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I feel like Debbie Downer

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Today is day 29 of our Whole30 (hubby and I did it together) and we both have felt pretty bad the whole time.  The first week we had some chicken sausages (whole30 ingredients) and applegate farms hot dogs (whole30 ingredients), but even cut those out to see if that was the issue. So, we have been having some protein source (grass-fed beef, chicken, shrimp or organic eggs), vegetable, good fat and fruit each meal (not even a fruit every meal).  i do have coffee in the morning with full-fat coconut milk.


Instead of feeling better as we have gone along, we have felt worse.  I have spent the last five days tied to a box of kleenex because my nose has been running nonstop.  I haven't had a cold in 3 years (since adopting semi-Paleo eating and losing 50 pounds). My husband is now getting it.


We both have lost weight and we both agree this is how we should be eating because it is healthy and sensible, but we are both frustrated because we feel so bad.  There is no Tiger Blood in our house right now - it's two snotty, cold infected, tired people.  We ate organic, grass-fed and all Whole30. The only thing we had that had a non Whole30 ingredient was two pieces of bacon each within the first three days that said sugar was a trace ingredient. At first we thought it didn't matter, but decided we didn't want that to stand in the way, so even that was thrown out. 


On the positive side, when I could work-out (when not sick), my energy is great. Although I psychologically still want junk food, I have complete power to say no now (the physiological addiction is gone - now it's just mental).  I rarely get hungry and when I do, it is controllable. Hubby has lost 6+ inches off his waist and I have lost at least 3 and both have lost over 10 pounds. We just don't know why we feel so bad and how we got sick when we were so solid.  Like I said, I sound like Debbie Downer and that ANNOYS me when we are supposed to be all Tiger Blood feeling!

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You might not have done anything wrong. You may have just had the bad luck of getting sick just as you started a Whole30. Unfortunately, eating well can't protect us from all illness. I hope you start feeling better soon.

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You're not the only one.  I got sick around day 20 of my first one.  I didn't see a doctor because I assumed it was food-related.  This process can be consuming and it is easy to forget that "it starts with food," but there is a lot more to it!  I have reminded myself that Whole9 has 8 other factors.  So, the food is the base, but it isn't the only thing happening in our lives.


I've been more Whole30 than not since February.  My head has been really stuffy lately and it keeps finding its way into my ear while I sleep.  I keep thinking "I'm off of dairy and my system is cleaner than ever..."  Well, maybe the air is just that bad this year and maybe it could have been worse.


Embrace those positives you mentioned and have some bone broth while you heal.

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I also came down with a bad head cold on day 10. One of the goals I had was to see if giving up dairy would solve my post nasal drip. But this was one of the worst head colds I've ever had. I'm still not completely over it. So we'll see what happens.

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This isn't scientific but just my own experience: losing weight makes me feel like garbage. I mean, some kind of stored waste and/or fat is being metabolized and excreted trough all elimination channels (digestive, skin, respiratory) maybe those channels are struggling to keep up. If you were eating processed packaged food before maybe these bad feelings are part of the adjustment to a much cleaner diet.

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I came into Whole30 to get my Paleo back to 90/10. It was about 60/40 - and not 60/40 junk packaged and fast food - more like more dairy and sugar than I should (and usually my own baked goods). I do have a lot of body fat, so it could be toxins coming at me fast and furious.  I had post nasal drip almost from the start.  I had it before and it never got better. So, I may have a bigger issue there OR I may be eating a food that still triggers me  (O Lord, do not let it be coconut) and would need to cut back even more on offenders to find it.  That is a topic for another Whole30...which I'm sure we'll do in some form or fashion. We are on Day 30, glad we made it and kept the committment to ourselves and will be back 90/10. Not really sure what the 10 will be because I'm not really craving much...but just freedom if it is needed.  Thank you everyone.  It was great to be able to come here for support.


As of this morning, my husband is down 17 pounds and I am down 12.  Woo hoo!

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