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Crispy Green?


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Day one of my Whole 30. So far so good! 


I was in the market and saw something called Crispy Green. They are sliced, freeze dried fruits. There are no other ingredients other than the fruit and I checked the website to confirm. 


Would these be compliant? Or would they just entice me to eat snack food? 







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These would be technically acceptable, but not a good idea. If it comes in a bag, box, or pouch, it is suspect. You would save money by buying whole, fresh fruit and eating that instead of freeze-dried fruit. And, part of the purpose of the Whole30 is to get you accustomed to eating real, whole foods, not stuff that comes in boxes, bags, or pouches. 

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That looks like something I'd pack on a road trip where I needed foods that will last awhile without refrigeration. But anything that's marketed as "perfect for snacking!" is probably not something that's going to help you psychologically.

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