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Non Compliant Food Accidentally Tasted (but not swallowed)

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I've been searching through the forums for a similar situation, and I just can't find one. I'm on my second Whole30, and yesterday on day 24 I was invited out to dinner for my friend's birthday. It was a big group at the chain restaurant BJs. I did all my homework on the menu and found that 99.9% of their menu would not be compliant without a ton of modifications, so I ate some salmon cakes at home before going. Then at the restaurant I talked with the waitress and ordered the side salad with only lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, and avocado. But still, when the food came out, there were croutons on it. I know this is talked about in the dining out section of the Whole30 book, so I just picked off all the offending croutons, added my Primal Kitchen salad dressing I had in my purse, and started to eat and enjoy the company. Toward the bottom of the salad, I took a bite, heard a crunch, and tasted a stray crouton. I immediately spit out the whole mouthful (delicately) into my napkin, but I've been worrying about it since then. I don't have a gluten allergy, but I know from my Whole30 last year that it doesn't make me feel my best, so I've been avoiding it most of the time the past year (except for worth it moments). Does tasting a con-compliant food but not swallowing make an impact? Some stray particles were probably absorbed as I didn't immediately go and brush my teeth. I really don't want to start another 30 days from this point as I want to get back into my happy mostly-Whole30 life. Should I just wait longer to reintroduce gluten again, or am I overthinking this? I know the rules are very black and white, but I'd like to hear some advice from the moderators. Thank you!

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I think you're fine. I would just keep going. I equate this to using a lip gloss that has non compliant ingredients. You get those in your mouth too but they are not considered ingested.

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