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On day 23. And I JUST realized I used the lemon juice with the off limits preservative to make my homemade mayo. I have read every label, been strict, changed my whole diet around...and then just dawned on me that I used the wrong lemon juice. I have made homemade mayo twice. Lord, please tell me this is not cause to start over. This has been such a food experience and I would hate that I wrecked it! Is it likely that me ingesting the sulphide or whatever going to mess up my results??

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I think people need to be realistic here. :)

You just said that this has been a good experience... so do you really think that you might have "wrecked" it? I'm kind of disturbed by the all-or-nothing thinking that leads to throwing away any positive with guilt and anger. I'm seeing a lot of the idea that a slip means nothing else you've accomplished is worth anything.

I get the whole concept that the *goal* is a perfect Whole30. And I think that there are "slips" that are probably significant enough that if you let that slip stand, you have nullified the Whole30. Consuming one of the major no-no items daily would probably be one of those things - even if by accident. Or, you know, eating a loaf of bread. :)

But from the perspective of your slip: You've used the wrong lemon juice in 2 batches of mayo. So that's what? 4-6 T of lemon juice? Over a period of 23 days? And the preservative is what percentage of the total amount of lemon juice to begin with? Probably less than 1% overall. Now compare that to the total amount of food you've eaten over 23 days and think that this is probably less than a thousandth of a percent - maybe even a millionth of a percent - of the total amount of food you've eaten.

With perspective - does that really wreck the whole of the positive experience you've had?

Also you have to think about your plans after you finish your Whole30? Do you plan to go right back to your old way of eating or has this prompted you to make permanent changes in what and how you eat? If so, then ... further proof that nothing has been "wrecked".

I'm not trying to be rude or mean or anything .. I'm just pointing out that I see a lot of loss of perspective sometimes and as someone who has food issues, I think feeling guilt about what you eat and feeling like a slip has "wrecked" your entire month ... that's a slippery slope to disordered eating, IMO.

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I ate white potatoes during my first Whole30 because I had not read the guidelines carefully, but everything turned out great. Your lemon juice is just a lesson in the importance of reading labels carefully. Don't sweat it...

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Well at first i thought no big deal but when you reread the success guide it comes across that one slip can actually "mess up" the whole elimination thing. And keeping your system free of those specific foods, so it makes you rethink the "rules" aspect of whole30. I was thinking more from a physical standpoint of the specific foods eliminated and how long it takes for them to get out of your system etc. thanks for the advice.

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