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SimpleNotEasy's Whole 30 Log


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Hi Mely Mom,


Thanks for checking in with me. :) I have been one who worked out avidly in the past (weights & HIIT). In 2011, I did a program called Lean Eating with Precision Nutrition. They have very well-written workouts which are part of that program and I enjoyed them very much. More recently, I have become a yoga instructor (I teach twice a week & attend 1-2 classes per week) and am walking a few miles several times a week with my dog. I worked out with weights and HIIT a little bit over the summer, but not with my old consistency. I was just thinking last night that I need to get back to it.


When I did my first Whole 30, I took a low-carb approach and I noticed results almost immediately. Like within 3-5 days, my belly was noticeably flatter! I was also doing a few kettlebell workouts to get some intensity in there along with walks. This time, I am not taking a low-carb approach and I have not added in intensity. I don't notice much of a difference in my body yet as of today, which is Day 9. I do notice that I am sleeping well and that I am enjoying not feeling the emotional burden of guilt. 


How are you preparing yourself for success for the celebration out on Thursday? Have you been to the restaurant before or checked out their menu? Planning on club soda with a squeeze of lime? :) Got your line memorized so that when someone says, "Come on, you can let loose a little," you have a ready answer that helps you get thru it?


Good work staying strong!


Hi Terry,

Hope you are having a great DAY 30! Wo-hoo! Think about how well you have done and how much change you have implemented over the past 30 days! Yay for you!


Yesterday, I drove out to a friend's house. She lives on a golf course and we walked the outer loop, which turned out to be 5 miles (according to the Fitbit I wear)! I was tired afterward. So was my dog. :) It motivated me to get out this morning and do the larger loop around my neighborhood, which turned out to be 3.5 miles. Yay, me.


I wrestle with depression and have for a number of years (and take medication for it, which I have worked with my doctor to wean off of, but not yet successfully). I'm contemplating beginning counseling to see if I can work thru some of the underlying issues. There is always so much going on in my daily life as a mom, wife, yoga teacher, church small group leader, etc. that I just never seem to get down to the larger issues. The time and the money as well as fear of facing hard stuff are the things holding me back from setting up a first session. Hmm...

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You are very busy indeed.  I am very happy today is 30 and it is done - this has shown me that I can indeed follow a way of eating and change my behaviors!  I think doing another 30 will help to solidify those behaviors.  Funny I have thought a few times over the past day or 2 - what am I going to eat to celebrate?  - mmm candy bar, mmmmm chips, mmmmm ice cream -- fleeting junk food thoughts - now I'd like to have a steak - big one - veggies of some sort - maybe a little bit of sweet potato.......all cooked by someone else and cleaned up by someone else........yes.....sounds like a weekend deal for sure - maybe I can get hubs to take me out! LOL  I'm learning so much by following folks.  Thanks for letting me in your world! 

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So here is where the rubber meets the road. My daughter is ranting and raving and slamming doors about something to do with college applications and this is the time when I'd normally start stuffing things in my mouth or pour a glass of wine. I really feel the need to revert to those behaviors in this moment. I have used them as my coping mechanisms when things feel out of control.

I have asked firmly to return to her own room to calm down. I need to keep working on making dinner bc our family needs to eat and I also need to take a portion to a friend from small group who just had her appendix taken out. So I can't leave to go take walk or a bath or anything right now. Too bad. I'd like to physically remove myself from the kitchen.

On the plus side, I'm making Melissa Joulwen's paleo pad Thai. :) Yumminess!

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Sara, great job in realizing the triggers that make you want to go eat...teenage daughters are fun ;-)  You are doing so awesome.  I was thinking you were a dancer or into yoga based on your picture.  I admit I have only tried yoga once.  I need to give it another try.  I didn't feel that I got a lot out of the class, and I know each instructor is different. I have been getting emails from precision nutrition, maybe I will check out there workouts.  I just started training for my triathlon I signed up for end of October.  Have never done one before and really have not been as active as I should be over the summer.  I work 10 hour days (get every other Friday off and weekends) and commute an hour, so my days are not long enough at all.  How was the pad thai?  I found the well fed website, some great recipes there to tr.


Terryr  Congratulations!!! on completing a whole 30, bet it feels great!!


I have been really busy..I am prepared for going out with my friend tonight, getting that soda water with olives and lime ;-)  It is more about spending time with a great friend than having a drink...


I am on day 17 today, I really doubted myself when starting the whole 30, I didn't think I could make it that long without eating sugar or grains, or snacks.  Yesterday was the first day I had a true hunger issue.  I have stayed 100%.  patting myself on back.


Yesterdays meals

B:  Pumpkin pancakes made with 2 eggs and about 3/4 cup pumpkin and spices, topped with teaspoon almond butter

L:  Left over chicken curry soup made with organic chicken broth, chicken breasts, coconut milk, peppers, onions, zuchini and spinach

D:  Shrimp stir fried in coconut oil with peppers, onions, zuchinis------

Got hungry, had about 1/4 cup frozen cherries with a little bit of coconut milk mixed in, then remembered I had broccolini in the microwave I forgot to eat with dinner


I came home to find my daughter had made homemade chocolate cupcakes, caught myself wanting to put my finger on the icing but didn't do it...today they need to disappear


Hope you have a terrific day!!!

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Hi Terry and MelyMom,

Thanks for your support. I made it thru my daughter's meltdown without resorting to a binge. Wo-hoo! Day 10 went into the books as a success.

The Pad Thai was delicious! It is kind of a lot of trouble if you make all the parts in one day... I've thought before that I should try to grill the chicken ahead and the sunshine sauce, too. Sometimes getting ahead is also a challenge, though. LOL It's one meal that my whole family enjoys - however not everyone eats all parts.

My goal is not weight loss in this Whole 30, but I did sort of hope my belly would be getting that flatter feeling by now. Guess I'm eating a few too many sweet potatoes and nuts for that. Still, I am eating Whole 30 compliant, so I am satisfied that my main goal of taking a step to control my patterns of emotional eating is being met. Next step - addressing some of the underlying issues. Eek.

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Hope you are still hanging on - I had the craziest day - looking for sweets all day - well in my head anyway.. My head kept saying - just one, if you can eat one it will be ok - it will soothe you - dumb huh.......It was so bad that I had fixed my brain on the dark choc. kisses that we use for toddler potty training -- I even went to get one, but my hand hit something and broke a nail -- Ha - I backed off real quick and didn't think about them the remainder of the day.....LOL.....I need to get back to using CO to cook my food in - I am much more satisfied -- I've been using EVOO and ghee.........and I think that has brought on the munchies.  I thought I was over that craziness! 

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Terry - wow - talk about mercy. Who knew hitting ones hand and breaking a nail could be a form of mercy?! So glad you held firm.

From the timeline:

Day 8-9: For the love of Gosling, my pants are TIGHTER.

You've made it through the Hangover, and managed not to kill ALL the things, and you're starting to feel like things are back on level ground again. Then, you put on your pants. They're just pants, completely normal pants. In fact, they're the pants you wore just three days ago. (You were too tired to wash them. It's okay, we understand.) And three days ago, they fit. But this morning you had to take a big deep breath to get that button where it ought to be. What gives?!

The same processes that ran over you like a truck a few days ago are still working their magic in your body. Your body composition is not actually changing for the worse, we assure you. The enzymes that digest your food and the millions of bacteria that live in your gut are adjusting to your new intake of meat and vegetables, and the lack of easy-access sugars. This is something they do naturally, and these adjustments have contributed to humanity's ability to flourish throughout our history. However, these adjustments can be a bit… uncomfortable. Bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or all three may appear as your gut starts to heal, rebalance, and process this new food effectively. The good news is that most people find this phase passes relatively quickly, and their pants are easy to button again within a week or so.

Whew! I'm so relieved! I've been feeling bloated all day and late this afternoon, also kind of felt like I'm having heartburn. Yuck. But I thought to look for the timeline and when I read this, it all started to make sense. So I'm having some hot tea now and will decide if I can stomach my dinner in a little while.

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SNE, as you've seen on the timeline, feeling bloated around now isn't unusual. Also remember that you're only 1/3 along your whole 30 and a lot can happen over the next 20 days :)


if you're eating lots of nuts, that could be an issue - many people notice that they cause some digestive upset. perhaps try using other fat sources for a few days? Sweet potato is unlikely to cause you issues, and you do need the starchy carbs.

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Someone here called you Sara - so that's what I'm going to do too>>>>LOL unless you say otherwise :lol: - so glad you looked a the timeline and didn't jump ship........I think I went thru something like that too - I was so please when the tight pants weren't so tight and then they were tight?  So I bumped it off to "old" age and thinking it was another pair.  What is great is now - I do not have a pair of tight pants anymore -- yay :wub: !  They may be snug, but I don't have to heave hoe to get them on!  So hang in there.  I keep thinking about the fingernail business - ha - I have gotten the toddlers kisses for the potty training many times - I think it hilarious when I was headed for disaster that a broken nail would be the thing that saved me.  Someone else reading these thoughts (like my hubby) would just think me crazy - but that's ok.  I love keeping people on an uneven keel about my sanity...... :P Hope you have a super day!

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Yep - I'm Sara. Just thought it would be more fun to have an interesting user name. :)


Today has been fine. This morning, I went to my "hard" yoga class that I try to attend each week. I can't do all the poses and I always sweat like an athlete in there. It's a challenge. 


My kids' school is having a big family event right now before the football game, but I can't get motivated to go over there. It's very nearby (I can even hear the music!), but I don't know. I'm just not in the mood. I keep thinking if I get off my duff and go over, I will be glad I did. But my husband is out of town and I feel sort of insecure going over alone. Foolish, I know. There are a bunch of people I know and I would likely enjoy talking with them... Whatever. Not sure what my problem is.

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Today has been a better day. Thanks, Terry, for your compassion. :)


I went to my easier yoga class that I attend weekly this morning and loved it. Got some ideas for a future class I want to teach for my students. Then I ran around with my boys (picking one up from a sleepover, taking another one to go paddle boarding). Then I came home and made a huge pot of Melissa Joulwen's Chocolate Chili. Wo-hoo!


Another good thing that happened today is that a friend I talked to about the Whole 30 decided she wants to do it. Today is her Day 1. I'm so proud of her for this! And another friend said she will consider it, even though she dreads giving up her beloved Greek yogurt. I love the ripple effect I see when I am living true to what I know to be wise and when I'm willing to share my struggles with friends. 

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AWESOME that you have a friend joining in!  That's what I miss - person to person contact with someone that understands or that you can talk about these issues or just day to day things that happen.  


I haven't had anyone locally jump on - had a few FB friends from home jump in and then jump off WB when the going got tough.  I have a couple of really BF's and I know if I lived near them they would stay for the ride.  I just feel sad when I see or hear from them about how sick they are or one friend is BP and on meds - How I wish she could understand what a healthier lifestyle could do.  Some folks are defeated before even starting - or if they start the defeat themselves in the beginning -- wanting someone to tell them what to do, what to eat, what to take - might as well move in with them and cook for them - although they would probably get off the wagon on their own anyway.   We as a people - do not want to give up what is bad for us..............blind eyes - and it won't hurt.


 Love the Psalm you keep at the bottom - read it every time I'm here.


Peace and blessings - for a beautiful day.  

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Not much to report, but I'm hanging in here.

Grilled up a bunch of chicken thighs for dinner tonight and there are plenty left to eat for breakfast or lunch tomorrow or the next day. Yay! Tried a tahini dressing... I don't care much for it, so probably won't make it again. It could be better on other veggies - like maybe cucumbers, so I will get some of those next time I go to the store since there is a lot left.

I'm eating nuts a bit too much. I may need to take them off my approved Whole 30 list for a few days just to break the habit. It's a little too easy to overeat nuts, even raw and unsalted ones.

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I'm with you on the nuts - we keep crossing thought Sara - Day 39 - wondering if I can keep going with this without - glitter, glam food or what my mind perceives it to be.  So far day 2 and no nuts.  I am hoping for a revelation with the extended w30.  You know - oh - I can't eat this or that or I can have a little ---my problem is a little of those foods goes onto a lot or a whole package.  I have a dear friend that I used to commute to and from work - she a size 0 and me (at that time) a 14 - sometimes we ate together --- well I ate, she nibbled.  I could never do that.  She had trouble finding 0's - I had trouble staying in a 14 -- never figured I would be searching for size 20 or 22 later on.  Now back to a 14 and hoping to go down a few more sizes.......I'm just too short for my size....LOL Anyway - I used to be envious of her- size 0 - I didn't even know there was such a thing --- long story short - she had a heart attack - serious - but she's ok now.  I stopped with the envy.   Not sure why I shared this, but ........ah well........Hope you have a super day - with not so hot weather.  The leaves are turning here and becoming lovely - I noticed that I'm am not suffering with fall allergies - I hope this continues as the weather changes.  Hold on to Holding on Sara! 

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Well today is day 18, I believe. It is so great to be consistently walking away from unhealthy choices. Freedom!

Terry - I did manage to go one day with zero nut intake. But yesterday I ate some again (they were still in the house). I've made the decision that I will not purchase any more nuts for the rest of my Whole 30. On another food note, my crock pot carnitas made with pork shoulder from my local farmer turned out tasty the other night. Love using the crock pot!

I'm very tall - 6 ft - so I have always dealt with some envy for those who are teeny-tiny and wear a tiny size. When I am at my most fit, I wear a 10 or 12. Right now, I'm a 14. However, I am seeking to change my focus from what size I wear. It's more about seeking to be healthy. Jason Seib says, "healthy on purpose, hot by accident."

I've been thinking about getting weights workouts back into my routine. I have not figured it out yet. Well, I'd better get off the computer and off to take a walk for now. That I can do. :)

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Wonder if the forums are working now? I'm still plugging away. Today is day 26. I've not successfully elimated nuts completely, but have mostly just used them in recipes.

I'm mulling over what to do once the Whole 30 is over. I want to extend, but am not certain how I will approach doing so.

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Today is my Day 30! Wo-hoo!


So, I think I am going to do a process of re-introductions starting tomorrow. When I did my first Whole 30 in spring of 2012, I did not try this. I just kept going for awhile rather than trying a systematic approach to see how different food affected me. It seems that this would be good info to have, and it isn't a free-for-all. 


I need to think about what changes I'm seeing from this Whole 30. I know I have not lost a bunch of inches or weight this time, and this was not my goal (although if I am honest, I would not have minded if it had happened.)


-The gift of freedom - not feeling like a slave to my appetites - has been tremendous.

-I have gained a bit of head space to process my thoughts and emotions.

-I've had more energy to love others. For example, I've made meals for 3 friends/families in crisis during this Whole 30. That's more than I've done in the past year previously!

-I sleep more soundly - pre-Whole 30, I was tossing and turning so much during the night.

-My neck/throat area feels tighter - less fleshy. (What a funny and old lady-ish thing to say! But it's true.  :) )

-A dear friend who has been similarly enslaved to her appetites started a Whole 30 after hearing about mine! I don't take "credit" for this, but I put it here because it feels good to realize that when I live well, that can be contagious.


I'll keep thinking to see what other things might come to mind. But that is a pretty good list.

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Thanks for your encouragement, Juzbo & Potamus. I feel so pleased to have done what I set out to do in this Whole 30. 


Since today is Day 31, I decided to weigh and measure this morning to see if I did lose any weight or inches. The answer is yes! I lost 5 lbs. and 1 inch from my waist. I didn't take other measurements, but likely there were some small losses elsewhere, too. I'm actually fitting into one size smaller in some styles of jeans. Some I still wear a 32 (or 14), but some I can now wear a 31 (or 12). When you think about that it has only been 30 days, that is good news. Plus, I have not been working out hard these past 30 days. I've been active, but not doing weights or very regular HIITs.


I have a question about reintroductions... I will post it in that thread, too, but if anyone is reading this thread and knows the answer... To follow the protoccol in ISWF, day 1 (today), I am trying out dairy. I ate Greek yogurt and berries for breakfast and will have some cheese with lunch or dinner. Then, do I observe how I feel over the next couple of days without eating any more dairy than that? Or do I eat dairy on days 2 and 3 also? 


I'm not adding sugar or wine back to my regular intake any time soon, since I know that those both need to be reserved for the very occasional event. They don't do me any favors, health-wise, and too easily slip out of control. Thus, my reintros will be a bit more limited to avoid that issue. I am going to make banana muffins for my gluten trial, but the bananas will make them sweet enough.  :)

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