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High blood sugar mid-Whole30

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Hi everyone! I'm on day 12 of my first Whole30 and it seems like my blood sugar readings have gone crazy in the last 2 weeks! I'm not diabetic, but I have a blood glucose monitor and take readings once in a while. Prior to Whole30 my blood sugar was always pretty level. I'd already been eating Paleo for about 6 months and had never seen a reading over 110. In the last week, however, I've seen readings as high as 160 after eating! I feel fine, but these high blood sugar readings have been worrying me. Does anyone have experience with this, or a possible reason for it? Thanks!

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If you are worried, maybe you should see your doctor. Diabetics regularly tell us that their blood sugar levels improve while doing a Whole30, so it is difficult to believe yours have actually become worse.

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I am a type 1 diabetic, and my blood sugars have leveled out quite nicely with doing the Whole 30, and I am just curious when are you taking your readings? Post work out? After eating a bunch of carbs? My diabetic nurse told me not to test my blood sugar for an hour after I work out due to my liver dumping glucose during the workout. Your liver could also be dumping excess glucose while you are becoming fat adapted (just my thought)

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Thanks for the responses! I've been taking readings 30 mins to an hour after eating, and I'm definitely not eating anything that would explain the huge jumps in my blood sugar. For example, I got a reading of 145 after eating 2 scotch eggs and a kiwi. My fasting glucose is normal (99) and it seems my sugars come down quickly. After 2 hours, they were back to 105. After speaking to my type 1 diabetic nurse coworker, I believe my next step is to time my readings more accurately and log my results. It's possible I'm taking readings too soon after eating or working out.

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Pcooper--I have to test my blood sugar 1 hour after I start my meal. So, for example, if I start breakfast at 8, I test my blood sugar at 9:00. 30 minutes after is too soon. Is there a reason why you are testing your blood sugar or is a matter of that is cool! I wanna know? Also, fat and protein can affect your blood sugars as well. For example, pre Whole 30, if I ever ate pizza, I could uber dose my insulin and have a post meal reading of 120-130 and then wake up with a reading in the 400's! Not good or fun! That is because the fat in the cheese slowed down the carb absorption. That could explain why the highs after the scotch eggs and kiwi. Also, did you eat the kiwi first (so it hit your system faster) or after the scotch eggs?

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