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Intense daily headaches,hives, joint pain, joint swelling. At my wits end.


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I found this site today and registered. I also ordered the book. A few mintues later I had to leave to go watch a friends daughter ride her horse at our local county fair as I had promised.


I am back. While I was at the fair, I drank an "all natural" fruit smoothy . I do not normally eat or drink things with sugar.  I came home  and  my lips and mouth are full of hives. My back has hives. I took a benadryl.


Every morning at 3 am I wake up with a headache.. My hands and fingers swell. I do not eat prepackaged foods or grain cause it causes athsma. . I eat dairy and I do eat  Boars Head proccessed meats on rare occasion. 


Every time we eat out I get a headache. Even if it is a salad with no dressing. There are some days that everytime I eat I get a headache.

I had bronchitis at Christmas time and it lasted for 8 weeks. I ended up on  double Zpacks of antibiotics. It helped and I felt a little better


The end of February,  I traveled to St Croix  VI to help my youngest child ( daughter) with her newborn son. I contracted Dengue fever from mosquito bites while I was there. I was very sick for a couple of months. In May I began to feel a little better, but my bones and joints still ache if I do too much.


I really need to build up my immune system. I  have been researching the internet to find the best way. This whole 30 makes sense...sounds like it has the potential to become a while 365.


 Last week, my head was in such constant pain, that I was seriously thinking about the emergency room, or taking ANYTHING that would stop the pain. Nothing works, except strong coffee.


I do not drink alcohol. It gives me a headache with in 10 minutes of the first swallow. I do not eat sugar or grain. It swells my nose almost shut.  I do use real cream in my coffee and eat cheese. I am ready to do anything to stop the head pain, joint pain  and the itching.

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If you do do W30, you should do the AI and Anti-histamine protocol.


Are you taking a lot of NASIDs? those are ibprofen (advil, aleve). I was doing that when I would also have the 3 am splitting headache. If you take too much you can get rebound headaches. Also, NASIDs really mess with your digestive system and can cause leaky gut which then leads to a whole bunch of other problems.

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Bet, yes I am. I will stop and deal with the headache. My plan on the whole 30 is to take nothing. I did drink coffee this morning, but I did not add cream.  Maybe coffee is causing rebound headaches too. Who knows. 


Tom, my family doctor just gave me a prescription for nystatin powder to take by mouth. He thinks I have systemic candida. I just had about 8 tubes of blood taken testing for eveything from Lymes, to gout. Nothing pops up.  I am supposed to mix 1/8th of a tsp nystatin powder with 1/4 cup water and then swish it i my mouth and swallow it...No sugar, grain, carbs of any kind while doing this. I have to start it one week after starting the very low carb diet. So today I start the whole 30 and then next friday start the nystatin. Last night was my last carb thing...deffinately was not worth it.

My mouth hives are gone this morning.

I have a sister that lives in Roswell. She used to live in Buford, and she goes to a church in Alpharetta. I know those towns... About 12 hours from my house. If you ever have a whole 30 gathering...I'd love to come down

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I just realize that Tom is from Alpharetta, hi neighbor!


It was hard to get off the Advil merry go round. I used to get cluster headaches, so I would be popping them every few hours for days. Since the beginning of this year, I switched to Tylenol, but there have been a few times I had to resort to Advil. I just try to make sure it's on a full stomach.


Don't cut out coffee cold turkey. Caffeine withdrawl can make you feel like you are going to die.

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That's great. I found my elbow tendinitis was about 90% better after only 5 days on W30. I still have headaches and post nasal drip, it could be our weather. Overcast, rainy, stormy weather (which is all we've been having) can trigger migraines for me.

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Post nasel drip for me is oatmeal and wheat. An oatmeal cookie for me is deadly. It took a couple of months of being off grains totally for that to stop. It is amazing. I had candida. THat took at least a year to get over. No sugar, no carbs basically. I had chronic sinus infections. To be rid of them...systemic yeast infection. I had to eat nothing that would grow yeast. No fruit, no grain, no yeast products... If I knew then what I know now, I woulda went further and done this whole 30, but that was years before the idea of whole 30 was even on the web.


A sinus infection is basically a fungal infection in your sinus cavity. Your post nasel drip is probably that. After a while it gets inflammed and you go on antibiotics. actually, antifungals work better. I also took diflucan and then nystatin powder.

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