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About Robertaworley

  • Birthday 03/02/1964

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  • Interests
    cooking, card making, photography, my dogs

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  1. Well, I thought Ireland was divided and at war. Have I been misled?
  2. Is any part of Ireland off limits? Does running you ragged qualify for being more active?
  3. jmcbn, you are most welcome to have whatever it is that I don't or won't eat. And now, I have a partner in crime, besides my sweet husband. You can show us around Ireland, eh? It would be nice to have a resident tour guide that we can pay with the food we'd rather not partake. That means, of course, you'll get a double portion. You good with that?
  4. Since I don't eat pork or organ meat, that means I wouldn't partake in offal, haggis, tripe or items cooked in blood and other such 'delicacies'. By me not eating it, there's more for everyone else!
  5. My dream vacation would contain the following: Travel to the Antarctic and stand on an ice floe. I'd hire a private jet to get us to a vessel to take us further in to where Shackleton and his men were held captive for, I think it was 2 years. I would have specially made meals while in flight and I would have a personal chef make compliant meals while we made our way to the Antarctic. While there, I'd want to drive those huskies across the frozen tundra (remember the York Peppermint Patty commercial)? One of the towns I grew up near had dog sledding days every winter. It was always exciting to see those dogs chomping at the bit and upon coming back from their run with their tongues hanging out and a look of satisfaction on each of their faces. After that, I'd want to visit South Georgia Island via the same vessel. Once that was completed I'd want to go to Australia and go on walk about. For an evening, take in a show at the Sydney Opera House. Then, it's off to the Cook Islands via a private jet with enough time to get recertified in scuba to we could see some of the local underwater sites. We'd have a personal chef to make meals that are somewhat regional but to our specs. Afterward, it's off to Ireland. I'd want to see the Blarney Rock, have an Irish scone and a cuppa tea and visit Kerrygold farms. In addition, I'd like to see if I can find any of my mom's distant relatives. And, of course, a couple nights stay in a B&B where they would serve us up Americanized Irish meals. There's just some things I can't fathom eating. England is next on the list, but just for a couple of days. I'd visit the Queen's palace to see her royal guards. High tea is next. And I'd want to see where Scotland Yard is. Dubai is last on the list. I've a friend who is a flight attendant and she always stays in her hotel room. I'd love to take in the indoor theme park that they have and to visit the sand world they've made in their bay. Having a personal chef would be paramount as I'm not sure what the people in Dubai eat or if I'd be able to dine on what they do. Last, but not least, is Ontario, Canada. "See Ontario...Only in Ontario" was the commercial that I used to hear during the time we lived in Minnesota. I was always captivated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and would love to see them perform in person. Oops, almost forgot the Blue Ridge Mountains. "My Side of the Mountain" always intrigued me. Although acorn pancakes aren't compliant, I'd probably have to have one just to say I tried it. That' would conclude my dream 'journey'. Yeah, I'm a bit of a dicatomy but then that's me.
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