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Starting September 1


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Hi Marjan, I think you'll probably get a lot of people joining you nearer the time. Very few people plan it that far ahead but, in many ways, that gives you a great advantage - you'll be able to lots of reading about it, plan shopping lists meals etc and try out some new recipies if you like. I wish I'd been half as organised when I did my first W30 :)  good luck and don't be afraid to ask any questions you have.

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Why not start "warming up" now - stick to the template most of the time, but allow yourself to enjoy whatever you feel you want during the holidays. You may find yourself making better choices and generally feeling better even if you aren't sticking to the whole 30 rules 100%

It'll also give you a chance to try recipes, stock your freezer with meals etc.

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I'm just finishing July and planning on restarting in September as well for the same reasons  (vacations, etc.). I'll be trying to stay mostly paleo throughout August though. Definitely take advantage of all this extra time to plan and practice some recipes if you can! Having some delicious recipes to turn to that were compliant really made the last few weeks much more enjoyable. :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I pre make my breakfast and lunch. For breakfast I make ground pork/sweet potato/apple fritters. Here is the recipe http://paleomg.com/sweet-potato-and-apple-breakfast-patties/. I use 1 lb of ground pork to make 10 patties and then I microwave 2 each morning. I add to that some thawed frozen spinach. I buy two bags of frozen spinach and keep it in a bowl in the fridge and add that to the plate that I microwave each morning. I also usually have some fruit. I buy two small containers of fruit (usually pineapple and melon) and have some with breakfast and dinner.


For lunch I buy a rotisserie chicken and separate that into 5 servings. You could also roast your own chicken. For veggies I make a sweet potato/butternut squash 'bake' with coconut milk. Or I add in some thawed frozen veggies and bring all that to work and nuke it there.


For dinner, we eat together so we usually have some type of grilled meat and frozen veggies for a side. Once it gets cooler out, I am planning on making some stews and other crock pot meals that I can have for lunch or dinner. Hubby says he is going to do W30 with me starting 9/1, so we will see what happens!

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I am having troubles imaging the amount of vegetables/meats I need to buy for my first week....can anyone estimate anything?

Our fridge doesn't fit a weeks worth of vegetables - we just buy a lot if the things we know we'll use, then restock during the week. We don't have a plan with vegies, we just buy them then pick what we like for each meal.

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I'm doing my second Whole30 in September. :D Starting Sept 2 due to vacation.


Marjan: Are you just cooking for yourself? My numbers below are shopping just for myself (as I live alone right now), and my Meal 2 (lunch) is always leftovers from the previous day's Meal 3/dinner. I also pre-plan my meals since I'm shopping for the whole week. I find that if I go to the grocery store after work, I'm much more tempted to grab something 'easy' AKA not compliant.


When I shop on Sundays, my cart looks something like this:


2 vegetables per Meal 3 (so, a zucchini and a head of cauliflower (which usually can stretch to 2 meals; or 2 carrots and a head of broccoli) (This can vary, depending on what my main dish is. Stirfry gets several veggies added in, as does curry. If I'm making a burger for my meat dish, I'll have 2 veggies on the side.)

2 sweet potatoes (I shred these and use for Meal 1/breakfast)

1 serving of fruit per day (apples, pears, a bag of grapes, whatever's on sale)


This is where I can't give a very good estimate. I buy what's on 'manager's special' (they have to sell it that day or it gets thrown out) and put it in the freezer. So some weeks, I'll have to buy burger and chicken and pork chops, but other weeks I'll buy no meat because I can live out of my freezer. A whole chicken is good for at least 3 meals (a dinner of the breast or legs, a lunch of the same, and then the rest of the meat shredded up to use in curry or stirfry). I figure a chicken breast per meal, or 1.5-2 chicken thighs per meal. Ground beef depends on how you use it...I make 1/3 pound burgers, so that's a dinner, breakfast, and lunch. But if I'm doing tacos, I'll use 1/2 pound ground beef and save the other half for later.


canned tomatoes (one can if they're not on sale, stock up if they are)


1 or 2 dozen eggs (depending on what I've got left from the previous week)


I think it really depends on what kind of cook you are -- do you go to the store and find veggies and meat every day? Or do you pre-plan and know what meals you're cooking each week?


Hope that wasn't information overload.  :P

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My husband and I are starting our 2nd go on Sept 1st. We had a miserable fail by ordering pizza on day 18 the first time and even with that my husband had incredible results on his blood work, though the pizza wasn't at all satisfying and we both felt awful after. The fail was due to lack of planning I.e. not having quick to fix meals for those nights neither of us want to cook - which happens once or twice a week. I feel even more determined this time because it's my turn for my yearly check up the third week of Sept. and I hate failing at something more than once.

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Hi Marjan,

I am new to this site and am also going to start Sept 1st. This week will give me time to plan out my menus and go shopping for the foods I need. I will be taking my lunch to work. I am lucky that I live alone and don't have to think of buying or cooking other foods for family members who are not doing this. I know this is going to be hard at first, but if I know other people are also doing it at the same time, then I don't feel so alone. I am so happy to have found this site...........Caroline

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Hi all, thank you for all the responses re planning and hi to all starting at 1/9.

I started planning, well kinda, see my blogpost . Would that work, just have stuff ready to grab so I am not tempting to eat wrong foods.

I do have to cook for my husband and three kids so I can imagine that stir-fry every day for 30 days would be a bit boring.....

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My husband and I are also starting our second round Sept 1. We're on day 25 right now and have mutually agreed we want another 30 days to cement some habits in place, to evaluate physical responses, and because, personally, I'm not ready to take off my training wheels yet. Too scary. Last month we started on the 2nd instead of the 1st and I felt kind of lonely without other people to share on the board. Silly, but there it is. 

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Ohhhh!!! Can I join up too?


I semi-started this week - cleaning up the diet, reducing sugar, eliminating grains to try and help ease the transition next week.  I convinced my husband to start with me too.  Well, his jeans protesting his girth convinced him, I merely offered the suggestion.  We have been stock piling broths, sauces, and soups for two weekends now so we have more options for those days when neither of us are motivated to cook.


I would love to belong to a group where we are all on the same page and/or timeline.

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I bought the It Starts with Food book over a year ago and thought about starting last September 1st since September has 30 days in it.  Too drastic to begin at that time.  I love the book and bought one for my daughter and her husband also.  I have been trying (and failing at times) to eat more real food and almost no junk like candy and cokes.  I know that just creates havoc in our bodies.  I can tell you that I am hoping that it won't be too difficult for me since being allergic to wheat and dairy has me staying away from those things anyway (unless I slip up).  


There will be parts of it that will be difficult and my husband will not be doing this journey with me, but he will eat what I cook so that is good. The no alcohol will be hard because I enjoy red wine in the evenings.  But I know I can do it so I'm jumping in and starting tomorrow 9/1/2013.  

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