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Found it difficult to eat today...

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Today is day 9. At first I was having trouble eating enough food, and Tom suggested spreading it out over four meals instead of three. I did that for about 5 days, and appreciated the suggestion, as it made the gs so much easier, but today I just couldn't do it.

I tried to force myself to eat all my breakfast, mixed baby greens with warm leftover taco meat, salsa and avocado. It really tasted good when I took the first few bites, but less than a quarter of the way in, I felt full. I wasn't even beginning to be hungry by 2:00. I forced myself to eat a hard-boiled egg and a few small pieces of the mango my daughter was cutting into.

Dinner was about 6:30, and I had three not-very-big salmon patties and some asparagus with melted ghee poured over and some lemon juice. Again I had to force the asparagus down. It was delicious; my teens even liked the salmon patties (from ISWF), and I love asparagus. But I was full after just a few bites.

I know I didn't have enough fat today, or enough food in total, but I couldn't have eaten another bite if my life depended on it. Maybe my appetite will be back tomorrow, but if not, what do you suggest I try?

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Honestly, if you are feeling full, I would go with it.

I experienced the same exact thing during my first whole30. Foods I loved I could only eat a few bites; the thought of another bite made me nauseous.

I found it resolved all by itself around day 11.

Just my opinion! Hopefully others will weigh in!

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This happens to me occasionally even after 5 W whatevers. I just seem to have a day or two when nothing sounds good. I just go with the flow and it seems to straighten out after 2-3 days.

Good point! These seem to balance the days of "I just can't get enough food in my belly!"

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Personally, as the others have said, I'd just go with the flow. I wouldn't worry about it, I'd just wait and see if it evens out. Even now, although I aim for the meal template, there are days when I'm not really hungry and I'm aware I haven't had enough to really meet it. Other days, as the saying goes, I could eat a scabby horse; if it's compliant and not nailed down, it'll get scarfed :) Just carry on making sure that what you do eat is nutritious and make sure everything you plan to eat is food you really, really love. Good luck

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Thanks for the support and encouragement. Trying to stick with four meals a day so as to get enough fat and calories in, until I start to feel like I can handle more at a time again. Or maybe I should stick with three so I get hungrier in between?

I had a pretty good breakfast, but couldn't eat more than a few bites of lunch, now having a few bites as a late afternoon meal 3 (it's 4pm here). Planning on dinner being at 7 or so. Hope I'm hungry by then.

Should have told you I'm 5'2" and 52 years old, and I haven't had a huge appetite the past few years. I'm also feeling a little "backed up" and thought that might be contributing to not feeling hungry, so I had a handful of prunes today hoping to "move things along" a little bit. Prunes are actually an enjoyed snack around here, though, so I need to watch going too far with that. I'm beginning to have a little bit of rumbling going on, thinking that's not a good sign?

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Just started Whole30 5/31. Yesterday, day 1, I ate 3 meals although the last one was right before bed (although as it turned out I didn't fall asleep for hours afterwards). Today I slept until noon, and for meal 1 I ate a 4 oz turkey burger, some green beans and carrots with coconut/olive oil and balsamic vinegar and 1/2 an orange even though I was not hungry right after I woke up. About half way through the veggies and meat through I just felt like I'd throw up if I took another bite. I did make it through the turkey burger and ate some more beans and all the carrots; all told it took about 40 minutes to get that much food down. Now it's 6:30pm and although I am not really hungry, hubby is throwing some wild-caught salmon on the barby for me with some asparagus with coconut/olive oil and garlic. Sigh...more food, good as it sounds.

I had a lap band until 6 months ago and I'm just not used to huge quantities of food, which is what the meal template seems like to me. I know that this would not seem like a problem to many, who are still hungry on the meal template, but it's my reality. I am so looking forward to the leptin and insulin resistance reversal effect so that I will have responses such as hunger like a real person, but will that happen for me if I can't get enough food in? I am really worried because Whole30 seems like my only chance to assist my body back into functionality. For so many years I gained weight while eating very small amounts of healthy food - not quite as healthy as this eating plan, but nevertheless, it was real food not junk food. I am now at 250 (5'7") and 59 years old. Forty pounds of that was gained in the six months since my lap band was removed (due to severe GERD), although I maintain that I only deserved about 5-10 pounds of that gain from bad eating - the rest was whatever chemical thing my body is not doing, because I haven't been eating more than I did with the lap band from habit more than anything. I am just never hungry.

So here on Day 2 I ate at 12 and again at 7. Since I will probably go to bed early because of little sleep last night, no third meal. Tomorrow I will attempt to space them better and get three meals in, but I am still not likely to get in as much food as Whole30 would like. In your considered opinion, will that get better as I progress through the 30 days, as in, will I actually be hungry and able to eat all the food? If I can't, if I stop when I am full, will I still have a response with Whole30 or Whole45 or whatever eating less than described?

Please give me the benefit of your experience. Thanks in advance!


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I also used to gain weight from eating to little. I spent the first few days of my 1st W30 logging my calories (doctor's suggestion to avoid falling below 1200c per day), but found that the stress was killing my appetite. I had to let go and trust the process, and eat what I could for a few days, while my body reclaimed its appetite and ability to feel hungry and full. I was able to stop taking a prescription antacid after the second week, after needing it daily for more than 2 years. Even in one month of getting off that medication and beginning to heal my digestive system, I began to lose weight.

Trust the process and your body. That is my best advice.

Good luck and great health!

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Well, it's going a little better. I've been able to get along with three meals the past few days, and have eaten pretty good sized meals. I think I had to stretch my stomach out a little bit :-). I do still feel backed up, and might do the prunes again this evening.

I've enjoyed having some new foods - learned how to make mayo, ghee, and baba ganoush, and the recipes in Practical Paleo have helped with increasing variety.

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