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Lindsay's Whole30 Log

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Today was day 1 of my Whole30. 


Breakfast: Black coffee, 2 eggs fried in coconut oil


Lunch: Huge salad with mixed greens, coconut flakes, sliced almonds, lump crab meat, balsamic and evoo


Snack: Olives


Dinner: Bison burger patty, 1/2 avocado, yellow beets and carrots roasted in coconut oil


I was hungry before lunch because breakfast was definitely too small. Going grocery shopping tomorrow so that shouldn't be a problem again.

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Day 2


Breakfast has been tough for me. Today I had coffee with coconut milk and 3 eggs fried in coconut oil. I know I need to add more to my breakfast but I'm still figuring it out.


Lunch and Dinner were both sashimi.


I had a weird work day today so I had a few snacks instead of large meals. Snacks included 1/8 cup of mixed nuts and seeds, Thunderbird Energetica Bar (similar to Lara bar), tomatoes and yellow beets.


Plus lots of water and some green tea.


I felt queasy for a lot of the day. I think I may be getting hungry. Tomorrow will be more of a normal schedule, so it should be better.

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Day 3, my 30th Birthday


Breakfast: Coffee with coconut milk, 2 eggs fried in coconut oil, guacamole


Lunch: Black coffee, pulled pork, arugula, 1 fried egg, 1/2 avocado


Snack: 7 blackberries with coconut milk


Dinner: Crab, avocado and pico de gallo appetizer split with husband; "Paleo Shrimp served with spaghetti squash noodles and sautéed shrimp in a spicy coconut sesame curry" (Both at a Paleo friendly restaurant)


Just a little queasiness in the morning today. Got much better throughout the day. Felt very satisfied. I miss dairy though. I keep thinking about mozzarella balls and glasses of whole milk.

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You need to eat vegetables with your breakfast. That will help a lot. Be careful with those Thunderbird bars because most of them have grains in the ingredient list. 



Thanks! Yes, I've been bad about getting more in with breakfast. I made sure I had one of the acceptable Thunderbird bars :) (Cashew Fig Carrot... I think it's the only one without grains. Thankfully it's my favorite one!)

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Day 4


Breakfast: 1 zucchini squash and 3 eggs scrambled in coconut oil, 1/4 cup guacamole, 9 blackberries in coconut milk


Lunch: 1oz Artisana Coconut Butter, Applegate Farms Roast Beef deli meat, mashed cauliflower made with ghee, 4 small tomatoes


Dinner: Can of black olives, several small tomatoes, Banana Larabar


I was quite nauseated directly after lunch, and stomach pains about 2 hours later. I'm blaming the cauliflower for the pains but I don't understand why I keep getting so nauseated.  :(

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Day 5


Breakfast (10am): Coffee with coconut milk, huge salad of mixed greens, coconut flakes, sunflower seeds and smoked salmon topped with evoo and balsamic


Snack (12pm): A few pieces of London broil


Lunch (4pm): Rest of London broil portion, salmon sashimi with coconut aminos and wasabi, Kombucha


Dinner (9pm): Yellow curry made with coconut milk, shrimp, zucchini, onions, curry paste, and spinach atop spaghetti squash noodles. 


Husband would not stop raving about dinner  :D In between every single bite he would compliment it. Win!


ETA: Forgot to say I had very little nausea today. Woohoo! Maybe I'll try more morning salads and see if that's the trick.

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You don't seem to be eating many (any?) starchy carbs - sweet potato, pumpkin, beetroot (also nice grated raw in salad), carrots etc! That could be contributing towards the nausea?


I've had spaghetti squash a couple of times as well as cauliflower, carrots and beets here and there. I'll try upping my intake of starchy veggies though and see if that helps. Thank you!

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Hopefully you've got your nausea sorted out.  I love my morning salads.  Otherwise I find I do well with mushrooms and tomatoes (think traditional English breakfast) Or leafy greens like kale.  Sweet potato is another good choice for breakfast.  I've also made hashbrown-type things with both sweet potato and rutabaga.


Have you checked to make sure the wasabi you've been using is compliant?

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Hopefully you've got your nausea sorted out.  I love my morning salads.  Otherwise I find I do well with mushrooms and tomatoes (think traditional English breakfast) Or leafy greens like kale.  Sweet potato is another good choice for breakfast.  I've also made hashbrown-type things with both sweet potato and rutabaga.


Have you checked to make sure the wasabi you've been using is compliant?


Thank you. The nausea is a lot better than it was. Just tiny spurts here and there instead of lasting most of the day. I'll try the breakfasts you suggested. Sounds tasty!

The wasabi is compliant, thank goodness :)

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Day 6


Today I was at a pool party/BBQ most of the day. I took some food with me (watermelon, guac, carrots, celery) and had a plain burger for dinner. The hardest part was saying no to the delicious looking desserts, but luckily there were plain berries out as well. Drank a ton of sparkling water with lime instead of my usual beer. I consider today a success!


Got up too late to eat breakfast. Whoops.


Lunch: salmon sashimi with coconut aminos and wasabi, watermelon, guacamole with carrots and celery sticks


Dinner: Bunless burger with lettuce and tomato, spaghetti squash, berries, kombucha

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Day 7 


Breakfast (10am): 3 eggs fried in coconut oil on a bed of spinach and arugula with tomatoes and half an avocado; coffee with coconut milk


Lunch (3pm): London broil, crudites (celery, baby carrots, tomatoes) with a bit of pico de gallo; 2 cups hot tea


Dinner (7:30pm): Chicken breast with basil pesto (homemade with basil, pine nuts, evoo, lemon juice, garlic and salt), sweet potato chunks roasted in coconut oil, green beens steamed and then sauteed in coconut oil and ghee


No nausea! Woohoo!

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Day 8


I was not very hungry at all today. I wonder if it's because my day yesterday was so satisfying. 


Breakfast: Coffee with coconut milk and a few pieces of London broil. 


Snack: 2 delicious figs (in the grocery store parking lot, they were so perfect I didn't want to wait)


Lunch: Whole avocado and tomatoes with garlic and lemon juice; kombucha


Dinner: Beef stew, recipe from http://www.paleomg.com/paleo-crockpot-beef-and-mushroom-stew/ ; one egg muffin with zucchini squash and onions, modified from this recipe http://www.primalpalate.com/blog/breakfast-on-the-go-egg-muffins/


Lots of hot tea and sparkling water. I feel great today!

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Day 9 


Pre-WO (7am): 1 egg fried in coconut oil


3 mile run


Post-WO (8am): a few bites of leftover beef stew with sweet potatoes


Breakfast (9:15am): Sweet potato hash (oh my gosh so delicious!), 2 eggs fried in coconut oil, sauteed spinach, coffee with coconut milk


I ate so much this morning that I didn't feel like food all day. No desire for lunch.


Dinner (pm): Two grass fed beef burgers with tomatoes, classic wholly guacamole, arugula and two fried eggs; left over green beans with homemade pesto.


I also had a few sips of homemade almond milk sweetened with dates from this recipe http://www.fitnessisdelicious.com/2012/12/19/homemade-almond-milk-recipe/ (so delicious! This will challenge coconut milk as a coffee creamer for me. 

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Day 10


Breakfast: Sweet potato hash and 2 eggs fried in coconut; coffee with homemade almond milk


Lunch: Roast beef deli meat, lots of tomatoes, can of olives, kombucha


Dinner: Grilled chicken breast, arugula, half an avocado, tomatoes, with balsamic and evoo

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Day 11


Breakfast: Sweet potato hash, 2 eggs fried in coconut oil, sauteed spinach, coffee with homemade almond milk


Lunch: Salmon sashimi with squeeze of lemon, salad with evoo and balsamic, half kombucha


Snack: Coffee with coconut milk


Dinner: Bunless burger with fried egg, guac, tomato, lettuce, pickles; 1/8 cup mixed nuts

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Day 12


Found out I'm pregnant this morning! :D


Breakfast: Half-caf coffee with coconut milk, two eggs fried in coconut oil, arugula


Snack: 1/8 cup mixed nuts, seeds, coconut flakes, tomatoes, 1/2 kombucha


Lunch: Salmon, cucumber, a few roast beef deli slices


Dinner(?): ~2-3 cups watermelon, 1 date stuffed with coconut butter, 1/2 can black olives (yeah, I'm not impressed either)

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Day 13


PreWO: 2 eggs fried in coconut oil


40 min walk


PostWO: 4 slices roast beef deli meat, 1/2 kombucha


Lunch: mixed greens with smoked salmon, tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, sunflower seeds, coconut flakes, evoo and balsamic


Snack: Chicken breast, sweet potato


Dinner: Grass fed bunless burger, sauteed squash, a few cherries, couple bites of TJs dried banana

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Wow, I can't believe I'm halfway done!


Day 15


Breakfast: 2 poached eggs, spinach sauteed in coconut oil, decaf with coconut milk


Lunch: Huge salad with mixed greens, mint, asparagus, pear, 3/4 avocado, artichoke hearts, evoo and balsamic; kombucha


Snack: 1/8 cup mixed almonds, pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes


Dinner: Yellow curry with carrots, mushrooms and shrimp over roasted cauliflower; blackberries in coconut milk

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I just had a thought! Are you eating runny yolks? And what are your thoughts on staying away from the things the say pregnant women shouldn't have?


I am eating runny yolks. In all honesty I think America in general is a bit alarmist when it comes to pregnancy. I'm getting my eggs from a farmers market (from the farmer himself) and I'm comfortable with them.

I'm also comfortable eating deli meat (that "rule" was put into place over a decade ago due to one listeria outbreak. After that outbreak the USDA and FDA changed all the food handling policies for packing and shipment of lunch meats in the US. There hasn't been a single outbreak since, yet the "rule" still stands. And yet there's no regulation on pregnant women eating cantaloup or spinach - when there have been numerous outbreaks in the past few years due to those two items)

I also plan on eating sushi from reputable restaurants. The USDA and FDA mandates flash freezing of all fish used for sushi, which kills any parasites that may be lurking. And Japanese women eat it through their pregnancies :)

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