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Day 7 tic tac--do I have to start over


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So as the topic title states, I reached day 7 of my Whole30 challenge feeling really good. At a meeting today, a colleague offered tic tacs to a few of us in the meeting room. I reflexively took 2, and ate them. As I was swallowing them I realized what I had done, but it was too late. Down the esophagus they went.


So my question is, must I start over? Have I ruined the Whole30 if I go the remaining 23 days without incident? Do I have to extend my Whole30 by 7 days in order to get the full benefit. 


Or is 30 days of ideal eating, and 2 tic tacs unacceptable. Please let me know the official word on this.







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Ha - I did that with a cough drop!  Mine was at the end of day one, so it was easy to think of extending it one day.  :lol:


In your case, I'm thinking the moderator types would say it's probably best to add seven days; however, they might suggest that you could also go the original thirty days but wait to reintroduce sugar specifically until day 38.


Those darn reflexive habits!

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What AmyS said. I would recommend continuing with your Whole30, keeping sugar out of your diet an additional 7 days.


And yes, part of a Whole30 is becoming more mindful of the food we ingest: both what we prepare and what others offer to us. Another habit to change.  :)


EDIT: just learned that Tic Tacs also contain rice starch, so to be consistent, also keep non-gluten grains out of your diet an additional 7 days.

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Oops!... well I'm going to have to add on lots of days then. On day 22 I was so heartbroken over the loss of my beloved pet, just the day prior, that I forgot to take my psych meds. As a result, and when combined with the loss of my pet, it made me feel miserable all day long. That is still no excuse for giving into temptation; but, I ate 2 Nilla wafers. They tasted so good that I couldn't resist one the next day, and the next day, the next, and last night. Today is day 27,four days remaining. I feel awful about it. What should I do? I know the first thing is to throw the damn cookies out right now, but how do I fix what I've done?

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Oops!... well I'm going to have to add on lots of days then. On day 22 I was so heartbroken over the loss of my beloved pet, just the day prior, that I forgot to take my psych meds. As a result, and when combined with the loss of my pet, it made me feel miserable all day long. That is still no excuse for giving into temptation; but, I ate 2 Nilla wafers. They tasted so good that I couldn't resist one the next day, and the next day, the next, and last night. Today is day 27,four days remaining. I feel awful about it. What should I do? I know the first thing is to throw the damn cookies out right now, but how do I fix what I've done?


Unfortunately, there's no way to fix this one. Nilla wafers have ALL of the things that we're asking you to keep out of your diet for 30 days, so you'll have to restart in order to "officially" finish your Whole30. 


I'm sorry you had a lot of crap thrown at you so close to the finish line!

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Unfortunately, there's no way to fix this one. Nilla wafers have ALL of the things that we're asking you to keep out of your diet for 30 days, so you'll have to restart in order to "officially" finish your Whole30. 


I'm sorry you had a lot of crap thrown at you so close to the finish line!

Thank you for responding so quickly . . . before I eat another one! Haha. Seriously though I guess I deserve to be punished, although I should blame my husband for telling me it was okay to cheat once in awhile (I hope he doesn't use that philosophy with other women) and since he is now on board with the program (Day 8) I have the insight to offer him and it will be much easier for us to plan our meals than we previously did.

Oh! Also when flipping through the book just now I came across the sulfites omission and realized, when looking back in my food journal, that I have consumed sulfites in the balsamic vinegar since the early days up until today even! So now I am learning to read those labels better than I was.  

Thanks again!

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I was deperate for gum on day 7 and since it has soy letchin in it I chewed it for about a minute but didn't swallow any saliva and just spit it all out once my coffee breath was slayed. I hope no one saw me because I must have looked like an idiot who didn't know how to chew gum. I'm sure I ingested trace amounts, but since I'm doing a Whole 40, I'm not too worried about it. In related news, I had no idea how much saliva could be produced during a few chews...

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