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Brain Fog... ugh

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I know that "brain fog" is not a medical condition, but a symptom. I've been diagnosed with celiac sprue, systemic candida (which I think I have under control), IBS, and adrenal fatigue. My WORST symptom is brain fog. It's awful. I'm on day one right now -- yes, a total newbie. I've only had breakfast and lunch, but I have a bad headache, brain fog, and a yucky taste in my mouth. ALL FOOD MAKES ME FEEL BAD! Could I have an intolerance to FOOD?! Sometimes I wish I could just be fed intravenously. Just give me what I need and let's keep my gut out of it.

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Sounds to me like you're detoxing.  Although other, wiser folks will likely be more helpful, I would say, give yourself time.  Make sure you're eating enough (you haven't said what breakfast and lunch were, so can't comment there), and use the template.  You have a lot of healing to do, and it may take more than one W30, but it's worth it!


Good health!

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Brain fog is the biggest change I've experienced since adapting a Paleo lifestyle. In that it is completely gone now. I still feel tired from time to time but that feeling of being trapped inside my own head is gone. Like Terresa said, give it some time. You might struggle with carb flu for a few days but it will get better. Make sure you are eating the template and getting enough food.

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Sounds to me like you're detoxing.  Although other, wiser folks will likely be more helpful, I would say, give yourself time.  Make sure you're eating enough (you haven't said what breakfast and lunch were, so can't comment there), and use the template.  You have a lot of healing to do, and it may take more than one W30, but it's worth it!


Good health!

I don't think I had enough to eat for breakfast and lunch. I'm going to struggle with that for awhile... Thanks for the feedback. :)

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Ugh, the dreaded brain fog!  I lived with that for many years.  I have endocrine deficiencies (adrenal, thyroid, sex hormones), serious leaky gut, and endometriosis.  Brain fog can come with any of them, so I was... eh hem... lucky enough to experience it from all sides.


Everyone deals with it differently, but for me, adding more carbs was an absolute must for me.  I require a little bit of white rice each week in order to keep things from getting out of control as the starchy veg didn't do enough.  I'm not suggesting you do that on your Whole30, but just keep in mind that going very low carb isn't always a good thing, particularly those of us that need lots of extra energy to heal.  Play around with your starchy carbs for now, see if that'll help.  


Other things that helped considerable was getting my thyroid properly treated.  And supplementing for a zinc deficiency.  I'm happy to report that for the most part, the brain fog is minimal, if at all most days.  Took a few years to even begin to lift, so I sympathize!

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jm, been there, I was Queen Brain Fog. If you have celiac and IBS, you've likely been undernourished for years. You need nutrition and eating this way will give it to you. Are you eliminating FODMAPS? They can cause IBS flares. You should also try bone broth. If you don't want to drink it, use it in recipes for stews and soups. It is the best thing for healing your gut. Once your gut heals and your are getting proper nutrition, you will feel like a new person.


I have in the past often fantasized about being on a feeding tube and having a colostomy bag, not kidding. I know how you feel. The good thing is we now know what food is good for us and what isn't.

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Thank you for the feedback. Bet, I've printed out the Whole30 Low FODMAP shopping list. I'm only on day 2 today. But yesterday, the worst I felt was after eating cherries. No more cherries. I've also suffered from systemic candida -- but think I've got that somewhat under control. I've been taking amphotericin for over a year now. Karen, like you, I think I've been hit by the brain fog from all angles. How I got myself into this hole, I don't know. I've been an athlete all my life and have eaten far better than most of my boundless-energy friends. But I guess it really doesn't matter. It is what it is. I'm really hopeful that a paleo diet will help. Honestly, I'd do anything. Thanks again for your support.

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Hang in there Jenny. I have ME and had severe brain fog with it, there was a time when I couldn't read a full page in a book or watch more than 10mins of TV before I forgot what was happening. When I was being treated for breast cancer, the oncologist insisted I got brain scans to check the cancer hadn't spread there as she wouldn't believe that amount of brain fog was 'normal' for me.


The lessening of brain fog has been my biggest success on W30. I was already gluten and dairy free but switching to strict W30 was what really made the difference. When I get really tired, don't get enough sleep or overdo things I can still get a bit 'foggy' but nowhere near as bad as it used to be all the time. W30 has helped like nothing else ever did, though it didn't happen overnight. So hang in there an I really, really wish you the best of luck with it.

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