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I can do anything for 30 days

Beer Barbie

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Day 1 was yesterday and it felt good to make a strong start. I went shopping at the hippie health food store and the big name grocery. Stocked up on GOOD food. Made breakfasts for the entire week. Portioned out protein servings in bags in the freezer. Made salad dressing. Got a little freaked out around dinner time over what to eat, but got over it. Overall I felt a little fuzzy around the edges, mild headache, and my left knee/IT band was bothering me for some reason (I attirubuted it to Saturday's bootcamp). Here's what I ate:

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1/2 sausage (all natural, no nitrates, no sugar), sauteed mushrooms and onions.

Lunch: Banana and a handful of pistashios (I was out shopping)

Dinner: Three jumbo shrimp with stirfried cabbage, pepper, mushrooms and onions. Handful of grapes.

Today is day 2, and my best friend who is doing this with me texted me EARLY and said "I gained a pound." I replied with: "You're not supposed to step near the scales until day 31!"

Breakfast: 2 "egg muffins" (recipe here: http://sarahlynnsmil...freedairy-free/ ), sliced raw carrots, ice water with lemon.

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Ditto on the fat and protein. I taped this to my fridge and consult it all the time. (Day 13 here.) you want to be filling your plate with veg at every meal. I know not every meal will be absolutely perfect but this is what you should shoot for:


Good job getting prepared. It really helps to have things cooked and ready to heat. I also like the tip of keeping a list of things you have ready to eat and meals you can throw together quickly. Then when you are hungry or tired at dinner time you don't end up frantically searching the Internet for recipes.

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I think you need to eat more. If you want to lose weight, that may seem wrong, but if you nourish your body adequately, it will cooperate with losing weight much more easily. Beets is spot on about following the meal template.

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