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Pretty Good News


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I want to send another big round of thanks to all the people who sent me messages last week after my "Discouraged and Sad" post. It's sometimes really hard to see how hard we're being on ourselves, and I feel grateful to everyone who pointed that out to me.

Food is very emotional, and I know I forget that sometimes (usually in the middle of all those emotions!) I suppose a little meltdown is not the worst thing that could happen, especially if it moves you to a better place. I decided not to start over, but just continue along, and am now on Day 16 (just past the half-way mark, whee!).

As I posted, I don't have complete control over the meals I'm getting from my local source, but I asked them about their Whole30 compliance, and it's better than I anticipated. Not perfect, but there's only one ingredient (bacon) that isn't compliant. The sausage that I wondered about is homemade from ground turkey and spices, and the possible "ketchup" is also homemade from tomato sauce and paste. The bacon, however, does have turbinado sugar, and is Hormel, so not from "happy pigs." But there is only one meal in the 20 meal rotation that includes bacon and I can easily sub that out with the US Wellness Meat's bacon that I bought recently, or just skip it altogether.

Like anything else, this is a learning curve, and a process, and as someone pointed out, those things rarely go entirely smoothly!

I am finding this community so very helpful to my process, and I want to thank everyone for being here, and being so supportive. You all rock!

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