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Massive GI Upset Day Whole30 Ended-Food Help


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Hey All,

I had a very fun, enlightening, and successful Whole30 journey--started eating chicken after 30 years of no meat and took well to it, lost some weight, clothes fit better, energy is better, and then WHAM! On the final day of my Whole30, I had massive diarrhea in the morning and vomiting at night. It's been 3 days now. Eggs won't stay down (lived on them for the entire Whole30) and only apples and a small amount of raw almond butter are staying down plus herbal tea and diluted apple juice. Could be stomach bug (but no headaches, chills or fever) or perhaps in the last few days I was too quick to introduce turkey and broccoli (things I hadn't eaten the entire 23 days and did the last few).

I hadn't yet introduced non-Whole30 foods such as dairy and grains, but conventional medical wisdom says I should try BRAT--bananas, rice, apples, and toast. I will try bananas but was hesitant about the grains. Will also try veggie soup, but it's hard to find without tomatoes and might need to make my own, although I have such little energy.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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I'm sorry you're sick, Kate. My guess is a stomach bug. Broth would be good to keep you hydrated and give you a little nourishment. Then, just eat whatever will stay down. Apples and almond butter are good for now. I bet scrambled eggs will be ok soon. That always sits well when my son is ill. I hope you feel better soon!

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I recommend taking some kind of anti-diarrhea medication. When I get started, I almost always need something to make it stop. The timing of what has happened to you sounds like you got some kind of bug. Turkey and broccoli are not known as big gut problems.

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