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Preparing for Re-intro and I've got Questions

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My W37 ends next week and because I'm a nerd I like to plan in advance. I don't want to wake up on day 38 and have to figure out what to do.  So I've read up on the 10 day re-intro, the slow roll re-intro, and "riding your own bike". I feel like a slow roll re-intro is going to work best for me. I think adding so much back in in such a short period of time isn't going to make me feel my best. I've stated before that there's nothing really "calling me" aside from a glass of wine. LOL Sure i'd love some pizza maybe, but again, W30 has made me so aware of how crap food makes me feel...I don't wanna say crap food.  Pizza is awesome. Let's just say it has at least 4 possible components that may be giving me trouble and I'm happy to have that info now so I can truly decide if that slice is worth it. Two slices. Let's be real. 

Onto my questions. If some experienced folk can weigh in that would be great.

SOY - is the only reason soy  was eliminated is because it is part of the legume family? Or do soy products (tofu, tempeh, soy sauce, miso, liquid aminos, etc) have their own unique negative effects on the body? Can anyone speak to some of the not so great effects of consuming soy? Tempeh, tofu, and liquid aminos come up ALOT in my life.

SUGAR - Sugar doesn't have its own re-intro category. I guess we're just all in consensus that sugar should be limited and we generally know the danger of over consumption? Same comment/question for alcohol. 

CANOLA OIL - this was eliminated but not given it's own re-intro category. I guess the rule is use high quality oils at home but relax about it when out. I don't even know what canola oil does to you.

Observation--Not that anyone cares, but another thing I've learned from doing W30 is that I just really don't care for meat very much. LOL I know there are ethical vegetarians and vegans, and I get why, but for me, I really think that lifestyle is just what I prefer. When I was growing up I used to HAAAATE fried chicken, or pot roast, or pork chop night. I hate seeing fatty chunks on meat. BLEGHH. As a kid I would opt for PBJ and get scolded about how I better not come back later and say that I'm hungry. LOL As an adult, I chose more vegetarian meals because I THOUGHT meat affected my digestion. Well I've eaten more meat on W30 than I have in years and my digestion is SUPERB! Mostly I'm eating seafood and eggs but I have had some chicken at CAVA and grass fed patties on lettuce when I was out and about with no options. So for these reasons I keeping my fingers crossed that I have no issues when I reintroduce SOY! lol

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All of the whys about the rules are in It Starts With Food, so if you're really curious you might want to look for it, but many of the whys are also addressed online in a series of posts called the Manifesto Series. Soy is addressed briefly in the Legume Manifesto. There is also a sugar manifesto, but yes, the consensus is it's not good to have a lot, though most people relax the rules a little bit about sugar in things like meat or ketchup. 

This article about doing the Whole30 as a vegetarian has some guidelines on protein options, how to choose which is best -- although obviously, you would do some reintroductions and figure out how you react to each, because even if something is considered a good option, if you personally react badly to it, you won't want to eat it regularly, or possibly at all, depending on how you react.

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