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Day 16 - rough day (just venting)

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I think this has been my toughest day yet.  For one thing, ive been in a terrible mood all day which is probably pms.  I have horrendous pms and was hoping whole30 would take care of that but... not yet at least.  I just didn't feel like doing anything. I feel like i weight 1000 lbs.  It's so much effort just to get up and make food.  Thank goodness i had leftovers for breakfast and lunch.  I'm pretty burnt out on all the meal planning, food prep, cooking and cleaning up.  I feel like its impossible to accomplish anything else. I try to stay ahead of it but I'm not all that successful.  


Mentally I'm really weak.  I thought about quitting so many times today.  Thank goodness my husband is doing this with me and is able to talk me off the ledge.  This is probably the longest I've ever gone without cheating.  The cravings were probably slightly worse today but honestly it's not the cravings.  It's the psychological aspect, the self doubt.  


One of my motivations here is to lose weight.  I'd be lying if i said it wasn't.  It's not my only motivation but it is high on the list.  And I don't think I'm getting anywhere with that.  I haven't weighed myself which is pretty miraculous but my clothes are not fitting differently.  I see no change in the mirror and i just feel bloated and fat.  Maybe it would be easier to be patient with this if I was feeling like other stuff was happening but for the most part I don't.  I'm still tired - ALL THE TIME.  I'm still unmotivated to do much of anything.  I'm still moody.  Although, I think its just worse right now with the PMS.  I'm still constipated.  I'm sleeping better.  That's about all I got for positives right now.


I'm also broke.  So i can't go out and get digestive enzymes or whatever else may help.  I'm scraping by with meals till my husband gets paid.  So I also have all this anxiety about how much we're spending on food eating this way.  


I did make a doctors appt for thurs so I can get this tired thing checked out.  I'm beating myself up over it so badly because I dont want to feel this way.  It makes life so difficult.  But I'm trying everything to fix it and nothing seems to be working.  


I'm not quitting.  I really want to see this out but I'm having so much doubt.  Nothing ever works for me!  i know that sounds so negative.  I cant help it.  That's where I'm at today.  Maybe I'm one of those people that needs longer than 30 days but I'm going home for a visit like a week after i finish and i know it will be impossible to stay on track then.  So I'll keep going till I leave and my hope is that I'll pick it up when i get back but if I don't experience any positive changes by the time i go, I'm going to have a hard time making myself go back to it. I'm terrified of this not working.  I'll be so hopeless. I already feel kinda hopeless.  This is definitely the point where I usually give up.  I'm going to fight through it this time.  

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Hang in there! I am the eternal optimist and I have days like you have described for NO APPARENT reason...I hate that when it happens!  The bottom-line is to focus on your reasons for doing the Whole30.  I am like you, wanting that quick weight loss and why am I surprised that it doesn't happen as easy for me as others...It NEVER has! It is a lifetime struggle! The truth is the Whole30 is a springboard to a new lifestyle and likely it won't always be energetic and lean :)  It is amazing that your husband is doing this with you! Don't underestimate how lucky you are to have that mutual support!   I hope you made it through the day, but even if not, recenter on your original motivation, and Good Luck! You CAN do it! This too shall pass :)

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Augh.  30 days seems so short in the beginning but so long when you are in the middle of it!


About the way your body is responding:  30 days is not a lot of time for a body to recover and readjust from eating crappy food for years.  Your GI flora was likely messed up, and struggling to right itself.  Yeast overgrowth in women is common, too.  Depending on what you have substituted for the 'bad' foods, losing weight might not be happening because of your calorie intake or not enough calorie intake!  Nuts, nut butters and too much meat was my original downfall.  I shoved anything in my mouth to avoid eating sugar.  Try to make weight loss secondary... a post Whole30 goal.  I do think many of us here really do want to lose some weight or stop the +10lb/-10lb yo-yo struggle.   Focus instead on changing your relationship with food and your ideas about what is a 'treat'.  Sweet potato is my new treat!


PMS:  My reason for starting W30 was hot flashes and perimenopausal symptoms (plus sugar addiction).  It took 3+ weeks for my hot flashes to completely go away, but I have been hot flash free every day I have been sugar free!  I started around April 28, 2012 and have only eaten sugar 3 days since then.  Still trying to put together 30 consecutive days!  Bottom line; give it time.


Going broke:  W30 should not break the bank, but I guess it depends on how you were eating pre-W30.  Are you buying grass fed meat?  Organics?  What is the change?  If you have a natural foods store or co-op, see if you can buy bulk for a discount.  Eating simply.  Ground beef stir fry with cabbage/spinach/onion and lots of spices.  Roast a whole chicken instead of buying parts.  Eat seasonal produce and local foods if you can.  Don't eat out.  Drink water and not purchased drinks.  Hard boiled eggs for snacks instead of nuts/dried fruits?   Are you eating enough fat with your meals to fill you up faster and longer?  Make sure you are getting enough salt, too.


Get out and move!  Go for a walk in the sunshine, pull some weeds if you have a yard, play with a puppy if you have a pet.  Keep yourself busy to get through these low days.  Just don't sit on the computer or in front of the TV.  Most of us have these moments, too.  I'm glad you are not considering quitting.  I sure did!  Bloating and gas was not part of the long term plan, but for me that remains an issue.  I have been busy tweaking my diet to discover nuts as a big culprit.  rats.  It might take some investigation for you.  Just because it is Whole30 compliant does not mean your body will enjoy it!  


Hang in there.  Is your hubby struggling, too?  Darned guys usually have it easier.  Darned guys.   :angry: Look to him for motivation and not in disgust if he is sailing through the W30.  


Ooops:  came back to add that winter squash can be a good thing for constipation.  Roast a spaghetti squash for a 'pasta' dish (topped with chili or spaghetti sauce or even just ghee/salt/pepper).  Kabocha, red kuri and acorn squash are also pretty inexpensive.  Summer squashes don't have the same laxative effect for me, but they are in season and less expensive.  Butternut squash soup is excellent!  Peel/dice a squash and roast at 400 until tender with some chopped carrots.  Puree with broth or even just water until the consistency you desire and add some full fat coconut milk at the end for some fat.  Yum.

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I totally get you!!! I've been following along the Timeline on my daily motivation/tips & tricks post on my fb page.... And I'm still having all the detox things (I just want a nap, kill all the things, hangover, etc), but nothing of the energy half of the Boundless energy! Now give me a damn Twinkie!! (Although I'm definitely getting the Give me the damn Twinkie!! half!). This doesn't give me great confidence that I'll ever get the Tiger Blood!

Anyway, exhausted myself so I'm not going to type anything else just now... Just wanted you to know you're not the only one! Oh and I totally get the broke thing too. ;0)

~Christina :0)


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I totally get you!!! I've been following along the Timeline on my daily motivation/tips & tricks post on my fb page.... And I'm still having all the detox things (I just want a nap, kill all the things, hangover, etc), but nothing of the energy half of the Boundless energy! Now give me a damn Twinkie!! (Although I'm definitely getting the Give me the damn Twinkie!! half!). This doesn't give me great confidence that I'll ever get the Tiger Blood!

Anyway, exhausted myself so I'm not going to type anything else just now... Just wanted you to know you're not the only one! Oh and I totally get the broke thing too. ;0)

~Christina :0)


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I totally get you!!! I've been following along the Timeline on my daily motivation/tips & tricks post on my fb page.... And I'm still having all the detox things (I just want a nap, kill all the things, hangover, etc), but nothing of the energy half of the Boundless energy! Now give me a damn Twinkie!! (Although I'm definitely getting the Give me the damn Twinkie!! half!). This doesn't give me great confidence that I'll ever get the Tiger Blood!

Anyway, exhausted myself so I'm not going to type anything else just now... Just wanted you to know you're not the only one! Oh and I totally get the broke thing too. ;0)

~Christina :0)


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I'm so grateful to read your post. I could have written it myself, except substitute the "Day 16" with "Day 12". And as I sit here and type this, I can hear my husband downstairs eating chips, and I want to go punch him in the face. Kill all the things.


I keep waiting for the Tiger Blood too that everyone else seems to be enjoying. I had maybe a glimpse of it on Day 8, and then the exhaustion came back and I just want to sleep for about 16 hours. It makes me wonder if my body is really struggling to digest all this meat that it's not used to. I am usually 85% vegetarian, so this is a real adjustment. I'm enjoying the taste of the meat, but my body is pretty ticked. Constipation up the... well, yes, exactly.


I just want to open a bottle of wine and drink most of it. My toddler was sitting on my lap tonight eating a piece of pizza and I wanted to grab it out of his hand and power-shove it into my mouth. I have not struggled with these kinds of cravings so far, so this is really intense for me. I'd love to feel that early resolve again, which was so strong, I didn't even feel bothered by the lack of all the things I was used to having.


I keep re-committing myself to hanging in there too because I want to show my husband that I can actually stick to something I start. I know, I know. I'm supposed to want to do this for myself, blah blah blah. And I do. Of course I do. But my motivation right now is being driven by looking forward to proving to him that I do have some willpower and secretly riding that victory. Until the good motivation (my health, love of myself, etc. etc.) comes back, I'll hang on to whatever is available to keep me from toppling over the edge. 


Thanks for your timely post. It really made things a bit calmer for me to read it. 

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Maryellen,  I am constantly quizzed and confronted by folks at work and part of what fuels my dedication is a secret satisfaction that while they are stuffing Reese's and Ramen noodles into their mouths, I am putting the building blocks of health into mine!  Part of the strategy is a quiet resolve and be a living example.  My hubby, a sugar addict, has even come on board with trying to make better choices...Hang in there and remember that the pizza, chips, and empty food not only are contrary to the goals we have, but they CONTROL us...I want to be in control...not food...Anyway, bottom-line is that whatever motivation gets you to tomorrow and keeps you on track, run with it :)

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How are you doing? Check in and let is know if it's passed!!

Echoing above,,,


Revived, how are you doing??? No shame in restarting, falling off the wagon, drowning yourself in chocolate syrup! We have all been there, done that and are here to help, if we can! :wub:

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aww, thanks for asking guys.  this is the first time ive been on the forum in over a week.  i havent quit.  i havent cheated at all.  but its been a bumpy ride for me, to say the least.  ive got a lot of other stuff going on.  2 kids under age 5, my 4 year old is a big handful and we're mostly stuck at home all day everyday (i have a friend who takes us to the Y once or twice a week for like an hour).  My husband has a new business which is going well but he's super busy with that.  There's a lot of kinks and learning curves. That alone is pretty stressful.  I've got some mental health issues that have been resurrected with everything going on.  I had 2 emotional breakdown, panic attacks this week.  The fact that I didn't give in and comfort myself with a massive food binge is pretty miraculous because that's usually my first order of business in this situations.   So i guess I've just got more stuff going on than what 30 days of eating well can fix.  I still don't think I'm losing any weight which I'm trying not to obsess about with moderate success.  My clothes dont fit any different.  So I still have moments of driving myself crazy trying to figure out if im eating too many sweet potatoes or too much mayo etc.  Nuts are not really an issue for me, I dont think.  I never snack on just nuts.  If I'm in a hurry and hungry between meals, i tend to have a banana and like a golf ball sized amount of almond butter but i only do that once a day and not everyday.  i dont really snack much between meals besides that and i dont think ive done that for several days now.  I think I'm probably not doing as well with vegetables as i should be.  i eat a lot of sweet potatoes as i said.  i try to make sure i have other vegetables at my meals as well.  usually for lunch its a salad.  for dinner, something roasted like asparagus or zucchini but i cant really tell if its enough.  its hard to stay stocked up and get to the store the way things are right now.  i really dont know what else i could do differently.  i feel like im managing the best i can with everything im dealing with.


im still tired all the time.  i went to the doctor and he ran more blood work but its all clear.  its not my thyroid, not an iron deficiency... no idea what else to look for.  i cant tell if its just a symptom of the mental issues or if its creating more stress so contributing to the mental issues.  possibly both.  i would really like to be working out more but i cant seem to get it together enough.  im having enough trouble just keeping up with basic life while wanting to be in bed all the time.  i hate feeling like this!  The fatigue is one of the biggest reasons i started whole30 so im really disappointed that it hasnt been fixed through doing this.  i wish i knew what was wrong with me.


So i am frustrated that whole30 hasnt been the miracle cure for me but i guess i've reasoned that, if i was eating junk on top of all this, id be feeling that much worse.  At least with a clean diet, i can rule that out of the list of factors and i dont have to worry about how my eating is contributing.  I'm on day 26.  No idea what I'll do after i finish.  I feel kinda lost in where to go from here.


but at least i havent quit!  thanks for the support everyone.  

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Revived,  One thing that was emphasized significantly in the workshop yesterday in Arlington by Dallas was STRESS and the incredible impact it can have physically and physiologically on our system.  It sounds like the amount of stress in your life is log-jamming your food efforts...just my unprofessional take...

Not sure how to remedy, but I believe until I found a balance in my life, no amount of food choices or good workout habits would have made anything better...still not always balanced, btu I recognize now that is a part of life that needs as much attention as any other aspect...


Hang in there and stay consistent.  Once the food habits become easier and more habitual, it may alleviate one stressor that you currently feel...! wishing you strength and consistency! Hippee :P

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