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Canola oil - just how bad is it?

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First, I want to be clear about something: I don't personally cook with canola oil. I just don't see why when there are so many other fantastic cooking fats out there. And I'm aware that it is W30 compliant mostly (only?) so that people will be able to eat out.

However, the expense of my own food is getting too high. My school's food tastes great, the ingredients are sourced responsibly (sometimes grass-fed, but if not pastured, a lot of organic vegetables, etc.) They're also very accommodating - they offered to not brine chicken if I called ahead, not to marinade food, and even offered to clarify butter! However, they use canola oil when they cook.

So my question is, just how bad is canola oil? For 1-2 meals/day, would the food being cooked in canola really be that bad?

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As you know, there are better cooking fat choices, but I totally support you eating your school food. It sounds 100% better than most school offerings and nobody wants to see you stressing financially. If you were on the AIP or extrordinarily sensitive to rape seed, I would say something different. Hopefully a moderator will weigh in and give you the green light. :0)

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You're fine. It isn't ideal, but you could do worse. 1-2 meals a day is kind of a high percentage of your food intake, but you aren't going to go into an inflammatory cascade and shrivel and die because of it. Just try to minimize it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi I had a question. There is a Vegenaise pesto that is Vega, GF, dairy free-soy free non-gmo....Howevere it says it has Expeller-pressed canola oil.....Is it ok since it is expeller pressed?

While Canola oil is not banned on W30 it is not a good choice. It is a seed oil that has been modified to be edible. A mayo would have a bunch of it per volumn. Also, expeller pressed is still very damaged oil unless it is the virgin pressing like olive oil which I have never heard of in Canola. Is there a reason you want vegan instead of making your own with eggs and light tasting olive oil?

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