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Day 4 - Angry Bird


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I am on Day 4 and I am grumpy...did I say grumpy? I mean, I am ticked off. I am so frustrated with my veggies (one more carrot and I am losing it). I am craving my daily bag of jolly ranchers. I'm emotional. I want to cry, I'm already having a bad week and now I can't self soothe with my chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I ordered a ton of brownies and cookie dough from my co-workers son's fundraiser and after weeks and weeks of waiting, NOW it's coming in. Go figure. I wish I could just sleep until Day 30. It has to get better. 

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It will get better!  I'm on my second round of W30 (with several mini-rounds in between).  I'm on day 6 and I definitely had the "kill all the things" phase two days ago. It was rough. The smallest little kinks in my day were making me downright irate!  I told my husband all I wanted to do was sit and eat a tub of Blue Bell red velvet ice cream, some wine, and watch some mindless TV (mind you, this isn't even my typical non-paleo/pre-W30 routine).  Of course, I didn't... but you get my point.  Every day is a new opportunity to tackle.  One thing I learned during my first W30 was that if you're having a bad day (mood, cravings, etc), just give yourself to the end of the day and more often than not, you will wake up refreshed the next day. The emotions of one bad day typically won't carry over into the next day. So, just take everything one day at a time! Don't focus on the entire 30 days, just tell yourself to make it through one day at a time. :)

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You have to get over this hump to get to the good stuff. It's hard , very hard and I am sending you virtual hugs! My best piece of advice is, forget the carrots! There are loads of delicious and tasty whole 30 foods. Make yourself a batch of these Eatlivepaleo , spicy lemon paprika chicken thighs ( sorry couldn't post proper link, just google ) and buy the Well Fed book. Make something fatty and comforting with coconut milk in it and try to weather the storm. Keep remembering why you embarked on this. Good luck xxx

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Yup like everyone else said hang in there. You are right on schedule for kill all the things. Your body realized that you are serious about this no crap thing and is desperately trying to get you to crack. Like a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the grocery store it is better for your body long term to wait out the tantrum however painful and not give in and give it what it thinks it wants.


Irish Rose gave you great advice. The best way to survive is to plan well and add variety. Try new things. Eating the same things all the time will drive you crazy. I joined a CSA to force me to try new vegetables and it opened my eyes to lovely things I didn't think I liked before.

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