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I'm on Day 4


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Hi, I'm new here :) I'm currently finishing up Day 4. And I want to punch anybody who looks at me funnY! :angry: LOL. Please tell me I'm not the only one! I'm withdrawing from aspartame (Diet Coke) and sugar, and am really struggling with the irritability. I just keep telling myself I'm doing what needs to be done to have a healthy life again. I've struggled with a lot of belly distress for the last year or so, and am at a point where I just have to figure out what exactly is causing the problem so I can stop feeling sick and in pain all the time. So. Just wanted to say hi, and you'll probably be seeing me around. :ph34r:

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I have not done an official Whole30 yet but when I did my first 30 days of Paleo I followed the timeline pretty closely and my kill all the things only lasted a couple of days. Your mileage may vary. Stay the course! It's worth it!

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