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Kicking off 27/09!


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I'm not sure if this is the right way to use the Whole30 log section - please correct me if I'm wrong! - but I've decided to move up my start date by a week. We do all our grocery shopping on a Saturday, so I'm starting this Sunday. Here is my meal plan. I actually painstakingly coded and HTML table with links to add, but I couldn't figure out how to edit the code!




I'll come back and update on how I do after Sunday. Excited!



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Welcome! Just one note from looking at your plan your breakfasts look very fruit heavy. The meal template suggests 1 serving (what you can hold in your closed hand) of fruit at 1 or 2 meals per day. Some people find having fruit with their first meal makes them hungrier earlier as well. 


Having a plan is definitely the right thing to do!

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Okay, so first day is done and dusted. Here's how it went:


BREAKFAST: A generous amount of kale, some bacon, and two eggs, plus a sliced banana with cashews and shaved coconut.


LUNCH: this tuna salad. I halved the recipe and it made an INSANE amount of food. I made the dressing out of avocado oil and replaced the garlic with mustard because I find raw garlic can be a bit bitter in dressings.


DINNER: this bigos recipe, except I bashed up a teaspoon each of caraway seeds, juniper berries and peppercorns in a mortar and pestle and added that. It was fine, but I think in future I'll just paleo-ify my preferred recipe.


Feeling pretty good food-wise, but I had a heavy WOD Saturday and my knees are still the size of cantaloupes. Can you tell I have inflammation issues?


Now I'm off to smash some fish oil before a proper night's sleep.

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@amberino21 thanks for your feedback! I ate the same breakfast today and I was actually super full until lunch time, but I'll try 3 eggs tomorrow. Bacon and sausage were both compliant - we have a near-miraculous butcher around the corner from our apartment that smoke their own meats.


Today: breakfast was a repeat of yesterday, and I had leftover bigos for lunch. The afternoon was a bit of a disaster. I was really, really trying to avoid snacking, but I was feeling super light headed and vague at 5 (around 4 hours after I'd eaten lunch) so I ate an apple. I just came home and devoured the hard boiled egg I'd intended to take to work that day, before putting this beef chuck on in the oven, shredding the remaining half head of cabbage from yesterday and including that in the pot. Considering the feedback I might also do something with the brussels sprouts I have in the fridge to have on the side.

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Okay, day 3!


BREAKFAST: Sliced banana with shaved coconut and cashews (I added a dash of nutmeg this morning, delicious!), skillet eggs with bacon, leek and 3 eggs (it was WAY too much food for me - I couldn't finish it). Should I add the two cups of black coffee I routinely drink every morning? I should probably mention that.


LUNCH: leftover beef chuck from last night. At the last minute (last night) I halved and shredded two cups of brussels sprouts and turned them in a very hot pan with coconut oil, garlic and salt and pepper, so I had leftovers of that, too. Seriously amazing, like lacy, caramelized little shreds. I adore brussels sprouts.


And then... sigh.. another apple at 5pm, except this time I remembered the jar of almond butter stashed in my desk drawer and devoured a tablespoon of it, which is weird because the almond butter available in the Netherlands is seriously nasty. I also ate a hardboiled egg right before my WOD. WOD went well, but included a high volume of front squats so I've got a bad case of the Stingy Knees again and I've had to dose up on ibuprofen.


Right now my sweet fiance is making baked meatballs, and as soon as those go in the oven I'll julienne up a zucchini or two for noodles.


Notes: I'm nowhere near as hungry, or feeling as snacky, as I thought I would be. They were passing cupcakes around work today, and I passed that test with flying colours. I'm also making a concerted effort to get more sleep - I've actually been springing out of bed and writing first thing in the morning, which is amazing and rare. I found myself thinking dreamily of cheese and red wine on my walk home from the gym, but I chugged a big glass of water and now those thoughts are gone. Only 27 more days to go!

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You might want to consider replacing your banana, coconut, cashew concoction in the morning with more veggies. Question on the baked meatballs...fiance is making those with ghee instead of butter right? And making sure nothing nasty in the tomatoes used?


Keep up the great work!

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@physibeth thanks for your thoughtful feedback! Fiance is indeed making these paleo friendly, with a little coconut oil instead of butter. I'll be posting recipes from non-paleo blogs that I make Whole30 compliant by omitting or replacing certain ingredients. TBH, I find the majority of paleo recipe blogs totally unusable - it drives me nuts how many don't list recipes by course, or list the amount of servings.

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Blergh, so tired today. I just got home from work and limpingly put on a kind of improvised chilli (onion, beef mince, carrots, sweet potato, a bunch of spices, tomatoes, beef stock, a couple chipotle chillis, and I'll add a splash of apple cider vinegar and a few handfuls of kale near the end).


Breakfast: kale skillet eggs, banana + cashews and coconut.


Lunch: leftovers from last night.


And - drumroll please - an ACTUAL MINI MEAL 5 hours after lunch. I found additive free sliced roast beef at Marqt (the Dutch equivalent of whole foods), and had half a palm's worth along with a sliced capsicum and 3-4 olives (I can't remember, I was STARVING).


Totally exhausted from a long day's work, definitely not so enthusiastic about all the cooking. I'd have been happy to eat a hard boiled egg and go to bed but I need the leftovers for lunch at work tomorrow.

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Really feeling crummy on Day 5.


Breakfast: kale skillet eggs + 2 kiwi fruit with slivered almonds and coconut


Lunch: leftovers from last night


Mini meal: capsicum, olives + sliced additive free roast beef.


I'm about to chomp down on some cashews then drag my bloated, nauseous, headachey, lethargic self to CrossFit. I DO NOT want to go but I'll scale down and see how I go. I picked up supplies for coconut chicken, which I'll make if I don't just crawl into bed as soon as I get back.

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Okay, day 6 + 7:



Breakfast: kale skillet eggs + 2 kiwi fruit with slivered almonds and coconut


Lunch: salad with mache, tuna, avocado and a bag of rauwkost (a handy Dutch supermarket staple - shredded cabbage, capsicum, carrot etc)


Mini meal: capsicum + teaspoon of almond butter.


Dinner: half a leftover coconut chicken breast.




Breakfast: handful cashews, a big bowl of baby spinach topped with a beef burger + fried egg


Lunch: a kind of improvised taco salad - a big bowl of salad greens topped with minced chicken spiced with paprika, cumin, ground coriander, garlic and onion powder, salsa and 1/4 avocado.


I'm having dinner with friends, and they're very kindly making compliant food for me. My friends are wonderful.


I'm still feeling crummy, enjoying the one-two punch of PMS and major sugar withdrawals. My appetite is zero, I'm really struggling to eat anything. One of the trainers at my CrossFit box is a physiotherapist, and after my Thursday WOD he quickly diagnosed me with an inflamed tendon in my right knee, so I'm scaling way way way back in my WODs this week. Taking loads of ibuprofen - I hope we're allowed to take OTC meds!

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Actual day 7:


BREAKFAST: I chopped up a ton of zucchini, capsicum and red onions, and roasted a few cubed sweet potatoes. I seasoned the vegetables with paprika, koriander, salt, pepper and garlic and onion powder. I made this into a kind of hash with pork mince, and topped it with a fried egg and way more (compliant) hot sauce than a sane person would use.


LUNCH: another taco salad.


DINNER: I marinated a bunch of chicken drumsticks in minced ginger, cider vinegar, loads of salt and pepper and avocado oil. I roasted these with pumpkin, a ton of carrots, brussels sprouts, shallots and chili. Super lekker.

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Skipped a day! Here's day 8 + 9.


Day 8 (Monday): Breakfast was a repeat of the vegetable/pork hash plus a fried egg.


Lunch: leftover chicken and roast veges. I adore roasted brussels sprouts but the smell of them reheated really turned me off.


Mini meal: sliced capsicum, spoonful of almond butter, a few olives (could you tell I was scrounging in my work stash?)


Then Crossfit. I have an inflamed tendon in my knee so I'm not squatting, so of course today was 5RM front squat day. Welp, now I know my 1RM push press. Followed with an 8min AMRAP - 50 DU + 25 PP. My shoulders were smoked after attempting a 1RM so I didn't exactly distinguish myself. One of my gym buddies did comment that my skin is looking good.


Fiance made me this for dinner last night with extra spinach and cauliflower rice. My appetite is still pretty depressed.


Today was a repeat of yesterday's breakfast. It'd not really filling me up, so tomorrow I'll add some slices of avocado. Lunch was leftovers. Mini meal was sauerkraut and sardines - I struggled to finish it. I don't know why I tried it, most fish kind of grosses me out, but I am a real fiend for sauerkraut. I think I'll try it tomorrow with a ton of compliant mustard.


Tonight was my favourite paleo comfort food, cauliflower fried rice. I added a ton of spinach and only seasoned with fresh chopped chilli, cider vinegar and sesame oil.


I'm coming down with a bad case of the brats. I desperately miss relaxing and socialising with people. We have a friend coming to visit, and my fiance is taking him to our favourite barbeque restaurant with incredible microbrews. That night I have a WOD and I have to eat, so I'm going to stay home sadly eating coconut chicken. My skin looks nice but I just feel so... restricted.  I know planning is everything but I miss spontaneity.


The good news is that I'm really not tempted to cheat. I'm kind of grimly thinking well, I've come this far, I just have to make it do day 30 (21 more days to go!) The other good news is that my productivity is through the roof. I spring out of bed and go straight to my keyboard. This makes me think that I'll repeat the Whole30 at times when I have a big project to bring home - there's something about this regimented regime that makes me want to focus on work and the gym rather than fun and friends.

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