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Yes I finally got access to the forum! Ok, sorry about the unnecessary celebration, I am just glad I finally get to get this off my chest! I'm sure many people can relate to this issue...IBS. I have been having gurgly gut, cramping, extreme bloating, diarrhea, constipation, you name it... Ever since I can remember, and it has progressively gotten worse over the last 5-6 years. It is embarrassing/frustrating/depressing to say the least. I have gotten every test done only to be told that there's nothing wrong...and I have to live with it?!? Ughh no thanks, eff that I refuse to live constantly worrying about "episodes" when I'm out and about and also dreading meal times when I know I'll instantly become pregnant with a food baby named Humberto. So I have learned to live with it but my life has been sub par. I get moody and anxious when my stomach isn't right which is like alllll the time, not to mention the pain. Then I discovered Whole30....I thought why not, tried everything else...I'm on day 20... No change, still feel like crap, worse even. Did some more research and bam...found FODMAP. Now I plan on finishing out my whole30 but then I want to try out this elimination diet, maybe all the "healthy" stuff I'm eating/love is what's doing me in?? Any thought on any of this, support/advice would be deeply appreciated!

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To be honest, in the beginning I was not following the IBS protocol, however after I read some of the forums on here I went back and read up on it. I stopped eating nuts, and also nut butter. There has been no change, however it could be that I just need to give it time because in the beginning cashews were like gold to me, same with sunbutter. I don't know if I want to start the FODMAP elimination diet while I'm doing the W30, I think it's just too much to handle at one time. I'm trying to slowly incorporate the two. I enjoy eating Paleo for the most part so even though the Whole30 hasn't been completely successful in my case, I do sleep a whole lot better, and I know that I'm eating way healthier than before. Thanks for the link! I'll have to check that out! I'm posting my blog on here so that people can have an idea as to what I'm eating, maybe some suggestions if I am eating something that could be making my stomach hurt??


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  • 3 weeks later...

Eliminate all FODMAPS and then try adding them back in, one a week to see what the triggers are. For most it's onions (all types) brocolli and cabbage. But everyone is different.


It took me 30+ years, but the FODMAPS diet is the best for IBS.

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I am wondering if this may be my issue.  I am on day 25 and feeling horrible.  Bouts of days in bed with nausea and overall upset stomach, and diarrhea.  Looking at the new shopping list there are a few items on there that I have been eating fairly regularly - avocados, onions, okra. My husband and I had already decided to extend past the 30 days in hopes that I would feel better, so going to try the Low FODMAP and see if that helps!

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I am just going to put in my two cents here, and you can take it or leave it. I believe that IBS is very different for every individual. Especially since it is a disorder based on eliminating other causes. The type of IBS I have is post infectious and for me, taking out FODMAPS does not help, but following the IBS mixed with the AI protocol in ISWF does help me. In my opinion, I would only cut out FODMAPS if you have tried following the IBS protocol first. 

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I haven't see the IBS protocol. Not that I could eliminate much from my diet right now :lol: . I found out about the FODMAPS a few months ago. But I think I knew all along that some of those things bothered me, but I thought they were HEALTHY, so therefore could not be causing any harm.

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Tried the FODMAP thing for about a week and then I got complacent and started eating crap food again =/....my stomach is definitely paying the price. I am about to go on a 5 day vacation, and while I'm going to try as hard as possible to stay low FODMAP I will most likely begin the hardcore FODMAP elimination diet when I come back. I really did try for the week following the W30 but most of the time my stomach remained the same gurggly, gassy, bloaty mess, so it was kind of a bummer. The FODMAP elimination diet is tricky because a lot of the chemicals and added stuff in food, even if we initially think it's low FODMAP is actually irritating your stomach! I might also look into the Auto Immune thing...can anyone give me some more information on that, is it a different kind of diet?? I will try to post everything I'm trying on my blog, I think it's really helpful to see other people's experiences with IBS/FODMAP/Stomach problem. Blog suggestions are highly encouraged =). Hope everyone's tummy is feeling good today!



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Hi Sabby, the AI Protocol is listed her:




The thing with FODMAPS is that all of them may not bother you. My worst ones are onions, garlic and broccoli. I was actually able to eat a small amount of brocolli the other week with minimum issue. So it may be something you have to test out for yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't think I had digestive issues, I just thought my bloating/gas/BM changes etc were related to what I was eating, and were normal. does that sound stupid? haha.

I've only recently noticed myself reacting to foods, and didn't really know what was causing the issues. while they are nowhere near as bad as yours sound, I have noticed a difference since sticking to the low fodmap suggestions. I haven't found it tricky, i'm not eating any foods that have chemicals/additives/preservatives so they aren't an issue. I miss loads of vegies, and really hope it's something that improves as I can't imagine eating such a limited variety of vegies in the long term.

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