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Sudden Migraines

Robin D

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I'm on day 11 of my Whole 30 and have recently experienced some pretty heinous migraines for the past week.  My first and worst migraine  was about a week ago when I was doing a rough deadlift work out (30 DL @ 135 lbs, run 200 m, 25 DLs, run 200 m...you get the picture) which I had to quit--the first time I've ever quit during a workout.  I honestly had a moment where I thought I was having a stroke.  Frightening.  I've had one every day since then, mostly when I exercise but sometimes not.


I'm an endurance "athlete" and have been crossfitting for almost three years.  This is my 3rd Whole30 and honestly think I'm eating enough carbs (fruit and sweet potatoes or squash every day) and drinking enough water (60 oz), although maybe I'm missing something.  I've never had any symptoms like this before although migraines and low blood sugar/diabetes does run in my family.


Does anyone have any ideas?  I can't give up working out, but I also can't workout with these headaches!

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If Tom doesn't have any ideas (and you covered everything I would have asked), I'd say this sounds bothersome enough to discuss with a medical professional.


It starts with food, but there are many other factors, as I'm sure you know.

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I'm wondering if anyone has ever had any exertion headaches (brought on my weight lifting in my case).  And yes, Tom, it's really awful.  I've made an appointment with my primary care physician for next week.  I'm sure she'll refer me to a neurologist and then I'll wait, what, 3 months for freakin' appointment?  I'm frustrated and I don't really want to wait that long.  I thought I'd try this forum first.

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I'm a nurse and I strongly advise you to seek immediate medical attention -- like go to the Emergency Room today instead of waiting around for a primary care appointment and maybe 6 months to see a neurologist. Describe your symptoms clearly. You might need a CT scan of your head to look for any blood vessel abnormalities. You are young and healthy, I'm sure, but you don't want to risk your health, your life and your future by waiting around for an appointment. PLEASE seek immediate medical care TODAY.

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Thanks for all the recommendations.  My doctor seems mildly concerned that I'm getting headaches and has scheduled an MRI and MRA for Monday just as a preventative measure.  In the meantime, I received a shot of Toradol along with a prescription for the same medication just in case I have another one.  I think this is a combination of heredity and some sort of pinched nerve.  Hopefully nothing to serious.

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Do you grind your teeth/clench your jaw or have TMJ? 


During heavy lifts I'll sometimes clench my jaw/hold my breath and get a terrible migraine and dizzy.


I've been waking up with migraines lately from clenching in my sleep.  I have a mouthguard from the dentist I need to start using again. 


Just an idea.

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I think I might be holding my breath a little, but I swear I haven't been doing anything unusual lately that I don't normally do (in other words, if I was holding my breath before why would doing it now bother me?).  I had an MRI and MRA last night--both THAT was fun.  I'm not claustrophobic but man, being trapped in one of those things for 45 minutes would make anyone panic.  I should find out the results soon.


I haven't had a headache in the past 4 or 5 days, then again my doctor told me to take it easy (I have) and take some ibuprofen before I do any exercise.  I know that's not a long term solution but it has worked.

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All test results from the MRI/MRA were normal.  My doctor pescribed Indomethacin (basically a super strong NSAID) for me to take before I exercise.  I've been a lot less headachey lately so while I will take this stuff for awhile I'm going to try not to make a long term habit out of it.  I'm still holding out hope that the chiropractic appointments will be even more helpful.

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While I am lifting I get a headache almost every time. Not migraine status but pretty nasty, haven't figured out a solution to that yet. I DO get migraines if I am drinking a lot of water (my typical is a gallon a day) and not consuming enough sodium/salt. I thought I was dying the other day. Truly. I was doing sprints and I envisioned myself passing out and my husband having to carry me home. Once I got home I had to take a pain killer (extremely rare for me- I don't even take Tylenol) because I literally thought my brain was going to explode out of my head or I was going to have a stroke or seizure. Before I went to bed I ground up a teaspoon or two of salt and downed it. The next day I salted everything and cut back on some water. By the third day I was feeling better and back to my normal self. Since then I have been making sure I am taking in enough salt (I'm on day 46 of a Whole60). I did look it up though and it is called hyponatremia.

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