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Day 4 and not really hungry


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I think I've had this problem since before starting the whole30, but I find that I'm not really hungry... I had breakfast at 8.30 am this morning, and its 3 pm now and I'm having lunch simply because its time to have lunch, I could have gone by without it. I do want to eat (and I guess that since I can't snack or eat other things while on the whole30 I cooked myself lunch) but I'm not really hungry.


Should I still eat when this is the case? I don't think I'm eating a lot to justify fullness... (this is a link to my food log so far).


Thanks in advance!

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Yes. Eat. 3 meals a day every day for 30 days. At 4 days in, it's likely that your body is still trying to make sense of this new way of eating. This tendency to not feel "really hungry" that you think you've also experienced before the Whole30 may be something that will change after eating this way for 30 days. It may take 30 days of following these external guidelines for your body to "find its voice".


Sometimes I don't feel hungry - but I want to eat. Then when I start eating I realize that, in fact, I was really hungry! 


Also, sometimes when my digestion is sluggish - I feel full even though I haven't had much to eat. Are things "moving along" at a normal rate for you? Any indigestion?

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oooo - yes, that's definitely an adjustment. I used to be a grazer. Now I love sitting down to 3 big meals a day - and my body loves it, too. Plus, it's so liberating to be able to eat a meal and then not think about food until my next meal.


I often find I am not really hungry, but I am slowly getting hunger signals. At this point, what works for me is to set meals times rather than waiting to feel hungry. It sounds crazy, since we are taught to eat only when hungry. But, many of us grazers need to regain our hunger signals. For instance: 7:30 am breakfast (still working on this); 1:30 pm lunch; 7:00pm dinner non-negotiable. Set times that work best for your schedule 4-5 hours apart and then just....EAT!

Good Luck!

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