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TMI topic- Hormonal effects on the body?


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I have been eating like 90% compliant for two weeks. No bread or sugar, but one encounter with homemade bean dip (I asked the (vegan) host what was in it- beans, onion, tomato, cilantro, lime juice) and organic corn chips (corn, sunflower oil and sea salt) a week ago as well as a bite of white cheese a week and a half ago. I haven't complely committed to a real whole 30 just yet, but I have been flirting with it.

Anyway, I have suffered from some pretty awful periods for a couple of years. I have a copper IUD, so nothing hormonal. I have a period every month, and it is super heavy (bleed through ultra tampons in an hour or two heavy). I have been eating a lot more red meat and spinach, etc. in an attempt to help my iron levels (iron pills just make me too sick). I also exercise regularly, am a healthy weight, don't smoke and take thyroid meds that are regularly checked to make sure my levels are still ok.

Anyway, my breasts have been incredibly sore for four days. It hurts to have a bra touch them. I never get sore breasts of this magnitude. I just had a period two weeks ago. And (really TMI) sex hurts. It has not ever hurt before. Not in a lack of lubrication way, but in a sore and bruised way. We have only had sex once in this cycle and it hurt then, so I can't be pregnant, but I still "feel" the soreness.

Also, I have been having terrible stomach pains. Like an ulcer almost.

Anyway, the only change has been my diet. More red meat. More veggies. No sugar. No gluten.

Has anyone else experienced such a wide range of hormonal side effects?

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This sounds like my life last year :( Only after doing a whole30 and completely cutting gluten and dairy out of my life, has it improved. My OBGYN thinks I have endometriosis (cannot be confirmed without laparoscopic surgery). Another doctor is treating me with progesterone for now to avoid surgery. I'm still trying to figure it all out, and maybe your situation is totally different, but my symptoms improved about 90% with diet and 100% with the progesterone addition.

Also, I don't bleed heavy, just have a LOT of pain. Do your hip joints hurt, by any chance?

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Thanks for the reply. Endometriosis has been one of my fears throughout my twenties because most of the women in my family develop it by their early thirties. Oddly enough, it had not occured to me since giving birth to my son three years ago. I will definitely get my WW exam scheduled (I have been avoiding it for about a year).

I don't think my hip joints hurt, but I do lift heavy weights, so soreness in various muscles is not uncommon for me (although the breast pain is completely different from DOMS). I do have occasional sciatic pain, but it usually is improved with regular exercise.

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Do you drink black coffee at all? That can sometimes contribute to breast soreness from what I've heard.

I have periods that heavy but it's from a large fibroid. It doesn't sound like what's going on with you. But I have to say, after 60+ days doing a Whole 30, my hormone balance got worse (much worse periods and PMS) not better. So this diet does not necessarily work for everybody in this situation. If I knew what the problem was for me I'd share but I don't....

Probably getting your exam is the best place to start....

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I hear you on the breast tenderness - although I've had it here and there, it's always much worse on a Whole30, and I even get some leakage. Troubling, but no one has been able to explain it... I guess what I'm saying is that you're not alone! For me, it seems to improve when I get more carbs, but if you're not on a strict Whole30 yet, that may not be your issue.

As for your heavy cycles, some women with the copper IUD report heavier flows, so that could be part of the issue. Also keep in mind that your body can absorb some of the copper, leading to a copper/zinc imbalance. More copper means less zinc being absorbed. That might not be your issue, but might be something to at least dig into a bit. Luckily, there are some good food out there that have good doses of zinc, and it's something your doctor can easily test for if needed.

I have endo, too, and heavy flows and pain during sex could be indicative of that, but endo symptoms can also mimic other things so it's best to have that discussion with a doctor, particularly if it runs in the family. If you do, in fact, have endo, the copper IUD is usually not recommended, at least from what I've heard.

One last thing - many people with thyroid disorders (particularly Hashimotos) see an improvement in thyroid function when they drop gluten. Since the gluten and thyroid molecules are similar, the body thinks it's attacking gluten when it is, in fact, attacking the thyroid. No more gluten means less attack on the thyroid and better thyroid function. I'd make sure you keep your levels closely monitored while your body adjusts. Some people find they can lower their thyroid meds as a result. Some of your odd symptoms might in part be due to fluctuating thyroid levels. (Oh, and if your doc is only testing your TSH, you might not be getting the proper dose of meds after all... Free T3 and free T4 are more indicative of proper hormone levels; TSH is just a measure of your pituitary gland's interpretation of what's going on.)

Here's hoping things clear up for you quickly and/or you're able to get some answers!

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I've been getting the breast soreness as well and I am outside the usual timeframe for this related to my cycle. I am having the opposite effect though- I have to wear a bra and I've had to wear one that's a size too small to eliminate any possibility of movement. Needless to say the idea of exercising is not too appealing right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with LydiaL ATM - I'm mid-cycle according to my app, and my breasts have been super sensitive/sore for 4 days now, to the point where I've been wearing a tight sports bra to bed to alleviate the pain. I have never had tenderness like this before, and I don't like it one little bit! I am 2 weeks post-W30, so don't know what the story is.

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Thanks for the input! My soreness ended up being an incredibly early period that was killer! Horrible cramps, heavy bleeding, emotional mood swings and exhaustion. I didn't end up sticking 100% during this past week (though I could count my non-compliant foods on one hand, so not so bad considering my usual bucket of ice cream/box of cookies binges), but it was for lack of planning more than cravings. I went to the Gyn finally, and he put me on the pill (in addition to my Paragard! IUD!) and did blood work. I was shocked to discover for the first time in my life that my iron levels were fine (I have always hovered near anemic because I never ate red meat or green veggies before W30) ), and nothing else is wrong. I go for my physical exam in two weeks, so I guess that will be the more telling one if I have endo or fibroids.

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I ended up getting my period about a week early too. That's over, but now I'm getting major pain in my ovaries, which is something I usually get on and off depending where I am in my cycle due to cysts. It seems to be worse than usual and I am actually debating taking Naproxen for pain relief which is something I try to avoid. Might try a heating pad and Epsom salt bath first (not at the same time though)

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Might try a heating pad and Epsom salt bath first (not at the same time though)

Why did I not think to bring my wheat pack to work?! I'm completely exhausted today - combo of late night and period, I imagine - so will go home, have a nice dinner, and just sit in a comfy chair with my wheat pack on my lower back for a while. Bliss!

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I'm with LydiaL ATM - I'm mid-cycle according to my app, and my breasts have been super sensitive/sore for 4 days now, to the point where I've been wearing a tight sports bra to bed to alleviate the pain. I have never had tenderness like this before, and I don't like it one little bit! I am 2 weeks post-W30, so don't know what the story is.

Aghh I'm kind of the same- except I'm a week and a half late (I'm NEVER late, but not preggers) and have been PMSing the entire time. Usually I only do for a day and never this strong. I did my whole30 starting Feb 13, stayed almost totally compliant (plus alcohol) afterwards, then 3-4 days not at all while with family, and then mostly compliant again (all compliant foods, not following meal plan though).

I got my period at the very beginning of my whole30 and again at the end, so I think the month of mostly on/totally off/no cohesive meal structure is what screwed me over. I got the very first sign of it tonight though- so I guess it really does go to show how dependent our bodies can become on a particular routine if given the chance.

I wonder if eating SAD again for a few months would make my body more adaptable and less routine? Lol - just kidding - you couldn't pay me to do that for more than a few days anymore!

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