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Hi, I'm Kim. I live south of Seattle. I am in my late 30's and pretty sedentary. I have a 5 year old daughter and when she was 10 months old I ran a 1/2 marathon but have not done a whole lot since. I definitely have a sugar addiction and when I feel I eat :rolleyes: Looking forward - kind of - to doing the Whole30 and seeing these addictions subside. I also have high blood pressure triggered by my pregnancy with my daughter that never went away that needs to get under control. I suspect I have a gluten intolerance and I had my gall bladder removed so I need to watch bad fats. Sluggish and fatigued, skin issues, irritable bowel, headaches... yada yada yada. I am convinced so much of it is related to the junk I put into my body. All in all I think I will have nothing but a positive experience from this.

I'm pretty educated as far as healthy eating/Paleo/good fats etc goes but I lack the motivation or to urge to do it. To me, doing something like really committing to Whole30 is what I have to do, otherwise I will make up excuses or cheat or "try" for one day and abandon it when it starts to get challenging. I have a definite reliance on caffeine so bypassing Starbucks will be HARD (but much easier on my wallet).It's a habit to have a glass of wine or a beer nightly as well; my DH is on board supporting me and is going to make tea for me in the pm instead. My family will eat whatever I make, as long as there is a lot of it and it tastes good. I'm pretty blessed in that regard, so I'm looking forward to new recipes. I do NOT like sweet potatoes so that is going to be a stretch but I am going to make it work.

Sorry for the novel. Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next month and beyond. :)

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Hi Kim. We have a lot in common. I'm turning 39 in June, have a five year old (and almost 2 year old), get set off on sugar binges. I'm also much better at talking the talk than walking the walk. :)

How's it going? I've found it much easier to stick with my plans on the W0 than my previous attempts. (Day 19.) But I've had my ups and downs. I also quit coffee which was brutal for a few days (I had to nap while my 5yo was in pre-k and my toddler was napping, my head hurt so badly I could barely walk. But now I'm ok. Still crave coffee sometimes but not the way I completely relied on it.

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