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How am I doing?


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So I'm ending my 5th day of my whole30 and other than being really tired I feel fine. It makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong? I really have not had any issues giving up sugar or dairy or anything else. Today I found myself wanting foods that others had more so because I couldn't eat them and not as much that I really wanted the specific food. I've noticed more that I have food habits I need to break and hopefully this is helping with that. For example always eating a snack when I get home from school(I'm a teacher). This is something I've been doing since middle school and I've realized this week that it became a habit whether I was hungry or not, I always ate a snack when coming home. So this seems to be helping with that. I do feel like I have bad breath but I'm used to sucking on mints etc so I'm not sure. I just feel my mouth is dry and tastes bad. I'm very surprised that I'm not craving any foods or really missing any of the food that I've stopped eating... ??

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M1: 1 egg, 3 egg whites loaded with veggies (spinach, mushroom, onion) and coconut milk added to my eggs before I scramble them. Coffee with coconut milk

M2: flat iron steak, veggie mix, pistachios, banana

M3: chicken breast with sun dried tomato coconut milk sauce, spinach with pearl onions in olive oil, cucumber and tomato salad with some balsamic.


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M1: 1 egg, 3 egg whites loaded with veggies (spinach, mushroom, onion) and coconut milk added to my eggs before I scramble them. Coffee with coconut milk

M2: flat iron steak, veggie mix, pistachios, banana

M3: chicken breast with sun dried tomato coconut milk sauce, spinach with pearl onions in olive oil, cucumber and tomato salad with some balsamic.


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Two things jump out at me -

Why not eat whole eggs instead of just the whites? Plenty of nutrients & good fats in the yolks!

You could maybe use more carbs, that would help with the tiredness. Try adding some sweet potatoes, or other root veg like carrots or beets. While a whole30 is much lower in carbs than a diet of bread & pasta, it's not a low-carb plan as such.

Other than that it looks like you're doing fine! You might find cravings get worse in your 2nd week though, as your brain realises you're serious...!

Good luck on your journey :)

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