearer

The last few days, I have noticed the red, dry spots on the back of my hands are slowly fading and are not so dry (with help from lots of Aveeno lotion too) and my face is not drying out and age spots that started to appear are getting lighter (with help from Clinique). Okay, so maybe it's not all about the lifestyle changes I have made with my eating but I can still get excited about it, right?? :D

I did not sleep that well last night because I didn't put in the ear plugs since my husband is out of town and the TV would not be blaring. I used to be a very heavy sleeper but last night, I heard just about everything! Plugs are going back in!! <_<

Last night, I noticed a little bit of heartburn after dinner but definitely not as bad as before W30. It passed pretty quickly but not sure what brought it on other than the introduction of the homemade mayo and artichoke. One of the reasons I love W30 is that it's so much easier for me to figure out what I am eating that could be causing me to feel all wonky. Re-introduction should be lots of fun! :blink:

This week I have been working on purging all of the old magazines I have been keeping for the recipes like Cooking Light, Bon Appetit, etc. going back several years! Have I opened the magazines from 2009 lately? NO! All they are doing is taking up space and feeding my recipe/cookbook addiction! And maybe a box or two.... :ph34r: I would donate them but they are all dog-eared up! Thankfully, we have a nice big recycling container....

With the husband away and a lot of time to do things around the house, I was thinking that a nice glass or two of wine would be great this weekend! But alas....5 more days....I thought about calling the girls to get together but those get-togethers always result in lots of adult beverages and I am not ready to be the sober one in the group watching all of the yay-hoos! So I will be a hermit during my "final" W30 weekend!


Leftover Steak

Artichoke Heart dipped in Mayo

Prosciutto-wrapped Asparagus

Small handful Macadamia Nuts

Not really prepared for lunch so I decided today would be a Chipotle day! Not very difficult to talk the guys into at work! ;)





All Salsas except Corn

One of these days I will learn to quit eating when I feel full! I just kept eating until it was all gone!! :unsure: Oh well, at least it was a bunch of crap food! Now to think about dinner before I go watch my nephew play softball....Beef liver anyone??

Stopped at Findlay Market to pick up onions and ended up buying morel, oyster, and some other wild mushrooms as well as fiddle heads and so e other veggie to get through the weekend and into the week. $40 and two bags later, I was walking out the door! I did find out the this little store gets a lot of stuff in for the weekend on Fridays and no one was at the market! Definitely stopping there on Fridays to save myself a trip on the weekends! I can't wait to cook the mushrooms! Just have to figure out how...

I opened the package of beef liver I got from US Wellness Meats and discovered it was not cut into slices! :o. I thought I cut them too thin but when I cooked them, they were almost too thick. I sliced and cooked two onions in ghee and bacon fat, cooked the liver, then finished off the onion in the pan leftovers in less than 25 minutes. The liver was cooked perfectly so it wasn't chewy.


Beef Liver


Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Saw my nephew play baseball...too freakin' cute!! A bunch of pre-schoolers trying to hit the ball and then run the bases....hilarious!! I went with the family to a local restaurant to hang out and visit and talk about a test of wills! Popcorn while they waited for their food....French fries....sandwiches with lots of meat, cheese and bacon...Mac and cheese...all while I drank my water! I wanted to touch the fries so bad! LOL!

I did notice I had a little heartburn again. Very odd since I can't really think of what could have triggered it unless I ate too fast. My RA appears to be flaring up in my left shoulder and right hip....GREAT!!! :(. I took my pills so hopefully it was go away before tomorrow morning.

Now time to dream of poached eggs and wild mushrooms.....

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Day 26 - Life's Little Experiments

Your first W30 is really an experiment to see how your body reacts to eating food as it was meant to be eaten. If we are successful, we continue to experiment whether it be with what we are eating, what we are cooking, what we do physically, and what we are wearing (skinny jeans aren't for everyone but i am sure it will be fun to try them on once my ass gets skinnier! :D ). I love that this experiment has gone so well and that I am on Day 26 and still going strong! With that being said, I decided to experiment with poached eggs and homemade hollandaise. Ummm....can we say fail?? The poached eggs were pretty much pan-fried in water! LOL! The hollandaise was okay but I wish it was a little thinner. I wonder if using ghee and not butter is was caused the difference....either way breakfast was still super yummy! I made a Paleo version of Eggs Benedict.


Small slice Beef Liver

Wild Mushrooms sautéed in Ghee (morels, oyster, and some other mushroom I forgot the name of)

2 Not Really Poached Eggs

Glob of Hollandaise

1/2 small Avocado

I know...I know...lots of fat in this meal! I just couldn't help myself! If I fail to lose wait during this, I will know why! ;). I probably on't be eating lunch until around 1:00 so I am okay with it!

Watched a friend's little girlish softball then went to Frisch's for lunch. Breakfast bar until 1:00??? Ordered a salad instead and when I asked for olive oil and just vinegar, they got all confused. Why did I even bother asking??


Salad with Walnuts (maybe 2 or 3), Dried Cranberries, Grilled Chicken (3 strips)

Olive Oil and Red Wine Vinegar

A friend messages me about having people over and since the husband is away, I decided to go and to take some food with me. I didn't really have dinner since I knew I would be munching on stuff instead of drinking. I made deviled eggs and roasted cashews, walnuts, and almonds...half with coconut oil and cinnamon and the other just plain roasted. Ummm...I know nuts are a red light for me now! I just kept eating them! :D


2 Slices Bacon

4 Deviled Eggs

Couple handfuls of nuts

Small piece of Pork Tenderloin

Okay...I know...now veggies and dinner.... :(

Came home around 10:30-11:00 and started to watch The Hobbit but fell asleep.

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Day 27 - Nut Hangover

I really shouldn't have eaten all those nuts! Ha! I can definitely tell in my belly that I had way too much fat yesterday so going to back off and try to stick to the template amounts today. I slept with the earplugs in last night and I slept. So well...even missed hearing the rain. Guess they will becomes norm for me!


2 Poached Eggs

Leftover Wild Mushrooms

1 Slice Beef Liver


The poached eggs turned out a little better using the sieve method but I don't think I cooked them long enough. Argh! Oh we'll, getting there!

I made it to Costco around 10:30 and I tell you what! That place is huge!! I am glad I stopped to get some extra cash since I was using my sister-in-law's card so I could check it out. I could have bought so much more but I knew I didn't have enough cash which was a good thing! They only had Organic Chicken and Ground Beef...no grass-fed. Can't say it's worth buying a membership. I did find a bag of salad that contained kale, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and some other things that turned out to be a good buy.

I came home and grilled some chicken thighs so I could have it on my salad and for the next few days. I made Kai's food too so she is set for the next month.


Grilled Chicken Thigh

Grilled Portabella Mushroom

Kale Salad Mix

1/2 Avocado

Handful Blackberries

Heartburn again and I took a digestive enzyme pill. :(

Finally threw away my old magazines and did not even bother looking at them to see of there were any recipes to tear out! The recycle bin weighs a ton!! It was kind of refreshing to get rid of them! Maybe one days will get rid of most of my cookbooks, but let's not get carried away quite yet!

Time to make dinner!


Prosciutto-Wrapped Cod

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Sautéed Fiidleheads and Sugar Snap Peas


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Day 28 - Let the Anxiousness Begin!!

OMG! Only 3 days left then time to re-introduce those scary foods! :o It seems like all I am doing now is thinking about how I am going to re-introduce foods which then gets me thinking about how they are going to make me feel...and what about those that aren't so pleasant...am I going to want to keep eating those things because they taste so good...am I just going to end up going back to how I was eating before??? My head is going to explode!!!! Then there's the weighing....While I know I lost 6 pounds in the middle of this, I feel like I gained them back after eating all those nuts on Saturday night! My dieting mentality is trying to sneak back in even though I do feel better about how I have been eating! ARGH!!!

Let's just concentrate on the here and now.... Another good night of sleeping with the earplugs! One thing that has not changed was my body's ability to only need/want 6-6.5 hours of sleep a night. If I do get sleepy during the day, it's because I am totally bored at work. Something else I realized today was that my period was extremely shorter than it used to be. It lasted 4 days then no more and it used to last 6-8 days! That, I do love and hope it stays that way as long as I keep following this way of eating.


Liver and Onions

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Sautéed Fiidleheads and Sugar Snap Peas


Kale Salad Mix

Grilled Chicken Thigh

Grilled Portabella

Tessamae's Cracked Pepper Dressing


Side dish cook-up night!


Leftover Prosciutto-Wrapped Cod

Mashed Cauliflower (Ghee added)

Roasted Sweet Potatoes (Cooked in EVOO)

Day 28 and I feel like a big fat blob. :( I think I ate way more fat this past weekend than I should have! Or it's all the veggies I have been eating. Blah. And to top it off, I'm having a flare-up in my right pointer finger. :(

And now to The Following....

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Day 29 - Success?

Today's Daily 30 email says to prepare your success story with links to other's stories and I found the best line ever from AJM...

What we feed ourselves, from lettuce to love, keeps feeding us, so we always have to choose the very, very best.

I love it! After years of eating crap, I have a better understanding of what it is to treat my body and mind with respect and fill it with whole foods as they were meant to be eaten. In the last 28 days, I have learned a lot about myself, not just physically, and know where I need to make inprovements as well as celebrating my successes. Yes, I still have a lot more to learn but this W30 doesn't end after tomorrow. This is something I want to keep following while allowing myself to enjoy a few things here and there without beating myself up or telling myself that I might as well screw the whole thing and just keep eating poorly...It already sounds like I am writing my success story, doesn't it??? :D

Lots to think about the next few days but I am ready!


Beef Liver and Oions

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Cauliflower Mash


2 small Organic Chicken Thighs

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Cauliflower Mash

Even though I try to vary my sides, this was just easy today. In the past, leftovers would be eaten maybe one meal after making them and then I would tell myself I don't like leftovers. That's when lived to eat. Now, I find myself eating to live. Don't get me wrong...I have been making some "decadant" meals (hollandaise, poached eggs, juicy steaks, etc.) but I love to cook and experiment. The foods taste different now. I take the time to actually taste what I am putting into my body and savoring every moment of it. Because the foods taste so good and I took the time to make them, I can eat leftovers with no problem now!

The digestive enzymes I have been taking with my meals (when I remember them :o ) seem to be helping with the heartburn. Hasn't been nearly as bad as it was the other day. I do have lots of energy today and find that my restless leg syndrome is in overdrive...or is it because I have to pee so much??? :lol:

I am heading out of town this weekend to a friend's for a Derby party and I am trying to talk her into letting me cook so I can control what I eat a little better. While I could start re-introducing on Thursday, I am going to wait until Saturday so I don't have to be as strict there. I'm going to start with grains since that it typically a little more predominant at parties. I'll be going to a First Communion brunch on Sunday so I'll be able to have something then too. I guess the weekends will be the days for me to re-introduce things since things will be coming up over the next month on the weekends. I have no problem eating clean on the weekdays.

Last night, my husband asked me if I wanted to go to BW3's tonight and I told him no. It's not that he wants to go there, eat, then leave...he wants to meet his friends up there, eat a few wings and drink several beers. I think he was hoping I would be his DD too! :ph34r: I just have no interest in going. There's nothing there I could eat or drink except for lettuce and water. Then, I'd just sit there listening to him and his friends relive the old days (which I have heard SEVERAL times). Just doesn't sound fun to me. Anyway, I digress from my real reason for bringing this up....He asked if I was ever going to go out anymore then said something like he doesn't know what we're going to do because we always went out to eat and drink. Is it just me or is it sad that he can't think of anything that we would have in common other than eating crap and drinking excess amounts of alcohol?? In truth, I can't... :unsure:


Grass-Fed Ground Beef mixed with Carrots, Celery, Mushrooms, Onions, Garlic, Chicken Taco Seasoning

1/2 Avocado

I took out ground beef without knowing what I was going to make. I didn't want anything too complicated so I started pulling out different veggies and got to chopping! Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! ;). The avocado was a nice addition to it too. Leftovers for 3 more meals too! While I was in the kitchen, DH wanted me to stop and sit with him on the couch and just watch TV. I know he feels like I don't want to spend time with him but he needs to understand that I am doing these things to make myself healthier so we can spend more time together doing other things. I admit, I do need to try harder to work on our relationship in order for it to work but at this point, I am trying to do more things that make me happy.

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what a great running log of your whole food experience and so entwined with the other parts of your life.

I am so impressed with what you go to to create your meals as I am still in the mode of "oh what the hell,

grill a steak in Coconut oil throw on some spinach or a green salad and blah blah blah.

You on the other hand have made it an adventure. I will use your food choices as role models for my


And I was also struck by your last question about you and your husbands relationship. I ask that type of question far to often

and never like the asking, but almost always like what I do with it.

After many years of deciding it was "her" fault or" their" fault, or "its" fault, I decided to focus not so much on what they were or

were not doing but what could I do better as a human being for myself, my community and the planet as a whole.

And lord knows I had a long way to go but a hell of allot to work with.I think a huge benefit came out of thinking less about myself, again being a totally self absorbed male, I had allot to work with; but just the activity of putting my focus elsewhere seemed to change the way the world looks around me including my wife.

None of this is meant as advice or any insight as to how you are doing or living your life its simply sharing my experience , strength, and hope for you and your ongoing life adventure.

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Thanks jlb111! One of my goals during the W30 was to log every day so I would not only see what I was eating to help narrow down any issues I may have due to food but to see what role food plays in my life and why I eat what and why I do. It has been very enlightening to read my past posts! This really has been about developing a better relationship with food and myself. One of my favorite hobbies is cooking and I got to the point where I was only cooking maybe once a week. I have been having a lot of fun cooking again and have even been more adventurous in my trials and tribulations! :D I think we all need to learn to play with our food more!! ;)

As far as the hubby goes, I guess it's just easier to blame him for the poor choices I made before. Now, if I don't feel like doing something because it could hinder my progress, I just say no and feel little guilt about it. When I suggest other things, he never wants to do them or it has to be on his terms (who wants to drive 30 minutes to go on a 20 minute hike??? :blink: ). I am okay with that...that's his choice...to a point. I definitely would like to get more involved in volunteering and other activities to help in the community because I think it also helps our souls. But, talk about self-absorbed, when I do these things, he complains that I don't spend any time with him and doesn't see the big picture and doesn't want to join me. A lot of times, I give in to him and we sit on the couch and watch TV or a movie...you know, good quality time! :rolleyes:

At this point, I'll take it one day at a time and work on me... :wub:

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Day 30 - Can This Be THE End??

Is it really the end?? NO! I will keep traveling this journey because it has been the best one I have had in a long time! I have found things out about me and my relationship with food and just me in general. There's still so much more to explore! Will I re-introduce foods? You betcha! Just at a slower pace and only for special occasions. I love cooking and I love that I know what I am eating! Was I stressed as I got closer to this day? YES! Why, I do not know, especially since I made up my mind weeks ago that I was going to continue to eat this way. Am I scared that I will fall back to my old habits? Hell YES! But, I do not plan on it because I don't want to feel bloated, hungover, tired, and all those other negative things that plagued me when I ate loads of crap! I will enjoy this last OFFICIAL day but celebrate my new life as well! I will continue to post on the forums because it helps me to mentally continue this adventure and has helped me to be successful. I also want to let others know that 30 days is nothing compared to the years I spent following Weight Watchers and other fad diets.


2 Hard-Boiled Eggs

4 Thin slices Applegate Naturals Roast Beef

Carrot Sticks


Handful of Blackberries

1/2 Avocado


Leftover Ground Beef with Veggies

Mashed Cauliflower

Handful of Blackberries

So, I was reading a post that started back in January regarding weightloss on W30. In it, people brought up how evil Weight Watcher's is. While I agree that tracking how many points I had left became a bit of an obsession (okay...A LOT!), I do think that WW is one of the best weightloss plans out there compared to the others. They do stress eating a minimum amount of veggies, healthy fats, water, and exercising regularly as well as eating Power Foods which are typically whole foods. They have healthy guidelines for members to follow. The key is how the members decide to follow the plan! Unfortunately, we live in a world of convenience and rush, rush, rush and the food industry has done a great job at marketing those products that help us in our fast-paced lives and, yes, WW has played into this with all of their products but I have seen them promote them as convenience items to be eaten in moderation. In the meetings, I have seen them put up pictures of meals full of veggies and lean proteins with the same amount of points as a bagel and cream cheese. They leave it to the consumer to decide how they want to use their points. I love it when people do not succeed in losing all of their weight and say the plan doesn't work for them when they really need to be honest with themselves and ask if they did everything they could to make the plan work for them! For example, "I followed the plan exactly and I only lost .2 pounds! The plate of pasta I ate and 4 cookies were still under my points allottment!" Just with any "diet" we are given guidelines and it is up to us to make it successful! I do not think WW is evil....NutriSystem and Jenny Craig on the other hand... :P I don't know...I have been a lifetime WW member since I was 17 and have left and joined countless times. I learned a lot but I have also learned what my body needs now...I just wish I would have learned this 15 years ago! Would have save me lots of money! :D Different things work for different people at different points in their lives. I will not put someone down because of their diet choices or tell them my way is better than my way (except internally ;) ). What matters is that we celebrate success in everything we do and be there for support no matter what....I think that makes us better people!

Stepping off soapbox now....

I really didn't want to turn this I to another rant about the hubby but when I get off work and he is at the bar, I am not happy. If it is so important to spend time with me, why must it be on his terms and when he has been drinking?? :(. I came home, reheated leftovers for dinner, ate then sat on the couch....my way of rebelling! Feels like I am taking steps back instead of moving forward. It's hard to work on a relationship when it's one-sided. I think I need another support forum for this! :P


Leftover Ground Beef and Veggies

Kale Salad Mix

Small Handful of Macadamia Nuts

Time to get back to thinking about how Whole30 has helped me over the past 30 days!!

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Hey Jinkse - I just came across this log now after enjoying your success story so much. Thanks for sharing your experiences - it really helps create a sense of community! I can relate to issues with DH, not with drinking, but definitely eating SAD food. I made a lovely roasted chicken with rosemary and sage. He decided he would rather eat frozen breaded chicken strips. :huh: one day at a time ...

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Thanks Kaiser! I am happy to share so people like you know that you are not alone in your "battles"! ;) It's important to have support and these forums helped me out so much that I was able to succeed in my first Whole30!

Any why someone would want a nasty frozen, icky breaded piece of fake me is beyond me! :blink:

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