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Stomach pain and bowel movement problems with the program.

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I'm on day 16 of the program and for over a week now iv been having excruciating pain under my left rib which I think might be related to bloating. Iv been having bouts of diarrea and constipation but no real regular bowel movement. i feel short of breath and gas medicine has not offered much relief. I don't know if I'm eating too much protein or what I should do. Any ideas?

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Thank you for the reply :) mm I didn't write down a food log but I remember more or less. Boiled eggs and avocado for breakfast. Salad with chicken tomatoes carrot and homemade vinegar oil dressing. I did eat a larabar 2 days ago some pistachios for snack and another salad for dinner. I eat a lot of salads yet I still get constipation. I believe that it's when I eat too much nuts that I get diarrea but still wonder if that upper left rib pain might be related to constipation.

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Having a lot of raw vegies can cause issues, and too much fiber can be a bad thing. I'd try to eat more cooked vegies, and also include starchy vegies for a few days and see if that helps with the toilet trouble.

On another note, don't forget to follow the template for every meal!! Your breakfast had no vegies - I aim for 2-3 cups per meal.

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Hi Maude, I am also hypo and have struggled with constipation. I also have IBS/Chron's and for a long time had alternating C and D. Once I eliminated a lot of foods that caused D, I had really bad C. I started taking Magnesium Glycinate and a probiotic. That has helped tremendously. The foods I eliminated were FODMAPS and see if you can identify foods that may be causing a problem. They can cause both D and C.


I also had that pain under the left rib for a long time. Mine was caused by 'inflammation' Once I eating better, and taking digestive enzymes with HCL, it has finally abated.

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