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I could kill dead things.

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Not sure where to post this because it is merely a self indulgent rant! Day 24, doing great and seeing benefits but SICK, SICK, SICK of shopping and cooking! Trying out new recipes and the whole family ( all 7 of us) are eating better but this mother is TIRED! I am angry at the world for producing , manufacturing and selling RUBBISH food in every outlet and on every corner of every street. When will they catch up with us? I would just love to buy ready prepared food, or lunch out without knowing they will serve me something, somewhere that will jeopardise what I am trying to do here.

Sorry to be a kill joy today, but this isn't always easy : (

Ps, I am not giving up! Just need to vent to people who know how I feel .

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Not "like" that you're fed up, but "like" as in i hear ye!


I don't mind the cooking, but then my family isn't on board. Everyday i watch what the kids eat & i'd like them to be, but i don't know where to start! My youngest only eats things that are either beige or crispy, preferably both, & my eldest cries if she sees new food  :rolleyes: If i could get OH on side we could tackle it as a family, but hell would freeze over there's not much chance he'd give up his ice cream, chocolate, golden syrup on porridge, lunchtime pasties, beer, etc., etc. So i'm trying to lead by quiet example  :ph34r: Life would be a lot easier if sugar & wheat were suddenly made illegal  :lol:

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Hey Irish rose, this is a very common stage and is known as an extinction burst... Your brains last ditch effort to return you to old habits, have you seen the timeline on the whole9 site! I got badly hit with it on day 22 and it lasted almost a week last two times... Hoping to sail through it this time... Up to day 18,

Ranting helps, as does finding a couple of really easy meals to make and some options when eating out. For example I make up a big pot of soup or ground beef with carrot and zucchini. And for eating out I ask for plain steamed veg no butter or an undressed salad etc and eat my own tin of tuna or nuts.

Hang in there, the end is near.

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Roz , mine aren't doing it with me but they eat the whole30 meal with extras like potatoes and rice. They also eat junk food sometimes. I am relaxed about the kids, I don't make anything forbidden( except aspartame), I just explain what it does to them and try to get them to make good choices . I dont want them seeing non paleo foods as forbidden fruit that they will binge on when they leave home. i know there are many who have entrely paleo families and wont agree with me, but my kids get popcorn at the cinema and cake and sweets on birthdays. I aim for education and balance with them.I find it so hard not to be able to eat out or have a take away on a Friday night. I let my kids eat in cafes and I sit with a bottle of water or a black coffee. I just wish that there were healthy eating chains like McDonalds that served paleo foods. There are so many delicious things they could offer. It's a fantasy of mine. Here, in Northern Ireland, cafes are all fries, pies, sandwiches and cream buns. Even the salads have unsuitable dressings. We are the heart attack Capitol of Europe! Apart from some of my fitness friends, noone understands or supports what I am trying to do. That's why this forum is great. I joined Robb Wolfs forum last year but neither he nor the moderators where active and traffic was low on it, so I left.

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Thanks Juzbo! So good to know It isn't just me! I hope to carry on for 50 or 60 days and knowing the end isn't in sight is probably part of the problem . I have made tomorrow's dinner today, so that will be a nice break : )

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I remember having a little "rage fest" once when I took my nephew to get lunch at the zoo's dining cafe area - several places to eat and absolutely everything was deep-fried or disgusting. I was soooo angry at the world for pumping our kids full of crap with the only alternative being to slave away in a kitchen. Ha! My boyfriend saw a whole new side of me that day.


I have no words of comfort - just wanted to commiserate. Hang in there, Irish Rose! Teach your kids how to prep the veggies? Make them do the dishes :)

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Thanks Jillian ! We are heading into town now but I am preparing myself! I have a huge tray of 'best chicken ever' in the oven and some broccoli. We are going to eat first to avoid another rage attack! Then I will sit serenely and sip green tea in the cafe after we get the school uniforms : ))

The world will catch up , eventually!

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